
THE PROSHOP => Want To Sell => Topic started by: azharintra on December 24, 2012, 09:42:56 PM

Title: WTS : Callaway Prototype Iron
Post by: azharintra on December 24, 2012, 09:42:56 PM
salam semua..nat let go set ni

Brand : Callaway Iron set Prototype
Iron    : 3-P
Sharf  : Project X 5.0(High Launch)

RM 1,350.00

Minat call /sms : 012-3966909
Title: Re: WTS : Callaway Prototype Iron
Post by: keychap on December 25, 2012, 01:52:40 PM
Salam Alaik azhar...
Callaway x20 kat mudah.com dah ada org sambar ker?
Title: Re: WTS : Callaway Prototype Iron
Post by: azharintra on December 25, 2012, 02:20:49 PM
Salam Alaik azhar...
Callaway x20 kat mudah.com dah ada org sambar ker?

Salamm, belum lagi bro..!
Title: Re: WTS : Callaway Prototype Iron
Post by: keychap on December 25, 2012, 03:40:19 PM
campur ship cost braper yek?
rm800.00 + ship cost ( rompin,phg) = ???
Title: Re: WTS : Callaway Prototype Iron
Post by: azharintra on December 25, 2012, 03:53:56 PM
campur ship cost braper yek?
rm800.00 + ship cost ( rompin,phg) = ???

Pls sms saya bro....0123966909

Title: Re: WTS : Callaway Prototype Iron
Post by: keychap on December 25, 2012, 04:26:50 PM
ok pro.
Title: Re: WTS : Callaway Prototype Iron
Post by: shaiful on December 26, 2012, 08:49:37 AM
Menarik iron set ni...forged ke bro?
Title: Re: WTS : Callaway Prototype Iron
Post by: Wan Khalili (Bob UniKL) on December 26, 2012, 09:00:59 AM
Heheheh dah lamer aku nenangnyer... berdegup degap jantung ku.. hehehehe..
Title: Re: WTS : Callaway Prototype Iron
Post by: azharintra on December 26, 2012, 01:02:46 PM
Menarik iron set ni...forged ke bro?

Problade MB  O0
Title: Re: WTS : Callaway Prototype Iron
Post by: Wan Khalili (Bob UniKL) on January 21, 2013, 04:13:50 PM
Iron ni dah jual ker? Kalau trade in boleh.. hehehehehe.. dengan Titileist 690 CB, DG R300..