Sime Darby ni nampak macam special je.... x dapat IJN, dapat LCCT Terminal kat Labu.
Nampak macam Sime Darby ni mmg kena dapat something gak b4 march...
This is interesting....
Khazanah is crystal clear that they're not supportive of the Labu LCCT project
but Straits Times Singapore seems to be all for it ..... Hmmm!!! pelik bin ajaib jugak ek!!!
KUALA LUMPUR, Jan 19 (Bernama) --
Khazanah Nasional Bhd, the government's investment holding arm,
is not supportive of the plan to build a permanent low-cost carrier terminal (LCCT) in Labu, its managing director Tan Sri Azman Mokhtar said Monday.
He said the National Airport Masterplan should be used as a reference on what should be built for the sake of the country's development.
"Under the masterplan, 10,000 hectares have already been set aside, of which only about a third has been used," he told reporters after presenting Khazanah's annual review here. He was asked to state Khazanah's stand over the issue.
According to Azman, the airport sector is one where the clustering or network effect is important.
"We cannot have a few airports here and there because then you cannot get the connectivity," he said. Describing it as a national issue, Azman said: "Certainly we should follow through".
"We have the masterplan and we should go back to that. I am sure that AirAsia and Malaysia Airports can sit down and resolve (the matter) for the country's benefit," he said.
When building the airport, they should have software and hardware connectivity to enable seamless travel, Azman said.
"We are shareholders of Malaysia Airlines, we always maintain that both MAS and AirAsia can co-exist so that everybody can benefit," he said.
"In short, we do not support the Labu project. We should stick to the National Airport Masterplan as a lot of resources had been put in," he added.
The Straits Times, Singapore. Jan 20, 2009.
Turbulence hits AirAsia's airport planBy Leslie Lopez
South-east Asia Correspondent
KUALA LUMPUR: - The controversy over a plan by budget airline AirAsia to build its own airport is exposing a major problem that ails corporate Malaysia - how the dominance of state-controlled agencies often stifles entrepreneurship.
The wrangling also highlights the government's inability to rein in poor- performing public enterprises and pursue policies to maximise the use of resources, economists and bankers say.
Unless the government moves quickly to resolve the public feuding between state-controlled airport operator Malaysia Airports Bhd (MAB) and AirAsia, it could undermine the country's tourism sector.
'Especially in these times of crisis, the issue is how well does the country maximise its resources. Building a new airport to resolve this squabble isn't the solution,' said a CEO of a local stockbroking firm.
AirAsia, one of Malaysia's more successful private entities, says the current low-cost terminal located near the Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA) in Sepang would not be able to cope with passenger and fleet growth by 2013.
AirAsia's aggressive chief executive Tony Fernandes predicts that the airline will handle 60 million passengers in four years' time and have a fleet of 184 aircraft.
He also says that MAB's plans to expand its facilities in KLIA will not be completed in time.
Since it would not have any say in the new facilities that MAB intends to build, AirAsia fears that landing and other charges could rise. It thus announced a plan to build its own airport to keep expenses low.
Prime Minister Abdullah Badawi's Cabinet had given AirAsia the green light for this new airport at Labu in Negeri Sembilan, roughly 8km away from KLIA. But that is just part of the story.
AirAsia had tried to negotiate a better deal with MAB, but why the latter did not try hard enough to keep its major customer happy remains a mystery. There are suggestions that the problem may be with MAB's main shareholder, government investment fund Khazanah Holdings. AirAsia's rapid growth has partly come at the expense of national carrier Malaysia Airlines, in which Khazanah holds a majority interest.
In recent weeks, Khazanah officials have lobbied senior Finance Ministry officials to get the government to review its decision on the Negeri Sembilan airport.
But this has received mixed reactions.
While proponents of Khazanah say that it is merely protecting its investments in MAB and Malaysia Airlines, others believe the investment agency is crowding out private enterprise. Khazanah dominates the national economy with controlling stakes in dozens of companies, such as transportation, medical services, finance, property and utilities.
Economists have long argued that this domination has led to inefficiency in policymaking, which is often skewed in favour of government-linked entities.
The turf war aside, there are strong arguments against a new airport. Detractors of the proposal say the KLIA was purpose- built to allow for another three satellite terminals. A new airport would also mean additional expenditure for transport infrastructure and duplication of resources.
What Datuk Seri Abdullah's administration ought to do is to play the role of referee effectively, analysts say.
If the government is of the view that a new airport would be a waste of resources, it should get MAB to negotiate with AirAsia, even if it means giving the latter wide autonomy to operate within KLIA. Under such an arrangement, the government would be able to protect its investment in the airport operator and at the same time allow AirAsia to grow profitably.