THE CLUBHOUSE => Golf Courses => Topic started by: mrfeelgood on August 13, 2009, 12:42:02 AM
OK guys, list the best course that you've played before and why you think its the best ....
OK guys, list the best course that you've played before and why you think its the best ....
bro ,
You mention Malaysia or Tanah Besar nii
OK guys, list the best course that you've played before and why you think its the best ....
bro ,
You mention Malaysia or Tanah Besar nii
Opppss!!! Sorry ... Best course yg penah main kat Malaysia ... ;)
takde sapa ke nak bagi feedback...
Category 1: Boleh hantam selalu (Regardless the distance of journey)
1. Lembah Beringin
2. Danau UKM
Category 2: Sekali sekala
1. Saujana Subang
2. Glenmarie
utk ..
1.Kota Permai ...ni bila ada tournament bolehlah join..mahal beb
2. saujana Subang.ni pun sama jugak mahal. main bila ada tournament je
3. Danau UKM..ni my home club
4. Lembah Beringin..
5. Saujana Impian..
ni semua kategori Green laju punya..
Best Friendly course
1. Kinrara...bila aku main kat sini entah cam mana score boleh bawah 90.
2. IoI
3. KGSAS..tak semua nine yg friendly
1. Bukit Kemuning
2. Lembah Beringin
Course2 yg aku jarang ilang bola!!! ;)
Best course for me:
1.Monterez(Zoez punya club)-short course-kurang penat
2.Bkt Kemuning - Lapang/luas
3.Tasik Putri -
Challenging course-
2.Sri Selangor
Most visit
1.Kundang Lake(pasal murah)
2.Bkt Beruntung
3.Carrey Island-RM30 main dari pagi sampai petang
for now my best course is Seri Selangor after the preparations for Selangor Masters last week.
they clean up the rough, rolled the greens and now the greens are very true and very fast. (easily 11/12 on the stimmeter)
but the golfers terrace food has dropped in quality.
best course played is pantai legenda golf & country club in pekan. especially its fairway, like walking on carpet, with thick underlay. if divot (purposely or accidentally), a big chunck will fly, like pro divots. course is near the south china sea with strong wind blowing. one par 3 i think is about 120 metre but 7 iron not sure reach the green becoz of wind. next is par 5 also facing the wind, you will face the same problem. few years ago this course was maintained properly and playing there was real pleasure. perhaps kuantan kaki can update on this.
My rating as below:
1. Sg Long GCC - Long course & quite expensive.
2. KLGCC West Course - newly refurbished & expensive, weekend greenfee RM400/head
3. Lembah Beringin - wonderfully done up be Saujana
4. Saujana Cobra - veryyy challenging but interesting,,
5. Tg Puteri Pasir Gudang Course A -beautiful course fit for royalty, the Johor Royalties are regulars .Actually, there are the A, B & C courses, but A is the better one...
Siapa2 nak main kat any of the course jangan lupa sound member ni... mane le tau..
Bro Bereh & other bros & sis...
Sebelah pantai timur ni...
paling best..(mengikut firasat aku yea...)
( Dari lanjut paling selatan ke Dungun ter utara)
1. Lanjut
2. awana kijal
3.Royal pahang
5.bukit besi
6.rantau petronas
7.itm dungun
8.KRTU batu 9
.......kalau astana masih ada , astana tempat pertama!!
encik zainol,
surprisingly Ibai and Kuala Terengganu (Gong Badak) is missing from your list. especially ibai, it is a championship course even though, perhaps, nowadays, lacking in maintainence.
lagenda @ #4 - that shows in what deplorable state the once lovely course is now, how sad.
Bro Bereh; I'm from kuantan.. so my list of clubs only that reachable with in 2 hours from kuantan, the southest is Lanjut and the Northest is Dungun. Ibai dah 3 jam dari kuantan.. Lagi pun itu kawasan Halimunser... kena mintak komen dia... ;D ;D ;D
I have to choose a senior golfer friendly course. And my choice of best course is Royal Palm Spring Golf Course, Port Dickson. The first nine is soo flat , fairways wide and short. Only the first hole that you need to be careful as not to send your ball to the apartment building. The second nine some terrain but not that difficult too. The only problem is the pond and ditches. Easy too get par and give you that feel good factor.
Since the course is just on the opposite road to Tiara (one of the recommended family hotel in PD), you can always take your family and let them soak in the mini water park in the hotel and you can golf to your heart content.
