THE PROSHOP => Golf Tips & Advice => Topic started by: Yabe on April 21, 2009, 04:16:30 PM
Hello Sifus..
Can we share any good golf instructors here???... and how much it cost for the lessons?.. ;D Thanks
Hi Bro Yabe
I dont know u dah pernah ambik pro ke tak sebelum ni, if I may offer some info. Nak ambek Golf Instructor ni kira nak kena chemistry masing2 gak, baru best. Ada instructor bagus teknikal tapi gaya ngajor tak kena ngan student etc etc. Kalau kat Monteres GC driving range (MFG's second home :D) ada pro-pro Irwan dan Kamis. Irwan ni kira budak muda (ada posting dalam forum ni pun ha), atau Pak Kamis otai (slalu main tornament ngan Vijay S di Sabah zaman dolu2 nih). So, I suggest u stop by and have a chat with them first. Rate may be between RM500 utk 5-6 lessons kot. Atau boleh ambek utk pakej2 1 hour sahaja, bila perlu betul2 kan specific teknik only.
Anyway, mungkin forumers lain ada bole intro pro2 lain. Permisi dulu pak.
Hi Bro Yabe
I dont know u dah pernah ambik pro ke tak sebelum ni, if I may offer some info. Nak ambek Golf Instructor ni kira nak kena chemistry masing2 gak, baru best. Ada instructor bagus teknikal tapi gaya ngajor tak kena ngan student etc etc. Kalau kat Monteres GC driving range (MFG's second home :D) ada pro-pro Irwan dan Kamis. Irwan ni kira budak muda (ada posting dalam forum ni pun ha), atau Pak Kamis otai (slalu main tornament ngan Vijay S di Sabah zaman dolu2 nih). So, I suggest u stop by and have a chat with them first. Rate may be between RM500 utk 5-6 lessons kot. Atau boleh ambek utk pakej2 1 hour sahaja, bila perlu betul2 kan specific teknik only.
Anyway, mungkin forumers lain ada bole intro pro2 lain. Permisi dulu pak.
trima kasih.. belum penah ambik lg.. tgh plan nk ambik, maybe in july/august kot..
kira bro MFG one of the golf instructor kt monterez jgk ke? .. ;) dpt la murah sket.. ;D
.... kira bro MFG one of the golf instructor kt monterez jgk ke? .. ;)
Weiiiiiiii!!!!! Jgn buat hal!!! Ni dah silap info dah ni ..... Maluuuu weiii!!!!
Ada ke aku ni instructor kat Monterez? Bahaya! Bahaya! Nanti marah kang pro2 kat sana .... I bet yg kaki2 golf lain yg baca ni akan gelak besar ..especially bro Moya & a few others!!! Hehehe!!! :D
Jgn weiiii!!! Aku ni pun swing masih kelam kabut lagik, mana lah layak nak ajar org .... sendiri pun masih perlu di ajar .. naya!! naya!!!
Back to the topic ..
FYI, Monterez Golf Academy is headed by Irwan (he's also a forumer here). He's a qualified golf instructor, which means he's certified to teach... Being a golf pro and an instructor are two different things all together ...
Camni lah ... a straight-A student might not be a good teacher and vice versa a good teacher might not be a straight-A student ... Kira camtu lah!!!!
Anyway, I was told that Monterez Golf Academy is now in partnership with a group of Australian teaching pros, and in fact all the local residents pros at Monterez are undergoing some in house classes/training on the techniques on "how to teach" ... And with the Australians in, they'll be bringing in some teaching equipments as well ...
But whatever it is, like bro Zoez bilang ... kena carik cikgu yg sesuai ngn hang ...
But actually, in my case, it was the other way round .. hahaha!!! ... Cikgu aku pandai sesuaikan diri ikut aku ...
But mine was a case where badan aku dah keras sgt .. hahaha!!! That's coz I started golfing really late, so badan memang dah keras, xley buat apa2 dah ... so kena ada instructor yg pandai "customised" swing aku ... ;D
:D.. sorry2 Bro MFG..
OK, thanks for the explanation.
So, at Monterez I have 2 choices right? Pro Irwan and Pro Kamis kan...
:D.. sorry2 Bro MFG..
OK, thanks for the explanation.
So, at Monterez I have 2 choices right? Pro Irwan and Pro Kamis kan...
No hal ...
Monterez has a few resident pros ... Rahman, Zamri & a few others besides Irwan Pro Khamis...
i was there yday evening, saw this caucasion guy, prob australian doing some swing demos. He has a videocam and all set up, phuaaahhh... looks very pro!!
I wasnt concentrating on my own practice, eye on what he is trying to demo all the time.. heheheheh..
Is he a instructor there?
Ada ke aku ni instructor kat Monterez? Bahaya! Bahaya! Nanti marah kang pro2 kat sana .... I bet yg kaki2 golf lain yg baca ni akan gelak besar ,,,
definetly one of the INstrucktor...
different pandang n different grassHopper...
was it a grassHopper or a grassSwinger...
cant recall
''gpp la kang MFG...yg penting hepi hepi''
ia iya laaa...
''there i was on a july morning...
waiting for luv...
With the strength of a new day dawning
and the beautiful sun.
At the sound of the first bird singing
I was leaving for home.
With the storm and the night behind me
and a road of my own''
u were there at the monterez range alright. U had in fact set-up the videocam thingy. Tp saya emang pasti it was not for golf or anything closely related to golfing :D.
u were there at the monterez range alright. U had in fact set-up the videocam thingy. Tp saya emang pasti it was not for golf or anything closely related to golfing :D.
not related to golfin...u mean no holes involved...hazard habitats are all unJoint,,,
any japs involve ...in the making of...hentaism....
lu x joint la bro,,,unpace me please deh,,,
i was there yday evening, saw this caucasion guy, prob australian doing some swing demos. He has a videocam and all set up, phuaaahhh... looks very pro!!
I wasnt concentrating on my own practice, eye on what he is trying to demo all the time.. heheheheh..
Is he a instructor there?
Yes ....
My instructor at Kelab Golf Angkatan Tentera (KGAT) behind Sg. Besi airport is Mr Ambi.Nak tau credential dia pergi aje kat KGAT, semua 'honour boards' kat kelab tu ada nama dia. He is also a regular marshall with the Malaysian Open.
Cara dia ajar ni tak pakai buku. Dia tengok macam mana you swing, lepas tu dia tunjuk. More practical and on the course lesson. Though he is at KGAT, dia tak kisah gi tempat lain mengajar.
Rates boleh di runding. His no. is 012-2901431
Yang guna video pun I dah pernah belajar, tapi tak jugak jadi. Agaknya guna video ni lebih baik untuk technique yang melampau dan terlampu kut haha!!!
Pak Akhir
Yang guna video pun I dah pernah belajar, tapi tak jugak jadi. Agaknya guna video ni lebih baik untuk technique yang melampau dan terlampu kut haha!!!
Pak Akhir
Software yang paling best untuk di install dalam komputer adalah v1home. install yang free download. http://www.v1golfacademy.com/
Kalau nak yang original n full spec punya leh bawa laptop jumpa saya then i will install through vcd yang i order. Try belajar