THE PROSHOP => Golf Tips & Advice => Topic started by: pakngah on July 28, 2009, 12:24:54 AM
Instruction in the article:
"To hit a draw, here are the things you need to do:
1. set up in a "closed" position. to set up "closed", first set up your feet square, then pull your right foot several inches behind
2. have a stronger grip.
3. tee up the ball slightly higher than normal.
4. hit the ball from in-to-out."
That' what I will always do (I think), but my ball still won't draw. It still flies to the right..and usually into trouble. Susah, susah.
(Come to think of it, neither can I hit a straight ball...)
Instruction in the article:
"To hit a draw, here are the things you need to do:
1. set up in a "closed" position. to set up "closed", first set up your feet square, then pull your right foot several inches behind
2. have a stronger grip.
3. tee up the ball slightly higher than normal.
4. hit the ball from in-to-out."
That' what I will always do (I think), but my ball still won't draw. It still flies to the right..and usually into trouble. Susah, susah.
(Come to think of it, neither can I hit a straight ball...)
Try esok kat KRTU kot ..... ;)
Pak Ngah.. kalau saya nak buat draw..
1. Place bola kat belakang skit dari biasa letak.. kalau driver tu, kat buku lali kaki kiri ke, letak belakang skit.. dalam 1 inci ke..
2. Masa pegang grip tu, kedudukan tangan ialah ke kiri skit (untuk right handed golfer).. pas tu pukul..
biasa jadilah draw.. cuma jgn extreme sangat, karang terlebih draw n ob.
saya pun tak pandai jugak nak bagi advise, tapi boleh cuba,,
Try esok kat KRTU kot ..... ;)
KRTU mana?
Pak Ngah.. kalau saya nak buat draw..
1. Place bola kat belakang skit dari biasa letak.. kalau driver tu, kat buku lali kaki kiri ke, letak belakang skit.. dalam 1 inci ke..
2. Masa pegang grip tu, kedudukan tangan ialah ke kiri skit (untuk right handed golfer).. pas tu pukul..
ni nampak macam bulih ikut nih...ok thanks bro, next time main i'll try it out!!
Kalau ada main kat padang yang dekat2 KL, saya dengan rasa rendah diri nak ikut boleh? Nak dapat feel dan pengetahuan je..Baca kat forum pun bukannya faham sangat pun, kekeke..Nak suruh jadi kedi pun ok.. ;D
Kalau ada main kat padang yang dekat2 KL, saya dengan rasa rendah diri nak ikut boleh? Nak dapat feel dan pengetahuan je..Baca kat forum pun bukannya faham sangat pun, kekeke..Nak suruh jadi kedi pun ok.. ;D
don't worry too much amay! remember the 80:20 Rule? It applies almost everywhere, and it applies to kakigolf.com, too. only 20% of the members here are 18 hc or better; the other 80% (yours truly included) are high handicappers. so go ahead, post your intention kat "Golf Appointments". nanti adalah tu yg mampu join you.
Pak ngah pandai la buat draw...dah nampak depan mata sendiri..
mmg boleh ikut kata2 mutiara buat draw ball dari pak ngah ni..
Pak ngah pandai la buat draw...dah nampak depan mata sendiri..
mmg boleh ikut kata2 mutiara buat draw ball dari pak ngah ni..
afar, jangan memandai buat fitnah tau, nanti kena saman RM100 million!! yang kamu tengok tadi tu bukan "draw" tapi "terrrr-draw"!!! ;D