Salam sejahtera kepada semua warga KakiGolf!
Bak kata orang-orang tua kita ... " Bukan madu yg manis, Bukan ubat yg pahit" ... Jadi apa yg telahpun diluahkan di sini saya mengambil segalanya dengan hati terbuka, agar ia nya dapat dijadikan sebagai suatu iktibar dan pengajaran untuk kebaikan bersama.
Di sini juga, sekiranya ada sebarang insan yg mempunyai perasaaan kurang puas hati yang masih tersirat di hati mereka, saya dengan ikhlas menyusun sepuluh jari mohon maaf atas segala kekurangan...
However .... Having said that I would like to correct certain perceptions that some of us here may have.
When I started the G2G series, it was never meant and it was never intended to be in form of any tournament. The original intention behind the G2G was to foster good relationship and establishing camaraderie among fellow golfers. That was my motivation.
The prizes (if there were any) should be seen as merely tokens, rather than as trophies that are meant to be won. That was why I never agreed to having any medals or trophies for the G2G when it was at one time suggested ... as I was afraid that it would come to situations such as this.
In fact, I had even wanted to scrap out the idea of giving the free T-Shirts and goody bags ... Because sometimes we humans are such predictable creatures, Lelama benda2 yg kita dapat free tu pun kita dah start tak nampak dah ...
As bro AP rightly put it ..... This is a social outing, a non-profit making event and the everything and anything that goes into making and preparing for this event and making it a reality is solely done out of ...... which I can only guess ... out love and dedication for the community... volunteering one's own time if not money
Notwithstanding however, I do agree with some of issues that had been highlighted and should be noted and followed.
Again, however, if we look at this whole affair in a different light and from another perspective .... Then maybe we might share AP's view on the whole matter...
Regards to all!!