THE PROSHOP => Want to Buy => Topic started by: bluetee on May 20, 2009, 03:08:12 AM
Looking for Cleveland CG14 wedges.. 52*, 56* and 60* Anyone?
I have brand new 60 degree Callaway X Grind still wrap with plastic if you are interested.
I have brand new 60 degree Callaway X Grind still wrap with plastic if you are interested.
Bro!! How much?
Looking for Cleveland CG14 wedges.. 52*, 56* and 60* Anyone?
bro i have cleavelabd tour action 60* ..condition 7.5/10
Agak2 Tour Action 60Deg tu nak let go bape hage?
cleveland 588 60 degree.rm170.conds 9/10
Agak2 Tour Action 60Deg tu nak let go bape hage?
bro ,
saya mau tolak rm110
Worait, kira ok la tu. SMS 0193837127 for place of COD. Kira tolong clear stock kengkawang la ni kan.
Worait, kira ok la tu. SMS 0193837127 for place of COD. Kira tolong clear stock kengkawang la ni kan.
bro , dzul..nanti kau tgk dulu ..
shah alam ok kee
ok bro
ok bro
my h/p 019-3704076 pyan@kerawit
roger bro
baru lagi Callaway 60 deg c-grind MD ni. RM250
Looking for Cleveland CG14 wedges.. 52*, 56* and 60* Anyone?
Saya ada, condition 8.5/10. Masih cantik hehe...baru dapat stock. Kalau masih berminat nanti saya masukan gambar... ::)
Lupa plak CG14...mantappp hehe... O0
Hi pro ,
I ada CG12 56 degree dan 60 degree - Condition cam 9/10 ..... ( Z-groove )
Harga about RM 180@ termasuk shipping cost ... Kalau minat then email la . Email :- muniaking@yahoo.com
cleveland 588 60 degree.rm170.conds 9/10
Bro, kita nego...RM 150 ok?
CG14 56deg. Visit his link bos:
http://www.proshop.malaysiangolfer.com/index.php?route=product/product&path=40&product_id=6 (http://www.proshop.malaysiangolfer.com/index.php?route=product/product&path=40&product_id=6)3