
THE CLUBHOUSE => Golf Courses => Topic started by: Yabe on April 10, 2009, 12:21:35 PM

Title: green for newbie
Post by: Yabe on April 10, 2009, 12:21:35 PM

any suggestion?.. serendah?.., bukit beruntung?...

Title: Re: green for newbie
Post by: che on April 10, 2009, 03:18:28 PM
IMHO, there is no such thing as green for newbie.... once you are ready to hit the green, it doesn't really matter where although  different courses offer different challenges.

However, if you would like to get a feeling of what the real game is all about before playing in real courses, then Guthrie Golf Academy at Bukit Jelutong (a par-3 course) is highly recommended.

Used to cost RM30 for 9-holes or RM40 for 18-holes, but not sure now. There is no buggy available but you can rent a cart for additional RM5.

Just my 2 cents.
Title: Re: green for newbie
Post by: Yabe on April 10, 2009, 03:45:39 PM
IMHO, there is no such thing as green for newbie.... once you are ready to hit the green, it doesn't really matter where although  different courses offer different challenges.

However, if you would like to get a feeling of what the real game is all about before playing in real courses, then Guthrie Golf Academy at Bukit Jelutong (a par-3 course) is highly recommended.

Used to cost RM30 for 9-holes or RM40 for 18-holes, but not sure now. There is no buggy available but you can rent a cart for additional RM5.

Just my 2 cents.

Thanks Che, very much appreciated for d advice..

actually im looking for a green that is not too busy and not visited by many pro-golfers.. ;D
im afraid they will push me from the back.. "CEPATTTT!!!!"
Title: Re: green for newbie
Post by: mrfeelgood on April 11, 2009, 01:44:36 PM

any suggestion?.. serendah?.., bukit beruntung?...

Ada!! .. Banyak!! ... Practise jer kat chipping and putting practise greens yg ada kat semua golf courses ... FOC pulak tu!!!  ;D

Ramai org lebih suka gi driving range pastu pukul bola jauh2 dpd practise diaorg nye short game, lebih macho kot!!!  ;) ... So slalu nya tak ramai org kat practise greens ...

Tapi kalau kaki malas cam saya ... belik je putting carpet yg RM80 tu ... practise je putting kat rumah .. anytime bole practise.. seblom tido bole practise, celik je mata bole practise, seblom makan pun bole practise ...  8)

Kalau nak practise chipping pulak, pacak je tiang kayu kat laman rumah, atau letak baldi ... pastu apa lagi, swing je, tapi jgn bola sampai masuk rumah jiran dah!!  :D :D :D 
Title: Re: green for newbie
Post by: Yabe on April 13, 2009, 08:46:32 AM

any suggestion?.. serendah?.., bukit beruntung?...

Ada!! .. Banyak!! ... Practise jer kat chipping and putting practise greens yg ada kat semua golf courses ... FOC pulak tu!!!  ;D

Ramai org lebih suka gi driving range pastu pukul bola jauh2 dpd practise diaorg nye short game, lebih macho kot!!!  ;) ... So slalu nya tak ramai org kat practise greens ...

Tapi kalau kaki malas cam saya ... belik je putting carpet yg RM80 tu ... practise je putting kat rumah .. anytime bole practise.. seblom tido bole practise, celik je mata bole practise, seblom makan pun bole practise ...  8)

Kalau nak practise chipping pulak, pacak je tiang kayu kat laman rumah, atau letak baldi ... pastu apa lagi, swing je, tapi jgn bola sampai masuk rumah jiran dah!!  :D :D :D 

Lpas ni confirm x payah potong rumput.. ;D

beli carpet tu bgus jgk...

Thanks MFG
Title: Re: green for newbie
Post by: mrfeelgood on April 14, 2009, 11:39:35 PM


any suggestion?.. serendah?.., bukit beruntung?...

Chipping praktis kat laman rumah!! ...  ;D


Putting praktis kat dalam rumah!! ...  ;D


Ni kes malas nak kuwa rumah!!!! Hehehehe!!!

Title: Re: green for newbie
Post by: JK on April 15, 2009, 12:04:27 AM


any suggestion?.. serendah?.., bukit beruntung?...

Chipping praktis kat laman rumah!! ...  ;D


Putting praktis kat dalam rumah!! ...  ;D


Ni kes malas nak kuwa rumah!!!! Hehehehe!!!

kalau cam ni..MFG sure boleh jadi champiang for kakigolf
Title: Re: green for newbie
Post by: mrfeelgood on April 15, 2009, 12:50:26 AM

kalau cam ni..MFG sure boleh jadi champiang for kakigolf

Janji bola jgn masuk bunker!!! Sbb kat rumah takde bunker .... Hahaha!!!!

