THE PROSHOP => Want to Buy => Topic started by: narsj on May 21, 2012, 02:14:23 AM
Hi Guys,
I'm a newbie here and just started since Jan. I bought a wrong iron set early this month and now i'm looking for a beginner set which is more suitable for people like me. And if u would like to trade, i have wilson staff fg62 iron set for trade.
Thanks :)
Hi Guys,
I'm a newbie here and just started since Jan. I bought a wrong iron set early this month and now i'm looking for a beginner set which is more suitable for people like me. And if u would like to trade, i have wilson staff fg62 iron set for trade.
Thanks :)
abg bongsu ....apa lagi kasi tradelah itu wilson fg tour..
Hi Guys,
I'm a newbie here and just started since Jan. I bought a wrong iron set early this month and now i'm looking for a beginner set which is more suitable for people like me. And if u would like to trade, i have wilson staff fg62 iron set for trade.
Thanks :)
abg bongsu ....apa lagi kasi tradelah itu wilson fg tour..
Nama pun FG Tour.. yg sidia baru jee jd begineer.. kasilah set TM Burner 2.0 tu..Kata nak jual (rashid)
Hi Guys,
I'm a newbie here and just started since Jan. I bought a wrong iron set early this month and now i'm looking for a beginner set which is more suitable for people like me. And if u would like to trade, i have wilson staff fg62 iron set for trade.
Thanks :)
abg bongsu ....apa lagi kasi tradelah itu wilson fg tour..
Nama pun FG Tour.. yg sidia baru jee jd begineer.. kasilah set TM Burner 2.0 tu..Kata nak jual (rashid)
zulm...itu tm sudah jual lor..skrg pakai 5 iron je...huhhu
Hi Guys,
I'm a newbie here and just started since Jan. I bought a wrong iron set early this month and now i'm looking for a beginner set which is more suitable for people like me. And if u would like to trade, i have wilson staff fg62 iron set for trade.
Thanks :)
abg bongsu ....apa lagi kasi tradelah itu wilson fg tour..
Nama pun FG Tour.. yg sidia baru jee jd begineer.. kasilah set TM Burner 2.0 tu..Kata nak jual (rashid)
haaa tu betul jugak tu. saya duk fikir benda tu je. fg tour tu pun kalau tak silap lebih untuk low-mid handicapper kan?
Hi Guys,
I'm a newbie here and just started since Jan. I bought a wrong iron set early this month and now i'm looking for a beginner set which is more suitable for people like me. And if u would like to trade, i have wilson staff fg62 iron set for trade.
Thanks :)
Salam bro!
Saya ada KZG hybrid iron set, shaft graphite ... Mmg utk beginner! Dia punya cavity back, skali pukul, bola slambarland jer boleh lambung naik ... ataupun satu lagi set yg satu ada Callaway X18 shaft graphite gak ... Yg ni pun senang pukul .... Kalau ada minat kasi PM ..
Hi Guys,
I'm a newbie here and just started since Jan. I bought a wrong iron set early this month and now i'm looking for a beginner set which is more suitable for people like me. And if u would like to trade, i have wilson staff fg62 iron set for trade.
Thanks :)
bro, kasi mms gambar FG tu. 0124488002 tq...
Hi Guys,
I'm a newbie here and just started since Jan. I bought a wrong iron set early this month and now i'm looking for a beginner set which is more suitable for people like me. And if u would like to trade, i have wilson staff fg62 iron set for trade.
Thanks :)
Salam bro!
Saya ada KZG hybrid iron set, shaft graphite ... Mmg utk beginner! Dia punya cavity back, skali pukul, bola slambarland jer boleh lambung naik ... ataupun satu lagi set yg satu ada Callaway X18 shaft graphite gak ... Yg ni pun senang pukul .... Kalau ada minat kasi PM ..
Saya amat bersetuju sekiranya narsj pakai Callway x18... memang senang pukul....
