THE PROSHOP => Want to Buy => Topic started by: mizunof on January 14, 2011, 08:56:15 AM
assalam to all KG, I'm looking for onoff tungsten, steel shaft 850. price anything below
1800k kira jadi. tapi kena tengok barang dulu lah & test swing 10 ~ 20 bola.(if in klang valley)
klau luar kl mungkin thru photo or phone call only kot. 013 - 388 6003
u nak new set..rm2200
kimearco san, pls call me! u ada steel or graphite.?
Calling2 kimearco san, bila bliih tgk barang?
steel regular,nspro850.CNY saya naik KL.klu nak tgk boleh lah
kimearco san, CNY is around the corner pls keep the set for me, looking forwards very much.
also pls call me proir comming up to KL. danke
Mizunof- best tu..nanti nak test ajak saya sekali yer..cheerss
Rashid san, best tu memang lah best tapi si kime tu tak call aku pun ! dia kata nak turun
during CNY ni.
calling, calling kime san !!!! 013 - 388 6003, mizunof
pulak...dia sibuk tu... :) :) :)
assalam kime san, pls respone seem that CNY is very near, on off set masih ada lagi ka?
sori2...sold..klu yg 2nd nak ke?
kimearco, kedai kat mane ek. boleh kasi full address.
JB bro..
2nd pun ok, if according to spec yg mention kat forum tu klau blih sent photo and camana nak contact kime san?