Talking about my best, I would also talk about my worst course. My choice of worse course is Fraser's Hill Golf Course (the 18 holes not the 9 holes in town). I don't know if it is still there. It is truly an altitude golf where you tee off from one elevation to hit another elevatin (similar to hole 16 par 3 at Royal Seri Menanti GC). I lost 25 balls at this Fraser's Hill course. If this is no more in existence, then my worst course go to Selesa Golf Course near Janda Baik, Pahang. More or less the same as the Fraser's Hill one.
Pak Akhir
I played once at Kota Permai and Glenmarie, ada memember belanja. Between the two, I am of the opinion that Glenmarie much scenic. Tapi kalau ranking untuk "golf course sana sini" yg need membership cards like AGN, GLi so that affordable to play over the weekend, I am inclined to nominate Nilai Springs. Played there last weekend on their Pine and Mango. The greens and fairways were so well maintained, ada sloping sloping, terasa bertapa payahnye Tiger putted in the recent PGA Championship. For the last hole of Mango, bila hit iron 6 or 7 on your 2nd shot, your ball could pass the hole by more than 10 feet and roll back. Bola spin ker ??? pergh, terasa macam pro sekejap. Tapi tak lah, slope kat last hole tu steep.
These are my fav and least fav courses, the ones that I've played since August last year when I started golfing :
Local Favourite - Affordable
1. Seri Selangor
2. Monterez
3. Templer Park
4. Danau
5. Nilai Spring
Local Favourite - Score-able
1. Bukit Kemuning
2. Tasik Puteri
3. Lembah Beringin
4. Saujana Subang, Bunga Raya Course
5. IOI Palm Garden
Local Favourite - Best Course (Enjoyed the challenge and nice view)
1. Mines
2. Glenmarie
3. Tied - Sungai Long and Saujana Subang
Local Favourite - Outside Klang Valley
1. Datai Bay, Langkawi
2. Staffield, NS
3. Horizon Hill, Johor
International Favourite
1. Nirwana, Bali
2. Royal Melbourne
3. Royale Jakarta
4. Ria Bintan
5. King's Island, Hanoi
Local Least Favourite - Either Absolute Crap or Un-Score-able (as yet)
1. Kelab Tuanku Jaafar, NS (abso-effing-ly CRAP)
2. Rahman Putra (susah gila nak score, my best score here is 96)
3. UPM
Rahman Putra (susah gila nak score, my best score here is 96)
That would be my best score anywhere!!! huhuhu!!!
course kalu lembah klang saya rasa Kota Permai & Saujana (cobra)....
Pantai Timur.... Pantai Lagenda memang best gila.... siap ada dinasour lagi kat teebox
Johor... Horaizon Hill... angin tak leh baca.. kejap kiri.. kekap kanan..
Luar negara... Royal Cape GC (afrika Selatan)... memang asik main kat sana.. tapi kena bawak baju tebal... sejuk..
Tak banyak tempat yang aku main, pendapat aku kalau kat Johor main kat
Legend Golf Club Sedenak giler best, Tanjung Puteri, IOI Kulai, Ponderosa. Aku banyak main kat sana sbb selalu travel gi JB.
Teringin nak main kat Glenmarie, macam mana yek. Berapa Green Fees?
Legend Golf Club Sedenak memang best. BESAR PUNYA BEST!!!
Tapi bagi aku... Andaman @ datai bay paling best kat malaysia...!
Teringin nak main kat Glenmarie, macam mana yek. Berapa Green Fees?
Kawe, kalau nak turun Glenmarie bagitau I pun dah lama tak turun kat situ. Weekdays package RM150 including buggy, green fee and caddy tetapi mesti T-Off before 9.45 am. Sebelah petang RM180 tak termasuk caddy (caddy is compulsory).
Hari sabtu & ahad RM200 lebih (tak tau exactly) sebab jarang main hari minggu disitu.
Teringin nak main kat Glenmarie, macam mana yek. Berapa Green Fees?
Kawe, kalau nak turun Glenmarie bagitau I pun dah lama tak turun kat situ. Weekdays package RM150 including buggy, green fee and caddy tetapi mesti T-Off before 9.45 am. Sebelah petang RM180 tak termasuk caddy (caddy is compulsory).
Hari sabtu & ahad RM200 lebih (tak tau exactly) sebab jarang main hari minggu disitu.
next month lah geng..bulan ni cuti dah abiss
Teringin nak main kat Glenmarie, macam mana yek. Berapa Green Fees?
Kawe, kalau nak turun Glenmarie bagitau I pun dah lama tak turun kat situ. Weekdays package RM150 including buggy, green fee and caddy tetapi mesti T-Off before 9.45 am. Sebelah petang RM180 tak termasuk caddy (caddy is compulsory).
