THE PROSHOP => Want to Buy => Topic started by: Arifin on July 29, 2009, 08:01:44 PM
Ade sape2 nak jual KGRP membership? Nak consider in my shopping list
You can call the club as is it advertised at the club bulletin board. Going price inclusive of transfer fee is bout RM10,000.00 Beware of the transfer fee - RM6,000.00. In addition, club will charge other fees ( cant remember what) bout RM1,000.00. I helped to sell one, total price 10,500.00
Good luck
TQ 4 the info. Will try 2 call the club. I hope RM10000 is all in price. KGRP is so near to my place. Ptg2 boleh pukul 9 holes walking. Ada gak sikit exercise. Testosterone is getting lower and belly is getting bigger at this age. So, boleh compensate with a little exercise - slow down the testoterone decline and belly growth.
TQ again
doc.. join la KRP... ade la kawan layan 9 lubang
As-salam semua, ada sape sape nak jual wood 3, 13 degree, preferable callaway or titleist or taylor made or ping or something yg equivalence.
Saya ada Callaway X hehe... O0