
THE PROSHOP => Golf Equipment => Topic started by: Budakboy on November 17, 2010, 04:40:26 PM

Title: Sapa pakai blade iron, need advice =)
Post by: Budakboy on November 17, 2010, 04:40:26 PM
 :D Salam Aidiladhar kawan2,

I just try a Nike Forge Blade Iron, look good, nice and menyelerakan..but..

When i try at the driving range carpet, the performance was excellent. I can put the ball almost where i want and the distance was constance (a little bit less then usual but it still good).

The problem arise when i try it on the ground (rumput). Mak aii, memang hancur. Bila amik divot abis melalut2 bola travel. Fumble abis. Emm ingat pakai blade amik divot sedap laa, mcm potong sayur jer hehe....tapi....it going 360 deg.

One i notice that i`m not a hard hitter since my body frame kecil comel (mcm pakngah) jer. I like easy swing.
Tangan takder ketul2...
Perut pun seketul jer (mcm Pak ngah jugak) =)

So maybe that was the main reason.


Any other advice? should i use it until i terror or just forget about it and come back to the 'cavity' set?

Any HELP please kawan2 O0 O0
Title: Re: Sapa pakai blade iron, need advice =)
Post by: Dio on November 18, 2010, 05:46:00 PM

Ni opinion saya on Blade Irons - u need to have excellent impact in ur swing.

Atas carpet dia tak kacau klu u hit the ball slightly behind (meaning hitting the carpet first b4 the ball)
Atas rumput lain lak cerita nya becoz the grass ada effect kat ur club impact with the ball. Ni my observation aje la. Nak tau the actual reason kena tanya pro la. Koi ni ayam boroi aje kehkehkeh
Title: Re: Sapa pakai blade iron, need advice =)
Post by: JK on November 18, 2010, 06:07:31 PM

Ni opinion saya on Blade Irons - u need to have excellent impact in ur swing.

Atas carpet dia tak kacau klu u hit the ball slightly behind (meaning hitting the carpet first b4 the ball)
Atas rumput lain lak cerita nya becoz the grass ada effect kat ur club impact with the ball. Ni my observation aje la. Nak tau the actual reason kena tanya pro la. Koi ni ayam boroi aje kehkehkeh
weh ayam boroi..tolong ajor koi sekali..
awat lately ni asik topping ngan shank je..bile nak maju nii..
Title: Re: Sapa pakai blade iron, need advice =)
Post by: Dio on November 18, 2010, 09:30:36 PM

Ni opinion saya on Blade Irons - u need to have excellent impact in ur swing.

Atas carpet dia tak kacau klu u hit the ball slightly behind (meaning hitting the carpet first b4 the ball)
Atas rumput lain lak cerita nya becoz the grass ada effect kat ur club impact with the ball. Ni my observation aje la. Nak tau the actual reason kena tanya pro la. Koi ni ayam boroi aje kehkehkeh
weh ayam boroi..tolong ajor koi sekali..
awat lately ni asik topping ngan shank je..bile nak maju nii..

deme toping ngan shank sbb banyok sangat main bowling neh  >:D dah senget sebelah dah swing nya hehehehe
koi rasa lah, deme address x betul ni... seme ade bola jauh sket atau dekat sket dgn deme
klu jauh sket dlm 1 or 2 inchi sure senang toping nya
klu dekat lak jadi shank...
klu nak berubat meh kita turun padang... kita main 6-2-2...  >:D
cepat la sembuh nya  ::)
Title: Re: Sapa pakai blade iron, need advice =)
Post by: JK on November 19, 2010, 08:51:35 AM

Ni opinion saya on Blade Irons - u need to have excellent impact in ur swing.

Atas carpet dia tak kacau klu u hit the ball slightly behind (meaning hitting the carpet first b4 the ball)
Atas rumput lain lak cerita nya becoz the grass ada effect kat ur club impact with the ball. Ni my observation aje la. Nak tau the actual reason kena tanya pro la. Koi ni ayam boroi aje kehkehkeh
weh ayam boroi..tolong ajor koi sekali..
awat lately ni asik topping ngan shank je..bile nak maju nii..

deme toping ngan shank sbb banyok sangat main bowling neh  >:D dah senget sebelah dah swing nya hehehehe
koi rasa lah, deme address x betul ni... seme ade bola jauh sket atau dekat sket dgn deme
klu jauh sket dlm 1 or 2 inchi sure senang toping nya
klu dekat lak jadi shank...
klu nak berubat meh kita turun padang... kita main 6-2-2...  >:D
cepat la sembuh nya  ::)
ok je..bile tuuu
Title: Re: Sapa pakai blade iron, need advice =)
Post by: budusiam on November 19, 2010, 09:55:02 AM
:D Salam Aidiladhar kawan2,

I just try a Nike Forge Blade Iron, look good, nice and menyelerakan..but..