Hari sabtu & ahad RM200 lebih (tak tau exactly) sebab jarang main hari minggu disitu.
next month lah geng..bulan ni cuti dah abiss
Tak penah menebas di Glenmarie ... Maw try gak ... Jom kita set appointment lepas Pro-AM
Teringin nak main kat Glenmarie, macam mana yek. Berapa Green Fees?
Kawe, kalau nak turun Glenmarie bagitau I pun dah lama tak turun kat situ. Weekdays package RM150 including buggy, green fee and caddy tetapi mesti T-Off before 9.45 am. Sebelah petang RM180 tak termasuk caddy (caddy is compulsory).
Hari sabtu & ahad RM200 lebih (tak tau exactly) sebab jarang main hari minggu disitu.
next month lah geng..bulan ni cuti dah abiss
Bro, company hang ni pelik sangat...cuti quota by month ker? bukan setahun ke??
Ladang Bkt Alaf. Sah u all x pernah try. Plantation course, 9 holes. Last weekend main dpt 2 pars jek. Cousin dia Orchid Golf.
Couse yang best main ..
1. Eastwood Valley Golf & Country Club - Miri . maheiii tapi puas hati.. fairway dia pakai rumput macam green
Layanan best .. fairway tak dak kemucut sepokok pun. keluar sekeping sekeping divot.
2. Mount Kinabalu Golf Club - Kundasang Sabah ( kaki gunung kinabalu ) . Undulating . Permandangan dia menghilangkan penat.. murah.. cuma rasa kurang oksigen jaa.. very challenging also.
3. Karambunai pun ok juga ..
4. Dalit .. favoret tengku muda ni.. :-X
best course played is pantai legenda golf & country club in pekan. especially its fairway, like walking on carpet, with thick underlay. if divot (purposely or accidentally), a big chunck will fly, like pro divots. course is near the south china sea with strong wind blowing. one par 3 i think is about 120 metre but 7 iron not sure reach the green becoz of wind. next is par 5 also facing the wind, you will face the same problem. few years ago this course was maintained properly and playing there was real pleasure. perhaps kuantan kaki can update on this.
Ada sesiapa nak update ke???? ;D
1. Sg Long - Fairway macam green, rasa sayang nak main divot. Mane taknye, Japanese members main bila visit malaysia je. active golfer members around 100 people, tu pun jarang main. member kasi tau sbb nak main kena main dengan member.
2. Mines resort - mcam Sg Long gak tapi quite challenging.
4.Tropicana - beautiful layout and caddies. Challenging gak.
Gelong nye notebook. lain butang kita tekan, post button lak dia pi tekan. ada hantu kot....
semula! My Top 10 course in Klang Valley:
1. Sg Long - Fairway macam green, rasa sayang nak main divot. Mane taknye, Japanese members main bila visit malaysia je. active golfer members around 100 people, tu pun jarang main. member kasi tau sbb nak main kena main dengan member. Mostly flat ground. layout first and 2nd nine lebih kurang same je. huge changing room. very very very few flights on weekdays. yours might be the only flight on course at a time.
2. Mines resort - mcam Sg Long gak tapi quite challenging. quite hilly and some tight fairways. Interestingly, they managed to preserve rain forest around the area coz bola akan terbang in between rain forest trees. 5 star service.
3. Glenmarie - beautiful course tapi tak challenging sangat sbb designed for datuk2, tan sri2 dan corporate leaders yg nak maintain "single" handicap. but enjoyable coz friendly course (course only), susah hilang bola or OB except bola masuk kolam. fairway, kapalterbang pun boleh landing.
4. Kota Permai - beautiful and challenging sbb tu selalu orang buat big tournament kat sini. most KG members have played here. good service. Kalu corporate tournament buat kat sini selalunya seat habis utilized by members je.
5. Tropicana - beautiful layout, maintained ok and lovely caddies. Challenging gak sini. MOst KG members also played here. excellent service. GLI members, check this out!
6. KGSAAS - beautiful, challenging, excellent service, good foods. geng pak ngah selalu main sini kot.
7. Kajang Hill - well maintained, interesting and challenging course. Japanese managed. good japanese and chinese style cookings.
8. KLGCC - Tak sampai hajat lagi nak dapat main sini. nak main gak kat sini. jom
9. KGPA - takde orang nak bawa aku main sini. tapi dengar kata sudah dan indah kabar dari rupa dan mahal. tapi nak try gak.
