
THE PROSHOP => Golf Equipment => Topic started by: mrfeelgood on September 21, 2009, 12:55:42 PM

Title: The Most Important Golf Club in Your Bag?
Post by: mrfeelgood on September 21, 2009, 12:55:42 PM
What's the Most Important Golf Club in Your Bag?

So what's the most import club in your golf bag? Here's what some of the Top Coaches in golf had to say when interviewed by Golf Magazine...

Brian Mogg, coach for Y.E. Yang (winner PGA Championship 2009):
"The putter is the most important club in the bag. If it works it is worth every penny you spent."

Mike Bender, coach of Zach Johnson:
"Without a doubt, the most important club in the bag is the driver. Have you ever heard of a golfer incurring a penalty on a putter?"

John Elliot, director of golf instruction at Golden Ocala Golf:
"The most important can mean the club that has the most influence on your score, which is your putter."

Mike Perpich, Teaching Pro at River Pines Golf Club in Alpharetta, Ga:
"For the weekend golfer, the wedges are the most important clubs. The 52°, 56°, and 60°. Stats show that even the best putters in the world only make about 15% of their putts from 15 feet, so pitching and chipping the ball closer when you miss the green is a big deal."

Steve Bosdosh, Pro at The Members Club at Four Streams, Maryland:
A 24° hybrid is the answer for average golfers. All else being equal, this club will help them shoot lower scores."

So ...... Howbout you guys? What's the single most important golf club in your bag? Share with us ... Sharing is caring kan!  ;)
Title: Re: The Most Important Golf Club in Your Bag?
Post by: ahman on September 21, 2009, 08:37:27 PM
important club??? I would go for my driver la..if my driver goes well, I would have good feeling to score better...but if it doesn't, it basically ruined my game....
Title: Re: The Most Important Golf Club in Your Bag?
Post by: ahmadnasri on September 21, 2009, 10:15:52 PM
For me, my Pitching, Gap and Sand wedges are the most important clubs in my game. My personal par for any given game is 90 ( tak reti nak pukul driver bagi bola pegi jauh macam ahman   ;D) . Most of the par 4s are 3-on-2-putt holes for me. So, my wedges got to perform if I want to try to limit my  putts to 2 on every hole.
Title: Re: The Most Important Golf Club in Your Bag?
Post by: mrfeelgood on September 23, 2009, 02:06:27 AM
My driving sucks big time, and my 2nd shots aren't very consistent either ... so I'd be happy if I get a 3-on for the Par 4s, 4-ons for the Par-5s and for the longer Par-3s, I'd even be jumping with joy if I can get a 2-on ... hopefully get the ball as close as possible and pray that my putts do not go beyond 2.  :)

So for me, I think my 52* Approach Wedge would be the most important club in my bag...  ;D
Title: Re: The Most Important Golf Club in Your Bag?
Post by: alexkpc on September 24, 2009, 04:43:51 PM
Most Important Golf Club in my golf bag will be my Putter.... Never Compromise Tau Putter.

Main reason is say if you don't some clubs for some purpose, you can always use other clubs by adjusting your swing to serve the purpose, but putter is the only one that cannot be replaced.
Title: Re: The Most Important Golf Club in Your Bag?
Post by: zullzaqwan on October 17, 2009, 07:30:40 PM
The most important club for me is my wedges, which currently I'm using vokey 58 deg and 52 deg. The gap between the two might be a bit odd to some, but I'm comfortable choking down on my 52. For green side bunker I'll use the 58 deg and chipping most of the time I'll use my 52 deg.