Nak jadi champion kakigolf bole, tapi yg lain takly main lah, yg main kena dua org je lah ... Che ngn aku .... hehehe!!! ( jgn marah Che!!! Gurau jer!!! ) ...   ;D
Title: Re: green for newbie
Post by: che on April 15, 2009, 08:58:41 AM
Che ngn aku .... hehehe!!! ( jgn marah Che!!! Gurau jer!!! )

Aku jugak yg kena huhuhu
Title: Re: green for newbie
Post by: mrfeelgood on April 15, 2009, 02:57:21 PM

Aku jugak yg kena huhuhu

But you still make the best lasagna .. numero uno!!!  ;)
Title: Re: green for newbie
Post by: mrfeelgood on April 15, 2009, 06:19:00 PM

any suggestion?.. serendah?.., bukit beruntung?...

On a more serious note ..

Why don't you try Bkt Jelutong Guthrie's 9-hole Par 4 (On week-ends they convert it into an 18-hole Par 3 course) ...

If you go for the monthly pass, they charge only RM160 (You have to reconfirm this, takut they've changed the rates) er month and you can golf until you drop .... You nak tawaf the course sampai 10 round pun OK, setakat mana hang larat!!!

You can try can contact Idris (PM me if you want his hp no).. He operates the course!!!
Title: Re: green for newbie
Post by: Yabe on April 16, 2009, 08:23:14 AM

any suggestion?.. serendah?.., bukit beruntung?...

On a more serious note ..

Why don't you try Bkt Jelutong Guthrie's 9-hole Par 4 (On week-ends they convert it into an 18-hole Par 3 course) ...

If you go for the monthly pass, they charge only RM160 (You have to reconfirm this, takut they've changed the rates) er month and you can golf until you drop .... You nak tawaf the course sampai 10 round pun OK, setakat mana hang larat!!!

You can try can contact Idris (PM me if you want his hp no).. He operates the course!!!
Guthrie Golf Academy Pitch & Putt Course ke?..
Title: Re: green for newbie
Post by: mrfeelgood on April 16, 2009, 09:07:56 AM

Guthrie Golf Academy Pitch & Putt Course ke?..

Title: Re: green for newbie
Post by: sy@h79 on June 24, 2009, 01:06:07 PM

Guthrie Golf Academy Pitch & Putt Course ke?..


ehm...this course very good for new golfer like me...
boleh improve short game (weekend > semua par-3)...
x perlu bawak golf stick banyak2...
bawak 9-iron, PW, SW dengan putter pun dah cukup...
kalau yg pro...tee-off dah boleh on kat green...
senang2 boleh birdie...

but beware...golf ball kena standby banyak...takut2 masuk kolam/OB...
because fairway quite small.... :o ::)
Title: Re: green for newbie
Post by: ahman on June 24, 2009, 02:15:38 PM

I believe Pitch and Putt ni bukan untuk newbie aje, but all levels...having good short game is better than driving >250meters but failed at green...

I have very poor short game...sikalang, bawa wedges aje pi DR...short game ni, nak kena ada feel gak especially bila between clubs...
kalau tak thin shot, cangkul gali cacing....aduhhh....

babi hutan pun happy aje bila kita dok main fat-shot...cacing boleh keluar terus...
***cerita di atas adalah berkisar sendiri punya masalah **** >:D
Title: Re: green for newbie
Post by: sy@h79 on June 24, 2009, 03:00:45 PM

I believe Pitch and Putt ni bukan untuk newbie aje, but all levels...having good short game is better than driving >250meters but failed at green...

I have very poor short game...sikalang, bawa wedges aje pi DR...short game ni, nak kena ada feel gak especially bila between clubs...
kalau tak thin shot, cangkul gali cacing....aduhhh....

babi hutan pun happy aje bila kita dok main fat-shot...cacing boleh keluar terus...
***cerita di atas adalah berkisar sendiri punya masalah **** >:D

ehm...btw abg ahman...,
kat guthrie course nie...
in term of fairway & green maintenance diorg x brape baik lah kan...?
green botak, kat bunker penuh rumput...
fairway pun banyak area yg botak2...rumput xnak tumbuh...

bukan ke all the guest bayar green fees RM30 or RM40...?
sepatut diorg boleh guna green fees tu utk improve fairway & green... :( ???

Title: Re: green for newbie
Post by: ahman on June 24, 2009, 03:42:43 PM

memang tak jaga pun..tapi boleh la nak pratice Chipping...or short game...Putting not included sebab green tak nolong punyer...

Not sure about the fees...dah lama tak pergi pun...sampai kat range aje..
Title: Re: green for newbie
Post by: sy@h79 on June 25, 2009, 08:30:54 AM

memang tak jaga pun..tapi boleh la nak pratice Chipping...or short game...Putting not included sebab green tak nolong punyer...

