I was also a member of AGN before mainly attracted by the availability of the Indonesian courses. Unfortunately the Indonesian courses are now a dissapointment. Now they have courses in Taiwan, Korea, Thailand, Singapore etc. but I don't think it is that popular compared to Indonesian courses. And how much is the fee for the International Card? Easily it can cover two years fee for AGS. More has to be done by AGN to attract KGSS golfers.
Pak Akhir
pak,honestly speakin,i just started work here.5 months.im even a newbie in golf,just started to learn myself.but golf is fun!full concentration.i love it.hehe.any buaya`s to teach me er aaarh?pak akhir ke?hkehhee
anyway,ya i do agree we previously had trouble in indonesia back then in 2007,but we are tryin to set up a better one there.(i dont dare say much,manaaa tau ade org office lama AGN KAT sini kan?terasaaa merekaa..ahkhahahkah)
anyway answerin to ur Q,the international card is rm699.our local card(MSIA) rm499 but for have promotion,only rm299 till this end of july,covers more then 60 courses all over msia.certainly covers more then other AG? card...
saya ni takdaa laa sgt nak promote yg international tu cs im in malaysia,but i know the ones(courses) in malaysia now are really strong and more coming soon.even got corporate rates for hotels n etc etc.
previously only got around 55 the whole malaysia,but now the latest ones we got bukit jalil,KDE,afamosa,bukit jambul,berjaya hills,hornbill...
and if everythin goes well,around next week gettin perangsang templer also..
and more comin soon i guess?xtau laa...
pak duk mana pak?malaysia rite?come get the local ones la if u want