Author Topic: KAKIGOLF's MONTHLY GOLF SURVEY!  (Read 19218 times)

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Offline pakudin

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« Reply #60 on: July 15, 2009, 10:50:09 AM »
I can only Play golf on the day that starts with 'T'

The day after tomorrow
That Day
Tournament Day
Thaipusam day

Any day will do kalau x ada prior appointment

Offline mrfeelgood

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« Reply #61 on: July 15, 2009, 12:04:29 PM »
1. Kerawit - Weekends
2. MrFeelGood - Weekdays
3. Che - Weekends
4. Golfjunkie - doesn't matter, but if on weekdays .. ok if i can get leave for that day.
5. Musbirat - Weekdays ... kalau line clear
6. Azman - Weekends
7. bjgolfer - weekends!
8. Budakboy - weekends
9. alvinyap - weekends
10. moya - weekend...preferred
11. irwanmonterez - weekdays
12. CrazyJ - Weekdays
13. ttdigolfer - weekends
14. amir - weekday
15.lorisimen - weekday
16. doublebogey - weekends!
17.ishakmy - weekends
18. AFJ - weekends
19. Jaafar - weekdays
20. Ahman - Saturday + some of the weekdays
21. Pak Akhir - Prefer weekdays but weekends pun boleh
22. MrGolfer - weekdays
23. Aceye - weekday
24.Hazwan - Week Days!
25. Agus - week-day
26. Golfman - weekday
27. Jamal - weekdays
28. Badak - weekdays
29. airollnajeek - weekdays
30. BANGDOLAH - Weekends venues prefered
31. Zainol ~ Lepas Sembahyang Jumaat, Sabtu(siang/mlm) dan Ahad pagi.
32. Pak Ngah - Saturday afternoons, Sunday mornings (not necessarily every time: single entry visa only  ). Less costly venues preferred.
33. viosyah = weekdays (need to inform earlier, take leave) & weekend...prefer less costly venue
34. Arifin - weekdays sebab golf course tak berapa crowded. WE kat lembah Klang ni biasanya crowded. Kalau nak buat WE buat luar Lembah Klang.
35. Geraldsaw - saturdays not cheep. sundays cheeper. weekdays cheepest.
36. Dr.Maria - weekdays
37. Dato' Sulaiman - weekdays
38. hasrullnizam - selain hari raya puasa dan jadi anak. ok (can apply to become a PGA member tapi kena join get2gether dulu  ;D )
39. liza m - Weekend (both saturday & sunday); weekdays on standby mode; preferrably Wed. to Fri., noon t-off.
40. Anne - Weekend golfer if the venue is out from Pahang ... Anyday golfer if its only in Pahang area ( ni pun ada PGA potential tapi ... tu lah, "anyday" kena main area2 Pahang lah pulak!  ;) )
41. knee - weekend (anytime, anywhere) - ( kalau bole main weekdays skali, memang sah PGA candidate ni ... )
41. zahat - weekday pagi
42. pakudin - I can only Play golf on the day that starts with 'T' : Tuesday, Thursday, Today, Tomorrow, The day after tomorrow, That Day, Tournament Day, Thaipusam day ... Any day will do kalau x ada prior appointment - (   Potential PGA member nih!!! )

Offline raj

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« Reply #62 on: August 23, 2009, 08:55:01 PM »
1. Kerawit - Weekends
2. MrFeelGood - Weekdays
3. Che - Weekends
4. Golfjunkie - doesn't matter, but if on weekdays .. ok if i can get leave for that day.
5. Musbirat - Weekdays ... kalau line clear
6. Azman - Weekends
7. bjgolfer - weekends!
8. Budakboy - weekends
9. alvinyap - weekends
10. moya - weekend...preferred
11. irwanmonterez - weekdays
12. CrazyJ - Weekdays
13. ttdigolfer - weekends
14. amir - weekday
15.lorisimen - weekday
16. doublebogey - weekends!
17.ishakmy - weekends
18. AFJ - weekends
19. Jaafar - weekdays
20. Ahman - Saturday + some of the weekdays
21. Pak Akhir - Prefer weekdays but weekends pun boleh
22. MrGolfer - weekdays
23. Aceye - weekday
24.Hazwan - Week Days!
25. Agus - week-day
26. Golfman - weekday
27. Jamal - weekdays
28. Badak - weekdays
29. airollnajeek - weekdays
30. BANGDOLAH - Weekends venues prefered
31. Zainol ~ Lepas Sembahyang Jumaat, Sabtu(siang/mlm) dan Ahad pagi.
32. Pak Ngah - Saturday afternoons, Sunday mornings (not necessarily every time: single entry visa only  ). Less costly venues preferred.
33. viosyah = weekdays (need to inform earlier, take leave) & weekend...prefer less costly venue
34. Arifin - weekdays sebab golf course tak berapa crowded. WE kat lembah Klang ni biasanya crowded. Kalau nak buat WE buat luar Lembah Klang.
35. Geraldsaw - saturdays not cheep. sundays cheeper. weekdays cheepest.
36. Dr.Maria - weekdays
37. Dato' Sulaiman - weekdays
38. hasrullnizam - selain hari raya puasa dan jadi anak. ok (can apply to become a PGA member tapi kena join get2gether dulu  ;D )
39. liza m - Weekend (both saturday & sunday); weekdays on standby mode; preferrably Wed. to Fri., noon t-off.
40. Anne - Weekend golfer if the venue is out from Pahang ... Anyday golfer if its only in Pahang area ( ni pun ada PGA potential tapi ... tu lah, "anyday" kena main area2 Pahang lah pulak!  ;) )
41. knee - weekend (anytime, anywhere) - ( kalau bole main weekdays skali, memang sah PGA candidate ni ... )
41. zahat - weekday pagi
42. pakudin - I can only Play golf on the day that starts with 'T' : Tuesday, Thursday, Today, Tomorrow, The day after tomorrow, That Day, Tournament Day, Thaipusam day ... Any day will do kalau x ada prior appointment - (   Potential PGA member nih!!! )
43. raj - Anydays (jika area Kuantan or Pekan - sebelah ptg la) selain tu, weekends la.