
THE PROSHOP => Want To Sell => Topic started by: Budakboy on October 04, 2010, 10:26:36 PM

Title: Reseller Golf Set diperlukan...Lumayan Pak hehe..promote jer...
Post by: Budakboy on October 04, 2010, 10:26:36 PM

p/s: Anybody yang nak become our reseller, can contact me for more info. What can you do? :o :o
 ;) ;)
1) Print banner nie (big pixel punya boleh mintak kat saya)

2) Write your contact info on the banner (kat sebelah kanan tue saya ada kosongkan ruang contact for you to insert)

3) Distribute to mana2 driving range /tampal kat notice board dan lain2.

4) Ada order then contact me. Kita final cx stock. Kalau ada then kita organize pembayaran n shipment. I will ship direct to your customers door...we try to give no hassle to you.

Only 4 step you can generate RM.... (rahsia hehe-contact me for more info) for a set.

More...http://malaysiangolfer.info/2010/07/slazenger-panther-xp-tour-2/ (http://malaysiangolfer.info/2010/07/slazenger-panther-xp-tour-2/)
Title: Re: Reseller Golf Set diperlukan...Lumayan Pak hehe..promote jer...
Post by: Budakboy on October 10, 2010, 11:26:42 PM
 ;)Kalau nak promote online, then saya akan kasi banner siap ada your contact info in soft copy. Just share it through net like facebook. Ada org berminat, then kita akan arrange shipment for your customer. We never disclose our identity. Tq ;D ;D