When i try at the driving range carpet, the performance was excellent. I can put the ball almost where i want and the distance was constance (a little bit less then usual but it still good).

The problem arise when i try it on the ground (rumput). Mak aii, memang hancur. Bila amik divot abis melalut2 bola travel. Fumble abis. Emm ingat pakai blade amik divot sedap laa, mcm potong sayur jer hehe....tapi....it going 360 deg.

One i notice that i`m not a hard hitter since my body frame kecil comel (mcm pakngah) jer. I like easy swing.
Tangan takder ketul2...
Perut pun seketul jer (mcm Pak ngah jugak) =)

So maybe that was the main reason.


Any other advice? should i use it until i terror or just forget about it and come back to the 'cavity' set?

Any HELP please kawan2 O0 O0

pendapat saya dan juga rasa saya lah hehe........guna blade nih swing mau perfect sebab impact mau bola dulu baru divot...dah nama pun blade ..tu pasal bila pergi rumput itu blade sudah masuk dalam rumput mmg bola x gi kemana lah hehe.....

tukar yang ada cavity kot utk social golfer rasanya lagi ok kot bro.....

cuma satu pandangan.....
Title: Re: Sapa pakai blade iron, need advice =)
Post by: Dio on November 19, 2010, 12:03:02 PM

Ni opinion saya on Blade Irons - u need to have excellent impact in ur swing.

Atas carpet dia tak kacau klu u hit the ball slightly behind (meaning hitting the carpet first b4 the ball)
Atas rumput lain lak cerita nya becoz the grass ada effect kat ur club impact with the ball. Ni my observation aje la. Nak tau the actual reason kena tanya pro la. Koi ni ayam boroi aje kehkehkeh
weh ayam boroi..tolong ajor koi sekali..
awat lately ni asik topping ngan shank je..bile nak maju nii..

deme toping ngan shank sbb banyok sangat main bowling neh  >:D dah senget sebelah dah swing nya hehehehe
koi rasa lah, deme address x betul ni... seme ade bola jauh sket atau dekat sket dgn deme
klu jauh sket dlm 1 or 2 inchi sure senang toping nya
klu dekat lak jadi shank...
klu nak berubat meh kita turun padang... kita main 6-2-2...  >:D
cepat la sembuh nya  ::)
ok je..bile tuuu

weh kerawit ko confirm tak Don-Naga game  28 Nov ni. CEpat la jawab kat forum tu, aku nak kuar flight list ni.
Title: Re: Sapa pakai blade iron, need advice =)
Post by: Dio on November 19, 2010, 12:04:41 PM
:D Salam Aidiladhar kawan2,

I just try a Nike Forge Blade Iron, look good, nice and menyelerakan..but..

When i try at the driving range carpet, the performance was excellent. I can put the ball almost where i want and the distance was constance (a little bit less then usual but it still good).

The problem arise when i try it on the ground (rumput). Mak aii, memang hancur. Bila amik divot abis melalut2 bola travel. Fumble abis. Emm ingat pakai blade amik divot sedap laa, mcm potong sayur jer hehe....tapi....it going 360 deg.

One i notice that i`m not a hard hitter since my body frame kecil comel (mcm pakngah) jer. I like easy swing.
Tangan takder ketul2...
Perut pun seketul jer (mcm Pak ngah jugak) =)

So maybe that was the main reason.


Any other advice? should i use it until i terror or just forget about it and come back to the 'cavity' set?

Any HELP please kawan2 O0 O0

pendapat saya dan juga rasa saya lah hehe........guna blade nih swing mau perfect sebab impact mau bola dulu baru divot...dah nama pun blade ..tu pasal bila pergi rumput itu blade sudah masuk dalam rumput mmg bola x gi kemana lah hehe.....

tukar yang ada cavity kot utk social golfer rasanya lagi ok kot bro.....

cuma satu pandangan.....

Jgn perkecikkan kawan kita ni....
Member skrg dah pro... x main dah kat KRTU kuantan
dia skrg main kat course susah aje KRTU Subang  >:D ;D
Title: Re: Sapa pakai blade iron, need advice =)
Post by: ariffphotography on November 20, 2010, 12:03:16 AM
:D Salam Aidiladhar kawan2,

I just try a Nike Forge Blade Iron, look good, nice and menyelerakan..but..