Hi Guys,
I'm a newbie here and just started since Jan. I bought a wrong iron set early this month and now i'm looking for a beginner set which is more suitable for people like me. And if u would like to trade, i have wilson staff fg62 iron set for trade.
Thanks :)
bro, kasi mms gambar FG tu. 0124488002 tq...
anyway, fg ni pakai shadt apa ?
Hi Guys,
I'm a newbie here and just started since Jan. I bought a wrong iron set early this month and now i'm looking for a beginner set which is more suitable for people like me. And if u would like to trade, i have wilson staff fg62 iron set for trade.
Thanks :)
Salam bro!
Saya ada KZG hybrid iron set, shaft graphite ... Mmg utk beginner! Dia punya cavity back, skali pukul, bola slambarland jer boleh lambung naik ... ataupun satu lagi set yg satu ada Callaway X18 shaft graphite gak ... Yg ni pun senang pukul .... Kalau ada minat kasi PM ..
yg x18 tu u nk trade or u nk jual?
Hi Guys,
I'm a newbie here and just started since Jan. I bought a wrong iron set early this month and now i'm looking for a beginner set which is more suitable for people like me. And if u would like to trade, i have wilson staff fg62 iron set for trade.
Thanks :)
bro, kasi mms gambar FG tu. 0124488002 tq...
bro, gambar set tu takda dlm phone la. gambar semua dalam laptop. tp kalau u nk gambar, masuk link http://forum.lowyat.net/index.php?showtopic=2352287&st=0&p=51580861&#entry51580861
Hi Guys,
I'm a newbie here and just started since Jan. I bought a wrong iron set early this month and now i'm looking for a beginner set which is more suitable for people like me. And if u would like to trade, i have wilson staff fg62 iron set for trade.
Thanks :)
bro, kasi mms gambar FG tu. 0124488002 tq...
anyway, fg ni pakai shadt apa ?
shaft NS Pro 950GH Steel Regular bos.
Hi Guys,
I'm a newbie here and just started since Jan. I bought a wrong iron set early this month and now i'm looking for a beginner set which is more suitable for people like me. And if u would like to trade, i have wilson staff fg62 iron set for trade.
Thanks :)
Salam bro!
Saya ada KZG hybrid iron set, shaft graphite ... Mmg utk beginner! Dia punya cavity back, skali pukul, bola slambarland jer boleh lambung naik ... ataupun satu lagi set yg satu ada Callaway X18 shaft graphite gak ... Yg ni pun senang pukul .... Kalau ada minat kasi PM ..
yg x18 tu u nk trade or u nk jual?
Hi Guys,
I'm a newbie here and just started since Jan. I bought a wrong iron set early this month and now i'm looking for a beginner set which is more suitable for people like me. And if u would like to trade, i have wilson staff fg62 iron set for trade.
Thanks :)
bro, kasi mms gambar FG tu. 0124488002 tq...
bro, gambar set tu takda dlm phone la. gambar semua dalam laptop. tp kalau u nk gambar, masuk link http://forum.lowyat.net/index.php?showtopic=2352287&st=0&p=51580861&#entry51580861
Hi Guys,
I'm a newbie here and just started since Jan. I bought a wrong iron set early this month and now i'm looking for a beginner set which is more suitable for people like me. And if u would like to trade, i have wilson staff fg62 iron set for trade.
Thanks :)
bro, kasi mms gambar FG tu. 0124488002 tq...
anyway, fg ni pakai shadt apa ?
shaft NS Pro 950GH Steel Regular bos.
Ok thanks, rasernyer shaft tak sesuai dengan saya..
ohh. kalau ada kawan kawan yg berminat bgtau la. saya kalau boleh nk jual set ni cepat sikit sbb nk cari set lain yg okay untuk level beginner mcm saya ni.
ohh. kalau ada kawan kawan yg berminat bgtau la. saya kalau boleh nk jual set ni cepat sikit sbb nk cari set lain yg okay untuk level beginner mcm saya ni.
