
THE PROSHOP => Want To Sell => Topic started by: rashid on May 23, 2011, 08:42:08 PM

Title: WTS: King Cobra S2 Max iron 2010 model
Post by: rashid on May 23, 2011, 08:42:08 PM
Salam & hye all golfers

Want to sell:
Iron sets King Cobra S2 Max
Super Improvement Iron 2010

Condition : 9/10( mint condition )
Club : 4,5,6,7,8,9,PW,GW
Shaft : original/ stiff/1030 gram
Grip : Original grip
Price : RM 1200
COD at klang valley, outside klang valley buyer bare the cost of courier.

Sms@call at 0192669559 or email :rashid_mohddin@yahoo.com

Thanks in advance for viewing...

Title: Re: WTS: King Cobra S2 Max iron 2010 model
Post by: ari79 on May 23, 2011, 08:55:00 PM
Waaa, sulah mau tukar set ka? Set apa plak bro Rashid? ;D
Title: Re: WTS: King Cobra S2 Max iron 2010 model
Post by: abangbongsu on May 23, 2011, 08:58:07 PM
...........hah,...apa kena pulak si rashid ni,..habis  nak jual set dia..........kena rasuk agaknya..........
Title: Re: WTS: King Cobra S2 Max iron 2010 model
Post by: rashid on May 23, 2011, 10:34:52 PM
Ari79: tak tau lagi nak tukar apa..hehhe
Abangbongsu: sajer jer nak jual..nak try iron hok lain pulak..
Title: Re: WTS: King Cobra S2 Max iron 2010 model
Post by: rashid on May 30, 2011, 09:17:38 AM
Rega diturunkan kepada rm1100
FOC onoff cart bag
Title: Re: WTS: King Cobra S2 Max iron 2010 model
Post by: rashid on June 09, 2011, 09:37:49 PM
Rega diturunkan lagi ke rm999
Title: Re: WTS: King Cobra S2 Max iron 2010 model
Post by: Nizam6949 on June 10, 2011, 09:22:22 AM
pro kasi posting gambau or email kat gua bro...nizam6949@gmail.com

ada member tgh cari set.......bley nego lg tak rege?..hehehe
Title: Re: WTS: King Cobra S2 Max iron 2010 model
Post by: shah7710 on June 10, 2011, 09:52:27 AM
pro mcm tu la...asyik tukar set jer, mcm tukar stoking... ;)
Title: Re: WTS: King Cobra S2 Max iron 2010 model
Post by: rashid on June 10, 2011, 10:45:23 AM
pro kasi posting gambau or email kat gua bro...nizam6949@gmail.com

ada member tgh cari set.......bley nego lg tak rege?..hehehe
boleh nego lah sikit...foc cart bag onoff n iron head cover
Title: Re: WTS: King Cobra S2 Max iron 2010 model
Post by: Nizam6949 on June 10, 2011, 10:56:49 AM
Ok pro. Nnt aku bgtau kat dia...
Title: Re: WTS: King Cobra S2 Max iron 2010 model
Post by: rashid on June 10, 2011, 11:40:02 AM
Ok pro. Nnt aku bgtau kat dia...

pro...aku dah email picture
Title: Re: WTS: King Cobra S2 Max iron 2010 model
Post by: rashid on June 10, 2011, 07:44:07 PM
Item sold. Tq
Title: Re: WTS: King Cobra S2 Max iron 2010 model
Post by: abangbongsu on June 10, 2011, 08:14:23 PM
.......alahai,....baru nak rasa bekas tangan rashid.........dah kena kebas
Title: Re: WTS: King Cobra S2 Max iron 2010 model
Post by: Nizam6949 on June 10, 2011, 10:04:22 PM
Item sold. Tq
hahahhaa....cam pisang goreng panas le.....bagus2...hehehe
Title: Re: WTS: King Cobra S2 Max iron 2010 model
Post by: rashid on June 11, 2011, 12:42:54 AM
Abangbongsu..skrg saya kena main guna driver, wood, rescue n putter ajer...iron yelek...

Nizam6949...ye betul cam goreng panas..hehehe