Hi to all kaki's..
Please try Google or wiki what 'OEM' exactly means.. Full descriptions there...
but I cant find what is 'OMP' acronyms stands for...
Usually when people says OEM set, it means that is is not 100% original or it is a copy product..
If the products is made in authorized OEM factory, you can say that its original..
Nowdays all the big brands are moving their factory to China / Taiwan due to you know what.. for less co$t...
So you know what people in China can do, they can copy anything... even a BMW...
as along they have the mold, they can copy it..
The quality from copy/imitations is of course different..
Please take these clubs and compare them in few proshops.. You should spot the diff..
I am a freelance golf equipment seller and also have these 'OEM' set and Original sets..
I usually make side to side comparisons to my customers..
But look at the pros and cons of purchasing OEM and original products..
Kalo budget golfer or beginner boleh try these copy sets.. you get what you pay for....