Well, the wedges might be the most important clubs in my bag, but the one I treasure and love the most is my putter though. A bday gift from my wife, so I have to use it sampai bila bila hehe.
Title: Re: The Most Important Golf Club in Your Bag?
Post by: golfjunkie09 on October 23, 2009, 04:56:56 PM
Salam buat semua. Member ni orang baru.
Buat saya most important club kat bag saya adalah set irons saya. Sebab:

1) bila start main golf, I start dengan irons dulu.
2) bila dah pandai sikit, tee off pun boleh pakai irons jugak. hehehe (sebab kadang2 driver dan woods hancur)
3) irons lebih senang control. >:D

Title: Re: The Most Important Golf Club in Your Bag?
Post by: Budakboy on October 04, 2010, 08:56:01 PM
For me of coz la the Putter, most of the birdie coz by the putter and most of the OB coz by the Driver, Wood, Hybrid, Iron, Wadges hahaha...  ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: The Most Important Golf Club in Your Bag?
Post by: absamad on October 10, 2010, 11:07:33 PM
for myself,it is between putter and sand wedge....but I settle for sand wedge since it is the club I rely most....particularly when it is within 50 meters to the green. A good chip will help me to get at least a boogie, sometimes a par....kalu within 4 feet to the pin, I think any putter I use doesn't matter anymore....
Title: Re: The Most Important Golf Club in Your Bag?
Post by: erizzzzz on October 11, 2010, 12:35:51 AM
it changes from time to time.

at one time, it was my driver cuz i can draw and fade it as i like, thought not that far
then, at one time, my answer would be the 3-rescue becuz its the club that i could control the direction and distance best.
then before puasa, it was my 54&60, the 2 clubs that i could hit my best shot, the bunker shot.

now, i'm not sure because after raya everything is in a mess. but the one i hate most now is the 3-woods

Title: Re: The Most Important Golf Club in Your Bag?
Post by: ariffphotography on October 17, 2010, 09:55:13 PM
the most important club in my bag are my iron and sand wedge. For me, the hardest thing in golf is to put the golf ball on the green. If you can hit your driver very long,you still need your iron (par 5's) and sand wedge (par 4's). If you have a good putting stroke, but you can't hit your your iron and sand wedge well to put the ball on the green,you will not enjoy your game. Thats my opinion.

Title: Re: The Most Important Golf Club in Your Bag?
Post by: TeeOff on October 18, 2010, 02:51:01 PM
yes u r right ariff...

4 me, my titleist 56 degree vokey wedge...

and some chocalate.. nyummy BURBBB
Title: Re: The Most Important Golf Club in Your Bag?
Post by: Budak Baik on December 03, 2010, 05:36:53 PM
my scotty lah... everytime nak putt je, i buat ritual dengan putter... "Coronado, lets make some magic"
Title: Re: The Most Important Golf Club in Your Bag?
Post by: Alke on December 08, 2010, 10:41:25 AM
For me, my customized Cleveland driver is the most important club. yalah, nak tee-off saya wajib pakai driver. Kalau driver tak best hari tu, my iron game, my short game and putting semua takde feel!!! :(
Title: Re: The Most Important Golf Club in Your Bag?
Post by: Budakboy on December 28, 2010, 10:12:12 PM
The most important is the putter, because....because...because...donno lah =)
Title: Re: The Most Important Golf Club in Your Bag?
Post by: rebootxmen on December 28, 2010, 10:48:45 PM
for me... driver... if i hit good drive, then all will be good... 2nd n 3rd shoot hv feel good...
but when driver go wrong... panas!!!!... semua tak menjadi....
Title: Re: The Most Important Golf Club in Your Bag?
Post by: Budakboy on December 28, 2010, 11:16:02 PM
Hehe...apa susah bos, takyah guna driver, kasi guna wood jer for tee hehe...anyway good to know you sir, the driver man =) O0 O0
Title: Re: The Most Important Golf Club in Your Bag?
Post by: rebootxmen on December 28, 2010, 11:42:18 PM
tee off guna wood tue sebab driver baru lum sampai... la nie driver baru dah mari... memang bedentum bunyinya...
Title: Re: The Most Important Golf Club in Your Bag?
Post by: Budakboy on December 28, 2010, 11:43:31 PM
Hahaha...berdentum! macam geng2 NIKE jer hehe...  ;D
Title: Re: The Most Important Golf Club in Your Bag?
Post by: rebootxmen on December 28, 2010, 11:56:44 PM
mmg Nike aje ada bunyi pelik menyakitkan hati playmate yg lain.... hahahaha...