Your coIn Malaysia slope rating is used to calculate the course handicap where you will be playing at. And the base/average slope rating used by MGA is 113 (the constant denominator). The formula is:
Course handicap = (USGA Handicap Index*Slope Rating)/113
Where USGA Handicap Index is the calculated value based on your best 10 scores submitted for handicaping. This number is stated on the MHS handicap card, so is the slope rating (for your home course).
Using the above formula you can then calculate your handicap for any course you play at. Slope rating is usually printed on the score card together with the par value of the course (70/71/72).
What if you do not own an MHS hcp card? For corporate tournament the committee usually takes you in as playing handicap 0 and for gross score only. You are not eligible for nett scores.
HOWEVER, please note that some clubs maintain the scorekeeping once a month, some more than one month, So for those who play golf two or three times a day, they have the advantages of makan keliling because the stated hcp is for the previous month's submission, provided they submitted the real scores. This is where the unfairness and inaccuracy of handicaping emerges. This is where the buayas go swimming. What more if they submitted the rotten scores only for handicaping while keeping their best scores in the gloves compartment.
Happy Golfing and welcome to the real world of golf.