
THE PROSHOP => Golf Equipment => Topic started by: Budakboy on March 24, 2009, 11:47:18 PM

Title: Why ‘Used’ Clubs?
Post by: Budakboy on March 24, 2009, 11:47:18 PM
Why ‘Used’ Clubs?


Why i choose used/secondhand rather then ‘Spakling Brand New’ clubs. Those day, when i was a beginner (even though until now i still play like a beginner hehe). I used to buy lots of brand new clubs. But now, when i`m growing older (takder la tua sangat haha), i realise something that i though i better share it with all of my fellow golfers.



Why i prefer used club?


Firstly becouse the Brand New club are SUPER DUPER expensive. I cannot stand when giving lots of money to other people, let say RM 4000 only for a set of irons that one day will be a ‘Besi Burok’ hehe.


Secondly, the USED club are much more CHEAPER then the brand new. When i say much more, i really mean MUCH MORE!!!. For example, one set of Brand New Callaway Big Bertha 2008 iron will cost you around RM 4000 and above. And do you believe me that, one set of ‘USED Callaway Big Bertha 2008’ worth not more then RM1200. And maybe some a lucky seller will get RM 1500. What are the different? Can you imagine?


Thirdly, golf clubs are not like electronic gadgets. It just consist of grip, shaft and the head. One secondhand club can last more than hundred of years. But don`t get me wrong laa, when i said secondhand, i mean a GOOD SECONDHAND club. I also cannot play with the club that look older than my grandfather hehe...So why you want to used brand new when the performance are still the same. Some more, once Brand New clubs hit saja tanah/grass or floor, than automatic that so called brand new will soon become ‘Brand Old’ hehe..the ugliest part was, the price. From RM4000, by only one hit, the price will fall down to RM 1000 within split second. Thats the reality in golf.


Lastly I can bet you, when you use even the paling latest adition set also, the next one or two years to go, you will feel like swithching to another model. Golf Clubs making business were also like computers. Today they come out with one good and lovely design that can hit the longgest in the fairway. But believe me, tomorow also they will produce another latest design that claim to be the longgest and the best ever in the fairway. And the best part is, the lettest design look more ‘Hansome’ than your present set. Look more SPACY hehe...then the devil will play their part haha...saya pun pernah rasa the feeling...don`t lie laa..Itupun nasib baik can stand for years, ada jugak yang tak sampai 6 bulan hehe...what to do...


We can find lots of ‘new look’ secondhand clubs out there with the price much more cheaper than the brand new one. But again don`t get me wrong, bukan maksud saya we cannot play with the brand new. No problem if we can find Brand New yang murah. Luar sana, still we can find Brand New club with the cheapest price. Read my article ‘Kenapa Harga Begitu Murah?’ for more info. Golf is the game for gentlement. Happy Golfing...www.budakboygolf.com/article
Title: Re: Why ‘Used’ Clubs?
Post by: Budakboy on December 31, 2010, 02:56:39 PM
Why? can you get what i mean bro`s...  ;)
Title: Re: Why ‘Used’ Clubs?
Post by: rebootxmen on January 01, 2011, 12:47:19 PM
pakai yg 2nd aje... selagi score masih 100 over... takyah laaa ngabiskan duit beli set baru...

p/s: walaupun pakai used club... tp jgn ler tahun 80an punya.... hahahaha...
Title: Re: Why ‘Used’ Clubs?
Post by: lutfi on January 03, 2011, 03:21:09 PM
if anyone can remember iklan rokok (Dunhill kalu tak silap) in the 80s or early 90s, slogannya berbunyi GAYA, MUTU, KEUNGGULAN. mungkin ginilah agaknya rasa (or perasaan or perasan) bila guna barang baru.
but, if your wallet is thick, go for it. industry need your support. kereta baru vs kereta terpakai. golf set baru vs golf set terpakai.
bottom line is, elakkan pembaziran.  :)
Title: Re: Why ‘Used’ Clubs?
Post by: Budakboy on January 08, 2011, 09:03:40 AM
Agree hehe...
Title: Re: Why ‘Used’ Clubs?
Post by: nasazizi on February 14, 2011, 11:00:58 AM
200% agree  ;D
Title: Re: Why �Used� Clubs?
Post by: eugene2110 on November 11, 2011, 10:47:11 AM
Agreed that industry needs your support
Else how can they sponsor and pay players like Tiger, Vijay, Dustin, Camillio and Fowler ?
Who is going to organize events from time to time ?

My friend once told me 70% is the player, 30% is the equipment.
Once played at Mizan-Terengganu with a client which he rented an old set of irons.
He didn't have proper equipment but managed to score +14 on par 72

*Ayam ni kena belasah teruk*