10. Royal Selangor - Kempunan nak try sini. open day to government servant on wednesday afternoon only. tapi aku bukan orang gomen! ahhhhhh!
My 2 cents observation - kelab yg maintained by Japanese biasa biasa nye, well maintained termasuk yg luar dari KL - Tiara Melaka, Kristal Golf Club etc.
Pantai Timur - Lagenda.
Johor - beberapa sbb tak habis round lagi kat sana.
Utara - Penang & Black Forest. Darulaman, green normally misleading as ground dia potong reverse. Meaning mata kasa nampak uphill tapi sebenarnya downhill. begitulah sebaliknya. first timer jangan bet dgn members or visitors yg selalu main sini. Cinta sayang - ok la. Teluk Rubiah - cute.
Sabah & Sarawak belum dapat peluang main.
1 Horizon Hill - teringat masa main kat Halim 3 Jakarta
2 Sg Long - well maintain
3 Danau - green laju, tapi kalu musim hujan fairway becak - most challenging
4 Saujana Subang - teringat Permata Sentul
5 kota Permai
6 tiara melaka
7 Orna Melaka
8 kgpa
9 Sri Selangor
10 Bukit Jawi
11 Meru Valley
12 Kajang Hill
Best golf course pernah main
Bintan Singapore,
Halim 3, Jakarta
Errrrrr... kalu di kelate... Golf Course mana hok paling cantik.. paling seksa.. paling senang.. paling nyampah "untuk dimainkan"?
Errrrrr... kalu di kelate... Golf Course mana hok paling cantik.. paling seksa.. paling senang.. paling nyampah "untuk dimainkan"?
hok kt klate ni boh....hok paling come...hok paling sekso...hok paling sene...hok paling nyapoh main 2 x dok boh....sbb dia ado pong 1 jah yg 18 lube....2 lg 9 lube jah...jdk hok nok ghayot nyo...x dok la yg tertarik...menarik...ko mmg kedebom kt klate pdng golf ni....
to me in no particular order:
1. Glenmarie Valley COurse. Harder than Garden Course. Green laju. bola kene lambung tinggi, kalau tak, sure golek masuk air kat blkg green.
2. Lanjut (Rompin). Green Cantik. Xramai. 7 org satu flight pon bole. hahahaha. tp changing room truk. air shower busuk.
3. Darulaman. Green Tricky. Ingat kiri tapi kanan, ingan uphill tp downhill. Tp kalau hujan, air takong kat green.
4. Damai Laut. Hole 14 or 15. best scenery. sapa pukul kuat bole 1 on. tp kene lalu hutan.
5. Kajang HIll. Challenging. green ada slow ada laju. 1st hole masuk hutan is better than on fairway. hahahaha. Tp jepon suke bogel kat changing room. xmalu ke. da la 'barang' dia kecik and kontot. hahahah
to me in no particular order:
1. Glenmarie Valley COurse. Harder than Garden Course. Green laju. bola kene lambung tinggi, kalau tak, sure golek masuk air kat blkg green.
2. Lanjut (Rompin). Green Cantik. Xramai. 7 org satu flight pon bole. hahahaha. tp changing room truk. air shower busuk.
3. Darulaman. Green Tricky. Ingat kiri tapi kanan, ingan uphill tp downhill. Tp kalau hujan, air takong kat green.
4. Damai Laut. Hole 14 or 15. best scenery. sapa pukul kuat bole 1 on. tp kene lalu hutan.
5. Kajang HIll. Challenging. green ada slow ada laju. 1st hole masuk hutan is better than on fairway. hahahaha. Tp jepon suke bogel kat changing room. xmalu ke. da la 'barang' dia kecik and kontot. hahahah
Yang ko tengok tu buat apa?. eeee. Iskh,ishk :o :o :o :o
4. Damai Laut. Hole 14 or 15. best scenery. sapa pukul kuat bole 1 on. tp kene lalu hutan.
Bro! Damai Laut ada "Stay & Play" package kan? Brapa ek?
4. Damai Laut. Hole 14 or 15. best scenery. sapa pukul kuat bole 1 on. tp kene lalu hutan.
Bro! Damai Laut ada "Stay & Play" package kan? Brapa ek?
150 twin sharing. mean satu bilik 300 share 2 org. both person dpt 2 golf. buggy xmasuk.
buggy rm35 seigt aku la...
kalau nak letme know, aku forwardkan no contact person
buggy rm35 seigt aku la...
kalau nak letme know, aku forwardkan no contact person
Which means ...bayar buggy je lah? So total damage per pax is RM150 for share of room plus RM35 for buggy?
