THE PROSHOP => Want to Buy => Topic started by: fairwan on July 26, 2011, 12:52:33 PM
Saya bercadang nk beli a few golf stuffs from eBay US. Ade tak Kakigolf yg nk join same? Kalo ade boleh kita combine shipping. dapat murah sikit. Bercadang nk beli dari mat saleh ni http://stores.ebay.com/3balls-Golf. Semua confirm ori. Tapi kene bid. Same concept as lelong.com.
Saya berminat nak join....macam mano tu...berminat pada kayu ni.
Saya berminat nak join....macam mano tu...berminat pada kayu ni.
Pakdee, saya akan bid on behalf of u. Tapi kene cukupkan korum dulu. Coz payment term is 7 days after the bidding closed. Bile dah cukup korum. Baru kita set date for shopping. Ade sesape lagi nk join? Teringin nk pakai club baru lepas puasa ni. ;D
Mungkin ade geng kakigolfers tak berapa faham tujuan saya carik korum nk beli dari US ni. Let me explain.
Based on table below, kalau saya sorang beli satu driver R11, the shipping charge is USD42.95 (RM128). Seems like too expensive. Kalau ade 5 org beli 5 clubs, shipping charge is USD72.95 (RM216.50/5)=RM43.30 Sorang. So banyak jimat tuh! Harga club pon boleh tahan murah. Tapi kene pandai bid.
Multiple Club Shipping Rates Table
# of Clubs Domestic Canada International
1 $12.95 $32.95 $42.95
2 $14.95 $40.45 $50.45
3 $16.95 $47.95 $57.95
4 $18.95 $55.45 $65.45
5 $20.95 $62.95 $72.95
6 $22.95 $70.45 $80.45
7 $24.95 $77.95 $87.95
8 $26.95 $85.45 $95.45
9 $28.95 $92.95 $102.95
10 $30.95 $100.45 $110.45
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