When i try at the driving range carpet, the performance was excellent. I can put the ball almost where i want and the distance was constance (a little bit less then usual but it still good).

The problem arise when i try it on the ground (rumput). Mak aii, memang hancur. Bila amik divot abis melalut2 bola travel. Fumble abis. Emm ingat pakai blade amik divot sedap laa, mcm potong sayur jer hehe....tapi....it going 360 deg.

One i notice that i`m not a hard hitter since my body frame kecil comel (mcm pakngah) jer. I like easy swing.
Tangan takder ketul2...
Perut pun seketul jer (mcm Pak ngah jugak) =)

So maybe that was the main reason.


Any other advice? should i use it until i terror or just forget about it and come back to the 'cavity' set?

Any HELP please kawan2 O0 O0
Blade iron direka untuk low handicap player(single handicap) and of course professional player. Bile pakai blade iron, impact mesti kene bola dulu then baru ambil divot. Movement body, bahu, dada, tangan, pinggang mesti mau synchronize dan mantap. Blade mmg nmpk lawa tapi forgiveness kurang. Skrg kalau bro perasan, kebanyakkan tour pro(not TUE PRO) tidak pakai blade iron yg sekeping2 tuhh... Semua tukar iron yang ade forgiving cavity yang banyak.
Title: Re: Sapa pakai blade iron, need advice =)
Post by: halimunser on November 22, 2010, 02:07:50 AM
bridgestone Beam wood 3 tu tak nak jual ke
Title: Re: Sapa pakai blade iron, need advice =)
Post by: ariffphotography on November 22, 2010, 09:24:53 PM
bridgestone Beam wood 3 tu tak nak jual ke
bro tanye saye ke?
Title: Re: Sapa pakai blade iron, need advice =)
Post by: Budakboy on December 28, 2010, 10:14:28 PM
Owh banyak org kasi nasihat rupanya, sorry apasal la takder notification, memang noti la hehe...anyway tq2 for your advice. Fyi, masa saya baca threat nie, iron tue dah ada kat kedai untuk dijual hehehehehehe...anyway...kena belajaq A B C...Z, tak boleh A C Z X A F....hehe ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Sapa pakai blade iron, need advice =)
Post by: abangbongsu on December 29, 2010, 07:06:20 PM
nak pakai pro blade senang je.........jumpa otai2 dan bawa ayam panggang ngan pulut kuning..betoi tak pakngah? ;D ;D ;D ;D????
Title: Re: Sapa pakai blade iron, need advice =)
Post by: warque on December 29, 2010, 07:22:24 PM
Sy started golfing guna Pro Blade... giler lambat nak jadi consistent game... but, biler dh ok, i changed to Maruman, very forgiving, game improve giler2... nasib baik sy tak jadi giler sama... hahahaa... and it is true, Pro Blade, mmg kene achieve perfect divot... kalau tak, iron three pun pegi 80m jer...
Title: Re: Sapa pakai blade iron, need advice =)
Post by: Budakboy on December 30, 2010, 11:22:23 AM
Hehe tue la, tapi letih gak asyik nak pick-up divot jer, pakai yg mid size pun dah ok la. Tak larat dah hehe... O0
Title: Re: Sapa pakai blade iron, need advice =)
Post by: sam2011 on December 31, 2010, 12:00:49 PM
aah,mmg mula2 payah pakai blade ni,tp kalau rajin  practice- lumayan hasilnye-cause bola mmg pergi nye cantik.
my experience mcm tue lah-but now still kena practice selalu,benda2 ni selalu jd masalah bg sy
1. Grip -selalu weak,2. stand 3. swing-cepat sgt turun 4. Body-badan pusing dulu. Mmg selalu lah jd mcm ni.
Title: Re: Sapa pakai blade iron, need advice =)
Post by: warque on December 31, 2010, 02:34:58 PM
aah,mmg mula2 payah pakai blade ni,tp kalau rajin  practice- lumayan hasilnye-cause bola mmg pergi nye cantik.
my experience mcm tue lah-but now still kena practice selalu,benda2 ni selalu jd masalah bg sy
1. Grip -selalu weak,2. stand 3. swing-cepat sgt turun 4. Body-badan pusing dulu. Mmg selalu lah jd mcm ni.

macam tu punya byk prob, tp boleh main 16, kira ok la bro... hehehee