Btw ... how long is the drive to Damai Laut ... Kalau bawak keta relakz?
buggy rm35 seigt aku la...
kalau nak letme know, aku forwardkan no contact person
Which means ...bayar buggy je lah? So total damage per pax is RM150 for share of room plus RM35 for buggy?
Btw ... how long is the drive to Damai Laut ... Kalau bawak keta relakz?
paling tinggi 3 jam sampai.....drp pekan lumut dlm 20-30 minit lagi...
buggy rm35 seigt aku la...
kalau nak letme know, aku forwardkan no contact person
Which means ...bayar buggy je lah? So total damage per pax is RM150 for share of room plus RM35 for buggy?
Btw ... how long is the drive to Damai Laut ... Kalau bawak keta relakz?
Depends on how you drive la..kalau jika pakai pitching wedge dan tak masuk longkang, 4 jam sampai.kalau jika pakai driver (yg tak kene virus U54) dan roll lebeh, 2.5 jam sampai le, jika kalau duff, setengah jam sampai la..tol Guthrie ;D ;D ;D
buggy rm35 seigt aku la...
kalau nak letme know, aku forwardkan no contact person
Which means ...bayar buggy je lah? So total damage per pax is RM150 for share of room plus RM35 for buggy?
Btw ... how long is the drive to Damai Laut ... Kalau bawak keta relakz?
Depends on how you drive la..kalau jika pakai pitching wedge dan tak masuk longkang, 4 jam sampai.kalau jika pakai driver (yg tak kene virus U54) dan roll lebeh, 2.5 jam sampai le, jika kalau duff, setengah jam sampai la..tol Guthrie ;D ;D ;D
Tapi saya rasalah kan ... Kalau Sekiranya pakai Driver jenis U54 .... Takkan sampai2 ....
buggy rm35 seigt aku la...
kalau nak letme know, aku forwardkan no contact person
Which means ...bayar buggy je lah? So total damage per pax is RM150 for share of room plus RM35 for buggy?
Btw ... how long is the drive to Damai Laut ... Kalau bawak keta relakz?
Depends on how you drive la..kalau jika pakai pitching wedge dan tak masuk longkang, 4 jam sampai.kalau jika pakai driver (yg tak kene virus U54) dan roll lebeh, 2.5 jam sampai le, jika kalau duff, setengah jam sampai la..tol Guthrie ;D ;D ;D
Tapi saya rasalah kan ... Kalau Sekiranya pakai Driver jenis U54 .... Takkan sampai2 ....
Sampai tua dok kat Monterez la... :-*
buggy rm35 seigt aku la...
kalau nak letme know, aku forwardkan no contact person
Which means ...bayar buggy je lah? So total damage per pax is RM150 for share of room plus RM35 for buggy?
Btw ... how long is the drive to Damai Laut ... Kalau bawak keta relakz?
2-2stgh jam, bergantung jln mana kau pilih. lupa la plak, ixgt sgt. palik truk pon 3 jam la.
mcm mana nak sampai, org kata carik damai laut, dia carik Clearwater
Ada orang tu kata perkataan kalau dah takde sekatan. Tapi nampak gaye masih ada sekatan yer
Ada orang tu kata perkataan kalau dah takde sekatan. Tapi nampak gaye masih ada sekatan yer
Nak gi main kat Kajang Hill lah. Main masa season si Jepun turun. Baru rasa gah! :)
Recently played at Amverton. OK! Recommended.. ;)
Bukit Besi Golf Resort Terengganu
Jewel of the Eastcoast@Challenge your patient and skill
Played at Amverton last week.. Kinda short but nice & new ;D
Played at KGPA yesterday. Nice long and challenging course. Same time as CIMB Classic final kt KLGCC jiran sebelah course.. ;D
Couse yang best main ..
1. Eastwood Valley Golf & Country Club - Miri . maheiii tapi puas hati.. fairway dia pakai rumput macam green
Layanan best .. fairway tak dak kemucut sepokok pun. keluar sekeping sekeping divot.
2. Mount Kinabalu Golf Club - Kundasang Sabah ( kaki gunung kinabalu ) . Undulating . Permandangan dia menghilangkan penat.. murah.. cuma rasa kurang oksigen jaa.. very challenging also.
3. Karambunai pun ok juga ..
4. Dalit .. favoret tengku muda ni.. :-X
bro kat Miri ke? boleh join nanti. saya pun baru2 je belajar 2 bulan lepas.. tggu dah pandai boleh la kut test Eastwood hehe