THE PROSHOP => Golf Equipment => Topic started by: AccidentalGolfer on October 19, 2009, 09:55:08 AM
Salam all,
Had a game with a fellow golfer who used a fluorescent ball. I do admit that it is easier to track and does alleviate the anxiety and foul mouthedness ;D
I'll be soon playing in a very jungle-y course and my normal expenditure on lost balls is equivalent to my kid's tuition fees every month...
may I seek your suggestions?
1) I'd recommend .......... (brand/model)
2) Get it 2nd hand by the ......road leading to ..... golf course.
3) Real men play only white balls.
4) Stop playing the game is not an option :'(
Ko ada sesapa yg boleh rekomen mana2 kemenyan bola2 ;D :D
Tim-tim kaseh ;D
Salam all,
Had a game with a fellow golfer who used a fluorescent ball. I do admit that it is easier to track and does alleviate the anxiety and foul mouthedness ;D
I'll be soon playing in a very jungle-y course and my normal expenditure on lost balls is equivalent to my kid's tuition fees every month...
may I seek your suggestions?
1) I'd recommend .......... (brand/model)
2) Get it 2nd hand by the ......road leading to ..... golf course.
3) Real men play only white balls.
4) Stop playing the game is not an option :'(
Ko ada sesapa yg boleh rekomen mana2 kemenyan bola2 ;D :D
Tim-tim kaseh ;D
"fluorescent balls"??? main malam pun tak payah pakai bola jenis tu, apa lagi main siang. but then, entah lah....maybe AP and pakudin lebih arif benda macam ni kot... jangan tanya bro zainol, coz he prefers only the original type.
Wow!!! Glow in the dark Ballssss!!!! >:D
Not GID balls, but those bright yellow ones.
Al kesah ...... flightmate tetiba tukar ke bola yg karer kuning. I pun dok mengkaji game dia. Didapati bahawa swingnye hancus dan bola2 PKMK. Jadi, depa pandai. Dengan bola kuning, senang di jumpai, malah 'flight line' jelas sekali. Jadi, pepatah barat - one stone, 3 birds ... Depa senang cari bola, depa kurang stress and most importantly flight kami tidak melengahkan yg dibelakang.
Jadi tabik le kat flightmate yg tak ikut convention of using white balls.
Sebab2 nilah yg convince me to include Fluorescent balls in my golf arsenal. Kalau commando course, yellow all the way. Kalo course biasa tapi swing hancus, cepat3 tukaq ke kuning ;D
....All for the improvement and enjoyment of the game.
So, I'd like to know where everybody (if anybody uses them) source the balls or have any experience with them.
Itu je O0
Wow!!! Glow in the dark Ballssss!!!! >:D
Always glow in the semak...
Memang ada bola yang super yellow ni. Dulu I used to buy at stall towards Hartamas/KLGCC. Tapi harga yang second hand pun agak mahal around RM60 per 20 balls packet. Sekarang ni jarang ada, but if you order from the guys who man the stall ada kut.
Susah sangat cat jer bola putih tu ngan flouresecent pait. ICI Super Pearl Glow. Boleh wipe lagi kalau kotor.
Bila pulak bola yang boleh detect ngan handphone GPS nak keluar...............???
Pak Akhir
Pak akhir
camana dgn bola yg siap ada lampu kat dalam bila pukul boleh blinking,mana nak cari?
Pak akhir
camana dgn bola yg siap ada lampu kat dalam bila pukul boleh blinking,mana nak cari?
pak ngah kalau bulih, nak cari bola yg masuk kolam pastu dia merangkak naik ke tebing balik sana dengan selamba...selamat satu stroke! (sori tokwan, lari topik!!)
Pak akhir
camana dgn bola yg siap ada lampu kat dalam bila pukul boleh blinking,mana nak cari?
pak ngah kalau bulih, nak cari bola yg masuk kolam pastu dia merangkak naik ke tebing balik sana dengan selamba...selamat satu stroke! (sori tokwan, lari topik!!)
tu telor biawak pak ngah... O0
No worries, sprinklings of jokes makes the conversation livelier.
I have a strong feeling a few kakigolfer are kartunis/penyumbang pencen majalah Gila-Gila :D
Pak Ngah tu gerenti si 'Prof. Serba Tahu' :o
Pak Akhir, Thanks. I'll detour hartamas dua hari ini.
So, another humbling lesson for me. Jangan macho sangat. keep a couple of yellow balls in the bag so that you can be creative in your game.
Drive 'em long !
Tok Wan,
I was passing KGNS on 27/10 on the way to KRTU and saw the flourescent balls at the used balls stall. So, I managed to get 10 balls at RM25/- A collection of flourescent yellow and green. If you still need it, I will pass it to you, else I will whack them myself.
Pak Akhir
Pak Akhir,
Banyak kamsiah! :)
Please, do keep them for me. I did managed to grab a small bag of the flourescent ones from your recommended place, only on the second time I passed by.
Since I 'donated' those to San Sui and Hot Springs just this week :D Yours will come in handy ;D
I'm sure it will be very soon that I'll collect from you. Sixth sense telling me there's a G2G round the corner ;D ;D ;D
Till then, thanks again :)
Do call me when you want to collect the ball. I believe you have my HP no.
Pak Akhir
Do call me when you want to collect the ball. I believe you have my HP no.
Pak Akhir
cepat cepat, tok wan! bukannya apa, takut nanti bola tu semua habis...masuk semak masuk kolam ;D ;D
Takpe, Pak Ngah. Kita boleh cuba bola teloq biawak dari kebun klapa sawit Daddyjoe :D ;D