Not sure about the fees...dah lama tak pergi pun...sampai kat range aje..

yelah...nak practice chipping mmg ok...sebab rumput fringe green sume ok...
boleh improve short game nie...kalau selalu pergi main sana... ;)

pricing...still the same > weekend RM30 = 9hole, RM40 = 18hole
still worth it lah kalau nak improve short game... :D

mostly yg main kat sini, junior golfer yg masuk akademi golf...  ;D
Title: Re: green for newbie
Post by: akhir sharif on July 17, 2009, 10:08:29 AM
Kelab Golf Angkatan Tentera (KGAT) DR kat belakang airport TUDM Sg Besi ada areas untuk practice driving, long game as well as short game, bunker, chipping and putting. Have a very nice green also. Tak ramai orang. Bola 100 for RM7

Pak Akhir
Title: Re: green for newbie
Post by: ishakmy on July 23, 2009, 02:26:01 PM
Bagi golfers yg duduk berdekatan dgn TP Garang,ada 1 course lg kat sini (pulau Carie)under Sime Darby.
G/fees baru RM 30.Org pun tak ramai.
Overall course ok tp walking course.

Title: Re: green for newbie
Post by: zainol on July 23, 2009, 02:45:36 PM
On the way dari gambang ke segamat, about 15 km dari simpang empat gambang tu ada satu golf course tak tau plantation org. mana yang punya tapi kalau nak main bayar jaga RM5/- pass tu main lah till you drop!!
Title: Re: green for newbie
Post by: sy@h79 on July 23, 2009, 04:50:34 PM
Bagi golfers yg duduk berdekatan dgn TP Garang,ada 1 course lg kat sini (pulau Carie)under Sime Darby.
G/fees baru RM 30.Org pun tak ramai.
Overall course ok tp walking course.

tau course nie...but never been here...
will try golfing here 1 day soon...

so far been to uniten ILSAS...very good course for beginner like me, walking &
pulling trolley, bring half-set only...
played 18-hole => stop 15 minit after 1st nine, minum then sambung main 2nd nine...
memang tough course nie, naik turun bukit, rase macam 'pancit' jugak exercise...
but very cheap => RM40 weekend :)
Title: Re: green for newbie
Post by: pakudin on July 23, 2009, 04:51:50 PM
On the way dari gambang ke segamat, about 15 km dari simpang empat gambang tu ada satu golf course tak tau plantation org. mana yang punya tapi kalau nak main bayar jaga RM5/- pass tu main lah till you drop!!

I like this one, very  funny.

For me, when i first started I used to patron Kundang Lake (KLGCC la tu).  People there are quite friendly, they welcome new comers.  Even if i did not  have kaki, i just registered myself and join anyone at the the t-box.  Most of the time, nine hole.  Course not too crowded and ask for term membership.

Monterez another well known course for new comers ( no offense, not an easy course but for some reasons, could be the price, it attracts lots for new players).  Most courses are 'friendly' if you play on weekends.  

May be one advice I could give based on my experience.  At the beginning, i always feel inferior to play, thinking other people are better, afraid making fool of myself so on and so forth.  After few rounds i found that, even the so call senior golfers, some of them are just like beginners (like me) and pukul still merata-rata. That make me feel better.

What is MOST important (in my point of view) in golf is etiquette.  You may be a single handicapper but with no etiquette, i dont think you are a golfer.  After all, golf is a gentleman game.  The guy who introduce golf to me once said " Learn the etiquette before you learn to swing".   And I find this is very true.  Zainol can be a good guru is this subject.
Title: Re: green for newbie
Post by: zainol on July 24, 2009, 09:01:45 AM
Pakudin... hahahahahahah :D :D :D :D :D :D
Title: Re: green for newbie
Post by: mrfeelgood on July 25, 2009, 01:31:39 AM

Monterez another well known course for new comers ( no offense, not an easy course but for some reasons, could be the price, it attracts lots for new players).  

Yeah!!! True ... The price is a factor especially if you have a golf card, and playing on a weekday ... but I think also its coz Monterez is a relatively short (though narrow) course, and its a Par 71 course ... so anyone looking for an affordable, quick and challenging round of golf, Monterez is a good choice. Also it has night golfing, so nak tee-off kul 5, lepas keje pun takde hal!!! Of course location is also a factor ... Quite an accessible location ...

Fridays are usually pack, nak2 lepas Jumaat ... Masjid pun dekat .... Kalau sholjum (thats bahasa gaul for sholat Jumaat - Moya yg ajar aku ni  ;)) kat masjid dekat Monterez tu, nampak lah ramai yg gi sholat Jumaat all dressed up in golfing attire ...  ;D

For me ... Monterez is convenient bcoz ... its just next door to where I'm staying ...  ;D