THE PROSHOP => Golf Equipment => Topic started by: Mozumas on June 18, 2009, 10:34:06 AM
Salam semua,
Ada sesiapa yang biasa dengar atau guna brand snake eye ni.
Ada satu set kawan nak jual kata nya collectors item , pro blade ,forged by smith & wesson.
Dah tengok set tu shining macam chrome lak.
Minta pro2 yang arif beri sedikit panduan maklumlah beginner.
Terima kasih.
tak pernah dengar pun...bunyi macam dasat aje...ado gambar tak?
any Tour Pro pakai tak?
Minta maaf sbb lembab reply.
Nanti saya ambil gambar tapi macamna nak post gambar tu?
Salam semua,
Ada sesiapa yang biasa dengar atau guna brand snake eye ni.
Ada satu set kawan nak jual kata nya collectors item , pro blade ,forged by smith & wesson.
Smith & Wesson tu bukan ker manufacturer for handgun (pistol), anybody?. Ko hati2 bro, nanti niat nak beli golf set customised, dapat pulak senjata api bro .38 automatic kekekeke. Tak pasal2 kena serkup ngan bond nanti bro.
But seriously, stick with the established brands, so that we could re-sell the set once u need to move up the gsme level etc.
Smith & Wesson pistol ..... Billy the Kid pakai yg ni kot!! ... ke Jesse James? ;D
Click HERE (http://www.golfreview.com/cat/irons/snake-eyes/PRD_334754_2940crx.aspx) to read the review...
terima kasih atas nasihat semua.
yang pasti set tu tak de pistol.(dah check...hehehe)
on the seriuos note , mmg head dia forged by smith & wesson mungkin sebab tu collectors item.
rupa dia mcm gambar yang mula2 mr feelgood post tu shining.
SnakeEye brand is now owned by Golfsmith, a chain store in US. They made SnakeEye into component clubs, so you may pick and choose different specs according to your needs. Check them out at www.golfsmith.com
US has many custom head clubs. to name a few, golfsmith, snake eye, SMT, tom wishon, dynacraft...the list goes on. I have never played with snake eye but a coupe of my US golf buddies swear by them (the 600 model) when struck properly its like a knife into butter. i own a tom wishon 1i, SMT 3.5W, 5.5W and dynacraft SW. they are all very good clubs but they are keepers simply bcos no resale value/no Malaysian will buy them used here. do a Google search on all these names and you will find tonnes of information on these custom heads.
PS i used to hang out in 4gea.com and freegolfinfo.com. these two are US based forum and many used these brands.
Thanks Howe155.
At least some idea what is 'snake eye' is all about.
Personally the club looks good when it shines under the sun.
I might give the club a try and see how it goes.