THE PROSHOP => Want To Sell => Topic started by: syahmiAGN on July 22, 2009, 12:20:20 PM
what my company offer to all golfers or 'homeless' golfers is :
and few more benefits for AGN members.
if your interested,pls give me your email add so that i can send you my company`s particulars.
p/s:kindly pass this msg around thank you
syahmi AGN
Mind to list out the clubs outside Malaysia?
I used to be AGN member. But had very very tough time to get the discount rate for those courses in Indonesia..and of course at the end, I couldn't play...
And I heard from rumors that those clubs in Indonesia (some of them) have dropped AGN from their list..
Kindly give more info...thanks.
salam bro syahmi
met dateng to kaki golf...
appreciate if u cud do a brief intro abt yurself
interesting ga ada AGN rep in da forum...
like bro ahman me too wunderin abt the ''indo golp'' status
''And I heard from rumors that those clubs in Indonesia (some of them) have dropped AGN from their list..
or isit AGN dropped them from their list??
anyway welkom bro n hepi 4ruming
dont 4get we hve a gathering...do drop by...
datang ramai-ramai this coming Sunday, 26th July at the Monterez Driving Range. Come celebrate our "500th Member" Milestone Celebration together with the Australian Golf Academy
Just checked out AGN website...I even couldn't see any list of participating clubs in Indonesia...the link has been disable..
Dear moya,
im copy pasting what i wrote to mr.ahman just now. ;D
anyway,if you are reffering back on what attually happened,
Back then (2007),AGN INDONESIA was franchised to another company.
And there seems to be some sort of missmanagement back then & the company attually closed down without notifying us (AGN MSIA HQ).
So the whole arrangement of golf courses in Indonesia went down with them.
But as far as i know now,we attually already have arrangement with 5 clubs through one of the travel agent there,therefore the rates are not very competative,however we are in the middle of setting up our own agency over there & hope to give better arrangement for our members soonest posibble.
I personally hope that my info help you abit guys.
Syahmi AGN HQ
This is the latest and running clubs in indonesia for now,and will be more coming up soon.
Soewarna Chengkarang
Bogor raya golf
sentul Highlands GCC
Padang Golf Modern
p/s ahman:If you wanna check the list of indonesia,just go through the one in malaysia clublist,indonesia clubs is listed in it as well ^_^
or gimme your emails,ill email to you asap.
p/s: moya,cool.....ill definately be there!hehehe.
anyway my name is syahmi rezza,currently workin in AGN Malaysian HQ(in my office rite now hehe while replyin you guys).i live in tropicana,and im appy to b a kaki golfer as well hehe!
ok bro syahmi...
thnks banget for the info...
Soewarna Chengkarang
Bogor raya golf
sentul Highlands GCC
Padang Golf Modern.........R4N1
...lumyan jg tuh
...sipp sippp
gimme ur email add bro...ill also send to you all the rates n particulars,as iv sent to bro ahman O0
anyway my name is syahmi rezza,currently workin in AGN Malaysian HQ(in my office rite now hehe while replyin you guys).i live in tropicana,and im appy to b a kaki golfer as well hehe!
Hi Syahmi!!!
Welcome to KakiGolf! Great to have you onboard. But it'll be good if you could post a proper introduction of yourself at this thread below:
I'm sure a lot of the other members here would like to post their greetings and welcome you onboard. ;)
Cheers!!! ;D
hehehee....wokeeeiiiy dokieeeyyh....didnt know bout that...will do so!heheh O0
im appy to be here! ;D
eehh bro...ramai ka pi monterez this comin event?
mcm seeegaaan je nak pi sorang sorang..ehehe...
I was also a member of AGN before mainly attracted by the availability of the Indonesian courses. Unfortunately the Indonesian courses are now a dissapointment. Now they have courses in Taiwan, Korea, Thailand, Singapore etc. but I don't think it is that popular compared to Indonesian courses. And how much is the fee for the International Card? Easily it can cover two years fee for AGS. More has to be done by AGN to attract KGSS golfers.
Pak Akhir
eehh bro...ramai ka pi monterez this comin event?
mcm seeegaaan je nak pi sorang sorang..ehehe...
apa nak segannya bro, like Nike always says: just do it. just go. You in sales kan? lagi la banyak reasons to be there. bawak banyak-banyak brochures, sapa ambik brochure, bagi kat dia free satu peket tees ka, ball marker ka, ball-mark repairer ka (eleh, seringgit atau dua ringgit ja tu).
ooops...MFG, bulih ka buat macam tu?? ??? tak masuk territory orang ka tu?
eehh bro...ramai ka pi monterez this comin event?
mcm seeegaaan je nak pi sorang sorang..ehehe...
apa nak segannya bro, like Nike always says: just do it. just go. You in sales kan? lagi la banyak reasons to be there. bawak banyak-banyak brochures, sapa ambik brochure, bagi kat dia free satu peket tees ka, ball marker ka, ball-mark repairer ka (eleh, seringgit atau dua ringgit ja tu).
ooops...MFG, bulih ka buat macam tu?? ??? tak masuk territory orang ka tu?
