Salam Aidiladhar kawan2,
I just try a Nike Forge Blade Iron, look good, nice and menyelerakan..but..
When i try at the driving range carpet, the performance was excellent. I can put the ball almost where i want and the distance was constance (a little bit less then usual but it still good).
The problem arise when i try it on the ground (rumput). Mak aii, memang hancur. Bila amik divot abis melalut2 bola travel. Fumble abis. Emm ingat pakai blade amik divot sedap laa, mcm potong sayur jer hehe....tapi....it going 360 deg.
One i notice that i`m not a hard hitter since my body frame kecil comel (mcm pakngah) jer. I like easy swing.
Tangan takder ketul2...
Perut pun seketul jer (mcm Pak ngah jugak) =)
So maybe that was the main reason.
But...Any other advice? should i use it until i terror or just forget about it and come back to the 'cavity' set?
Any HELP please kawan2