
THE PROSHOP => Golf Equipment => Topic started by: azril.nazli on June 29, 2009, 11:57:19 PM

Title: Honma & Miura golf Sets
Post by: azril.nazli on June 29, 2009, 11:57:19 PM
If you guy spot this model on sale, just buy it and treat it like a stock.

I'm using Honma Cl606 blade series, inherited from my father...well i never switch irons since then because of the feel. Well for rare golf investment, the pro series from Miura Golf will fetch the price of collectible items.
Title: Re: Honma & Miura golf Sets
Post by: azril.nazli on June 30, 2009, 12:01:02 AM
Title: Re: Honma & Miura golf Sets
Post by: mrfeelgood on June 30, 2009, 12:38:11 AM

I'm using Honma Cl606 blade series ....

Wow!!! Blade irons, Honma pulak tuuu .... and here I am using over-sized irons ... malu nyer saya !!!  :-[   ;D
Title: Re: Honma & Miura golf Sets
Post by: burn on June 30, 2009, 01:02:46 AM
found in mudah cl606 3-PW second hand 588

worth ka??? ::)

Title: Re: Honma & Miura golf Sets
Post by: azril.nazli on June 30, 2009, 09:44:31 AM
I'm beginner...dapat 90 tuh kira ajaib laa, but somehow , I always prefer my Honma Cl606

588, yup worth it...mine is RM2000 bought 2nd hand
Title: Re: Honma & Miura golf Sets
Post by: sy@h79 on June 30, 2009, 09:48:17 AM
dah tengok website posted by bro azril.nazli...
blade iron...

looks very nice...

tapi...do these blade-iron hanya utk pro-golfer...atau beginner/amateur pun boleh guna?
Title: Re: Honma & Miura golf Sets
Post by: burn on June 30, 2009, 10:35:51 AM
I'm beginner...dapat 90 tuh kira ajaib laa, but somehow , I always prefer my Honma Cl606

588, yup worth it...mine is RM2000 bought 2nd hand

yup it's true  my target before end of this year to play 96 the best only 102 .... :-\

myb I will stay with my CG4 little bit longer before change
Title: Re: Honma & Miura golf Sets
Post by: johndbaptist on June 30, 2009, 08:50:18 PM
Hi Everybody
Sambung sikit on the Honma irons.
I have been using them ever since, started off with the PP117, later on switched to the heavier D2 CL 708. Somtime along the line, switched to Mizuno MP 33, tileist 690  but missed the the buttery soft feeling, got the PP 717, hmm..can't complaint.

The CL708 on mudah is worth a try, you cant go wrong for the price of RM 588. Tapi, I realise more of ten than not, honma irons , majority senior golfers yang pakai. Tertanya jugak kenapa, common answer , it gives them the extra distance. I can vouch for that, when I had the CL 708, a good hit on the 7 iron can give me about 160m:-).

But be warned, the blades can put most golfers off, its slightly diffficult to hit compared to the oversized ones. Just my 2 cents :-)

Title: Re: Honma & Miura golf Sets
Post by: sy@h79 on July 01, 2009, 08:13:22 AM
The CL708 on mudah is worth a try, you cant go wrong for the price of RM 588. Tapi, I realise more of ten than not, honma irons , majority senior golfers yang pakai. Tertanya jugak kenapa, common answer , it gives them the extra distance. I can vouch for that, when I had the CL 708, a good hit on the 7 iron can give me about 160m:-).

But be warned, the blades can put most golfers off, its slightly diffficult to hit compared to the oversized ones. Just my 2 cents :-)


now i got the answer... ;)
Title: Re: Honma & Miura golf Sets
Post by: azril.nazli on July 05, 2009, 07:56:54 PM
when I hit using CL606, the ball always travel high and roll less, but gives you the buttery feels and more distance.

But you need to execute a clean shot to achieve that. Honma is not easy to master.