
THE PROSHOP => Golf Equipment => Topic started by: Budakboy on September 25, 2010, 07:29:32 PM

Title: The Most Famous GoLF Brand Among Malaysian Golfer?
Post by: Budakboy on September 25, 2010, 07:29:32 PM
 ;D ;DLet see, which GoLF Brand was the most famous among Malaysian Golfer. Let take a  VOTE and see the result!.

Then just give some comment why you vote that brand?…hope it will benefit others…especially the newbee (So Called – Rabit) hehe.. O0

VOTE here and see the result: http://malaysiangolfer.info/2010/09/the-most-famous-golf-brand-among-malaysian-golfer/ (http://malaysiangolfer.info/2010/09/the-most-famous-golf-brand-among-malaysian-golfer/)
Title: Re: The Most Famous GoLF Brand Among Malaysian Golfer?
Post by: Budakboy on October 22, 2010, 08:13:10 PM
Dah ramai yang vote, tapi...kenapa my fav tak ramai yang minat...damm you taylormade!!! O0