Cuba describe jenis bola pergi kiri camne: salah satu mesti begini>
Hook-pergi kanan dulu dan ke kiri
Pull-straight kiri
Pull Hook-Mula ke kiri dan lagi kiri-paling teruk,distance lost,OB,water
remedy:saya ingat pull hook yang banyak orang beginner kena>
sebab:(ini extract dari saya punya journal)
1. The pull hook starts left of target and then curves further left.
It is the result of:
2. A grip that is too strong (hands turned too far to the right)
3. A closed clubface at impact, creating anti-clockwise spin and...
4. A swing path that is either in-to-out, out-to-in, or in-to-square-to-in
To cure the pull hook:
1. Weaken your grip to a more neutral position (turn hands to the left)
2. Check your aim and alignment - imagine your feet on one railway line and the clubhead on the other, with the target down the line
3. Move the ball back in your stance(Bola jangan depan sangat)