...............tlg emel gambor ke arki_ma@yahoo.com .....leh tak?..
Salam bro narsj,
Dah jumpa ke set idaman hati ;D? Saya ada Wilson Staff D-FY kalo berminat? Sesuai utk beginner + wide sole. Shaft half steel+half graphite. Umur baru 4 bulan dan skrg ni tak pakai dah...simpan jer dlm bag. Set ni dtg ngan 3H,4H, 5-PW.
ohh. kalau ada kawan kawan yg berminat bgtau la. saya kalau boleh nk jual set ni cepat sikit sbb nk cari set lain yg okay untuk level beginner mcm saya ni.
...............tlg emel gambor ke arki_ma@yahoo.com .....leh tak?..
abg aji...klu betoi nak juey FG tour tu ce...cee...emailkn gambornye..scarlyno@gmail.com
ohh. kalau ada kawan kawan yg berminat bgtau la. saya kalau boleh nk jual set ni cepat sikit sbb nk cari set lain yg okay untuk level beginner mcm saya ni.
...............tlg emel gambor ke arki_ma@yahoo.com .....leh tak?..
abg aji...klu betoi nak juey FG tour tu ce...cee...emailkn gambornye..scarlyno@gmail.com
.................udah xmandang yeop....................
ohh. kalau ada kawan kawan yg berminat bgtau la. saya kalau boleh nk jual set ni cepat sikit sbb nk cari set lain yg okay untuk level beginner mcm saya ni.
...............tlg emel gambor ke arki_ma@yahoo.com .....leh tak?..
abg aji...klu betoi nak juey FG tour tu ce...cee...emailkn gambornye..scarlyno@gmail.com
.................udah xmandang yeop....................
mana pegi set tu abg aji oi... udoh juei ker?..
ohh. kalau ada kawan kawan yg berminat bgtau la. saya kalau boleh nk jual set ni cepat sikit sbb nk cari set lain yg okay untuk level beginner mcm saya ni.
...............tlg emel gambor ke arki_ma@yahoo.com .....leh tak?..
abg aji...klu betoi nak juey FG tour tu ce...cee...emailkn gambornye..scarlyno@gmail.com
.................udah xmandang yeop....................
mana pegi set tu abg aji oi... udoh juei ker?..
.........kamu tanya rashid.......
ohh. kalau ada kawan kawan yg berminat bgtau la. saya kalau boleh nk jual set ni cepat sikit sbb nk cari set lain yg okay untuk level beginner mcm saya ni.
...............tlg emel gambor ke arki_ma@yahoo.com .....leh tak?..
abg aji...klu betoi nak juey FG tour tu ce...cee...emailkn gambornye..scarlyno@gmail.com
.................udah xmandang yeop....................
mana pegi set tu abg aji oi... udoh juei ker?..
.........kamu tanya rashid.......
..... pulok.. hehehe Abg Rashid... takperlah.. nanti kemdian ler nak pikior utk upgrade.. hehehehehe..
Abang Haji punyer tour blade bagaikan samurai sword dia gna untuk sembelih ayam-ayam macam aku ni. Graphite shaft semua tu macam parang. Still gets the job done but more effort.
Abang Haji punyer tour blade bagaikan samurai sword dia gna untuk sembelih ayam-ayam macam aku ni. Graphite shaft semua tu macam parang. Still gets the job done but more effort.
....................fendi, don't put me too high on the branch, on the ground xpe...........hu hu hu :'( :'( :'( :'(
Hi. You interested with Calloway X20? 4 iron to SW.
NS Pro 950 regular.
If interest call 0122037197
Hi Guys,
I'm a newbie here and just started since Jan. I bought a wrong iron set early this month and now i'm looking for a beginner set which is more suitable for people like me. And if u would like to trade, i have wilson staff fg62 iron set for trade.
Thanks :)
Saya ada Callaway X18 ... Graphite shaft ... Sesuai utk beginner, kalau maw, kasi PM sama saya!!!