Dok eh!!! The more the merrier .... Kita pun dok tumpang Irwan punya official opening ni .... ;D ;D ;D
eehh bro...ramai ka pi monterez this comin event?
mcm seeegaaan je nak pi sorang sorang..ehehe...
apa nak segannya bro, like Nike always says: just do it. just go. You in sales kan? lagi la banyak reasons to be there. bawak banyak-banyak brochures, sapa ambik brochure, bagi kat dia free satu peket tees ka, ball marker ka, ball-mark repairer ka (eleh, seringgit atau dua ringgit ja tu).
ooops...MFG, bulih ka buat macam tu?? ??? tak masuk territory orang ka tu?
hahaha........neeh..lets just go there to have fun shall we...ehhehe...if got prospect there its a bonus la..ehhehe...but m not goin there for the sake of marketin....^_^
I was also a member of AGN before mainly attracted by the availability of the Indonesian courses. Unfortunately the Indonesian courses are now a dissapointment. Now they have courses in Taiwan, Korea, Thailand, Singapore etc. but I don't think it is that popular compared to Indonesian courses. And how much is the fee for the International Card? Easily it can cover two years fee for AGS. More has to be done by AGN to attract KGSS golfers.
Pak Akhir
pak,honestly speakin,i just started work here.5 months.im even a newbie in golf,just started to learn myself.but golf is fun!full concentration.i love it.hehe.any buaya`s to teach me er aaarh?pak akhir ke?hkehhee
anyway,ya i do agree we previously had trouble in indonesia back then in 2007,but we are tryin to set up a better one there.(i dont dare say much,manaaa tau ade org office lama AGN KAT sini kan?terasaaa merekaa..ahkhahahkah)
anyway answerin to ur Q,the international card is rm699.our local card(MSIA) rm499 but for have promotion,only rm299 till this end of july,covers more then 60 courses all over msia.certainly covers more then other AG? card...
saya ni takdaa laa sgt nak promote yg international tu cs im in malaysia,but i know the ones(courses) in malaysia now are really strong and more coming soon.even got corporate rates for hotels n etc etc.
previously only got around 55 the whole malaysia,but now the latest ones we got bukit jalil,KDE,afamosa,bukit jambul,berjaya hills,hornbill...
and if everythin goes well,around next week gettin perangsang templer also..
and more comin soon i guess?xtau laa...
pak duk mana pak?malaysia rite?come get the local ones la if u want ;D
eehh bro...ramai ka pi monterez this comin event?
mcm seeegaaan je nak pi sorang sorang..ehehe...
apa nak segannya bro, like Nike always says: just do it. just go. You in sales kan? lagi la banyak reasons to be there. bawak banyak-banyak brochures, sapa ambik brochure, bagi kat dia free satu peket tees ka, ball marker ka, ball-mark repairer ka (eleh, seringgit atau dua ringgit ja tu).
ooops...MFG, bulih ka buat macam tu?? ??? tak masuk territory orang ka tu?
Dok eh!!! The more the merrier .... Kita pun dok tumpang Irwan punya official opening ni .... ;D ;D ;D
hekhe....be there...yeppee... hey i love this yellow afro guy hakha --> O0
I know a few people in AGN. In fact my coach was Mr Ambi of AGN. I dont know whether he is still around with you. And I am still using the AGN golf back green, orange and blue. Strong supporter of AGN then. But as I said, my interest is on the Indo courses. Local courses my other cards are already adequate. Thanks.
Pak Akhir
I know a few people in AGN. In fact my coach was Mr Ambi of AGN. I dont know whether he is still around with you. And I am still using the AGN golf back green, orange and blue. Strong supporter of AGN then. But as I said, my interest is on the Indo courses. Local courses my other cards are already adequate. Thanks.
Pak Akhir
sorry to dissappoint u pak akhir bout the indonesian courses. :(
yang ada pon only this 5 for now..if ada more comin soon ill let u know k?
Soewarna Chengkarang
Bogor raya golf
sentul Highlands GCC
Padang Golf Modern
if im not mistaken mr.ambi also not around anymore pak.
pak...panggil saya ami je la ek. ;D
pak ajar saya main golf can?nak improve....tee off pon OB lagi ni..ehkeh