THE PROSHOP => Golf Tips & Advice => Topic started by: johndbaptist on June 22, 2009, 05:34:21 PM
I came across this article:
How to Putt Like a Tour Pro
3 basic things to do:
For a proper setup which leads to perfect aim, start this way. Holding your putter, stand up straight and extend your arms. Then, draw your elbows in snug to your rib cage; this keeps your arms and torso "connected" and promotes a consistent, one-piece, pendulum-type motion. Then, tilt your upper body forward until the putterhead rests behind the ball. And put a little flex in your knees. You don't want to play with stiff legs.
How close you stand to the ball is key — it frees you to make a relaxed, pendulum-like stroke. Stand too close and the putter will work out-to-in, which will result in a pulled putt. Stand too far away? You'll push putts to the right. How far away should you stand? On average, Tour pros have 2.5 putterhead lengths from their toe line to the near side of the ball. Use trial-and-error to find your ideal distance. Hit practice putts while standing between 2 and 2.75 putterhead lengths from the ball. If you stand too far away from the ball, you'll see the club go too far inside; if you stand too close, you'll see it go too far outside. When you reach the right distance, your eyes will tell you.
Next, you have to find where to play the ball in your stance — center, forward or back. It's different for everyone. To find out, ask a buddy for help. Find a straight putt, take your address, and aim, with your friend standing a few paces behind the ball. Have him tell you if your putterhead is aimed right, left or dead straight. If you're aimed left, you're playing the ball too far forward and need to move it back a bit. Aimed right? Move the ball forward until your friend tells you that your putterhead is dead square.
With all the hard work done, don't think too hard. You're aimed perfectly! Simply make a smooth, unhurried stroke. You now have the technique of a Tour pro. Soon, you'll have the confidence of one, too.
Descriptive macam ni susah nak follow. U Tube takde ker??
Pak Akhir
I came across this article:
How to Putt Like a Tour Pro
3 basic things to do:
For a proper setup which leads to perfect aim, start this way. Holding your putter, stand up straight and extend your arms.
I can take the correct address...but I forgot about the "postcode" so my putts seldom find the holes.. ;D
Anyway, thanks for the great tips bro!
Pak Ngah,
Yang lupa postcode tu ada sebab lain....mungkin banyak sangat bertukar address....kat Jogja, Jakarta, Bandung, Medan, Chiengmai dll...mana nak ingat...
hehehehe...jangan mare ya!...
Pak Ngah,
Yang lupa postcode tu ada sebab lain....mungkin banyak sangat bertukar address....kat Jogja, Jakarta, Bandung, Medan, Chiengmai dll...mana nak ingat...
hehehehe...jangan mare ya!...
email address takyah pakai postcode ..... ;D
email address takyah pakai postcode ..... ;D
kah kah kah...that is a good one!! ;D anyway, kepit sana kepit sini still so difficult to make the ball go into the hole. Don't believe me? Just ask Tiger Woods :D
Descriptive macam ni susah nak follow. U Tube takde ker??
Pak Akhir
Salam bro
sorry, cari-cari jugak kat youtube, tapi takde.
sorry, nak celah sikit....
Bro JohnDBaptist, you ni peminat Iron Maiden gak ker????
album apa yang you ader? My best album goes to Somewhere In Time...
okay, back to the topic...
I've been using my putter with 34inches long for the past 2 years...last week, I shorten it to 33inches maintain the same weight...huge different la...now putting is better..tapi iron shot pulak kacau...ni la nasib Pro-suck...
How to put like a pro??
First u must turn yourself into pro. Then, irregardless how you putt, you will be putting like a pro ... :)
" Charlie Chaplin enter a Charlie Chaplin look alike contest, he got no three"
< from Lucky Number Sleven">
sorry, nak celah sikit....
Bro JohnDBaptist, you ni peminat Iron Maiden gak ker????
album apa yang you ader? My best album goes to Somewhere In Time...
okay, back to the topic...
I've been using my putter with 34inches long for the past 2 years...last week, I shorten it to 33inches maintain the same weight...huge different la...now putting is better..tapi iron shot pulak kacau...ni la nasib Pro-suck...
Bro Ahman
Yes..iron maiden fan, but mostly heavy metal, apart from golf, aku jam jugak..kadang-kadang ada yang pass remark orang tua tak sedar diri, main lagu hard rock or heavy metal :-). Takde album, semua lagu aku download dari ultimate-guitar, ada music notation untuk aku jam..he!he!Grew up on the songs, in the 80's masa search,wings tengah famous.
Anyway, your putting is good bro...mine is horrendous.I am using the 33" scotty american classic, but I haven't got the feel for the long putts. Thought of getting one soon. Aku simpan balik dalam store iron honma ari tu, kurang feel, pakai blade lama balik...tak tau lagi bila nak test.
Bro Ahman
Yes..iron maiden fan, but mostly heavy metal, apart from golf, aku jam jugak..kadang-kadang ada yang pass remark orang tua tak sedar diri, main lagu hard rock or heavy metal :-). Takde album, semua lagu aku download dari ultimate-guitar, ada music notation untuk aku jam..he!he!Grew up on the songs, in the 80's masa search,wings tengah famous.
Bro ... slalu jamming katne? ..I used to play in a band time kat college dulu ... tapi dah bepuluh-puluh tahun tak sentuh gitar ...
Grew listening to Led Zep, Queen, Deep Purple, Lynard Skynard, John Mayall, Eric Clapton etc ... Gua zaman Woodstock & 70s lah bro ...
Kalau nak pi jamming tu, kabar kan...I tak reti apa2, cuma nak lepak...dah lama tak melepak kat jamming studio..teringat masa sekolah dulu...
Ahmad Jais tak dengar ke? S Jibeng ke? kekekeke...
Ahmad Jais tak dengar ke? S Jibeng ke? kekekeke...
S.Jibeng & the Siglap 5 ... favourite tu .... hehehe!!! 8)