THE PROSHOP => Classifieds: Non-Golf Items => Topic started by: aeryxz on August 06, 2010, 03:13:05 AM
Compact Smoker Haven Electric Cigerettes
Package includes:
-Beautiful Gift Box
-Portable Charging Case (Able to self-charge your E-Cig on th -Complete Electronic Cigarette
-Spare Intelligent Battery
-Wall Plug Adapter
-USB charger cord (You may charge your E-Cig using the wall plug or Computer)
RM250 (nego)
1 year from Smoker Haven.receipt will be given.
Dealing method:
Postage/COD area shah alam (other klang valley area may consider)
Location of seller:
Shah Alam
Contact method/details:
PM or sms/call 0145080859
Age of item:
1 week.bought on 25 July
Item(s) conditions:
Perfect. 10/10
Reason for sale:
need extra cash to buy a new laptop
Product Link :Smoker Haven (http://smokerhaven.com/E-Cigarette-Supplier-Electric-Cigarette-Electronic-Cigarette-Cartridge/)
Bro!! Ni barang "used" or blom penah pakai?
Bro!! Ni barang "used" or blom penah pakai?
sory lupa nk bgtau.yg ni 2nd hand.tp blh dikatakan almost new la coz sy jarang guna.sy bukan heavy smoker.bro berminat ke?harga blh nego lg smpai let go.perlukan duit urgent..
harga diturunkan kepada rm240 nego!!! (harga beli 290)..
Q: What is an Electronic Cigarette?
Electronic Cigarette is an electronic smoking device or which is also known as E Cigarette or E-cig. It is a non –flammable product that uses state of the art classy micro-electronic technology which provides smokers a real "smoking" experience without the fire, flame, tobacco, tar, carbon monoxide, ash, stub or smell found in real cigarettes. It is a device to help people quit smoking or continue to smoke safely without danger. It looks feels, taste & satisfies almost like real cigarette.
Q: What comes with the set?
- 1 Portable Charger Case (PCC)(with LCD), which holds 4 cartridges & charges your Ecig batteries on the go without cords when the PCC itself is fully charged.
- 2 Batteries
- 1 Atomiser
- 1 UK wall plug AC adapter
- 1 USB charger cord 1 that charges the PCC (You can charge using computer)
Q: What is PCC Portable charging case?
It is an E-Cig container with charging capability. It allows you to recharge the E-cig battery on the go, without the power cord.
Q: How does Electronic Cigarette works?
SmokerHaven as the Electronic Cigarette Supplier provides E-cigarette that comprises three parts: Battery/Microcomputer, Atomiser (vapourising device) and Cartridge (It contains the Liquid solution). When you inhale through the mouthpiece a sensitive micro pressure switch activates the rechargeable battery and micro-electronics which immediately causes the vapour device to vaporise a tiny drop of the cartridge liquid. The vapour contains vaporised nicotine within the ‘mist’ which in turn is delivered straight to the blood stream via the lungs giving you that instant ‘smokers fix’ and a relief from cigarette craving.
Q: How to smoke?
Just smoke like real cigarette.. However it should be smoked at a much slower, deep & controlled rate. Or smoking cigar.
Q: What are the contents if the cartridge?
It just contains water, food flavouring, Propylene glycol and nicotine. Fun Flavours does not contain nicotine
Q: Is nicotine dangerous?
Nicotine by itself is not dangerous. It is just like caffeine in Coffee. It is addictive but not dangerous. In fact Nicotine in cigarettes is not dangerous, the burning process and other 4000 chemicals is the one that is dangerous like tar, carbon monoxide, carcinogens etc
Q: What is Propylene Glycol?
Propylene glycol, an organic compound is like a moisturizing agent used in food & medicines like cakes, cookies, food colourings & flavourings. It is an odourless and colourless viscous liquid. It is also present in regular cigarettes being used to maintain a dampness in the tobacco. It is recognised as generally safe (GRAS) by Food and Drug Administrations throughout the world. Propylene glycol is the main ingredient present in the E-cig cartridge to provide the vapour that looks like smoke and to suspend the nicotine and flavour.
Q: How long does the cartridge last?
1 cartridge could provide 70 to 120 puffs. That’s approximately a pack of 14 to 20 cigarette sticks. Depends on how you smoke
Q: Can I quit smoking using the Electronic Cigarette? How?
The E-cig is an effective smoking cessation device. It has helped a lot of people quit smoking the easy way. However efforts and will power are required as well. Reduce your nicotine intake gradually from high to low. Eventually quit smoking totally
Q:Can I save money smoking the e-cig?
The price of a pack of 20’s will increase over the years. Calculate the difference of 1 cartridge to 1 pack of cigarette. Multiply by the number packs you consume per month and you could get yourself a new car from the saving!
Q: What are flavours available?
- Inspired by Marlboro (High & Low Nicotine)
- Classic Tobacco (High & Low Nicotine)
- Minty Menthol (High, Low & No Nicotine)
- Java Coffee (High & No Nicotine)
- Shisha Vanilla (No Nicotine)
- Shisha Strawberry (No Nicotine)
- Chocolate Indulgence (No Nicotine)
- Orange Citrus (No Nicotine)
Q: Can I smoke the e-cig in NO Smoking places?
Yes you can and totally legally! It does not produce any smoke. Only WATER VAPOUR. You can even smoke your E-cig in the aircraft; it is not detectable by the smoke detectors. However to avoid lengthy arguments, when you are in the aircraft or cinema, just cover the glowing tip and enjoy smoking the E-cig
Q: Is it safe?
Most harmful products in a regular cigarette are produced as a result of the combustion/burning of the tobacco & paper etc. Eg: Carbon monoxide or any of the other 4800+ chemicals and carcinogens that tobacco smoke produces. SmokerHaven have no toxins or by-products produced by combustion. It shows no evidence of being a carcinogen.
Q: Why safe?
Because it does not contain any dangerous chemicals,Tar, Carcinogens, Carbon Monoxide and other 4000 chemicals found in cigarette Q: ANY SIDE EFFECTS? There are no side effects at all. Everything is organic substance.
Q: What is the difference of SMOKERHAVEN from other model / brand?
Most other models/brands are of very poor quality. They provide no warranty and no after sales service at all. The worst part is that most of these other brands/models contains Diethylene Glycol and other dangerous chemicals.
Q: What is Diethylene Glycol?
Diethylene glycol is poisonous substitute for Propylene Glycol because it is much cheaper. It is used as anti freeze substance. So be careful when you buy other brand of Electronic cigarette
Q: Does SmokerHaven Electronic Cigarette contain Diethylene Glycol ?
Absolutely not! Unlike most other model & products. SmokerHaven Electronic Cigarette does NOT contain Diethylene glycol. This is confirmed by lab report from the USFDA & SGS
Q: Do SmokerHaven provide warranty?
Absolutely yes. We provide 6 month warranty for all electronic components, Batteries, Charger, PCC & Atomizer.
Q: What happens after the expiry of warranty?
It’s just like hand phone. Battery may wear out. We do sell replacement for components as well as spare parts.
Q: Can I buy spare parts?
Yes you may.
Q: Can I buy online?
You may refer to SmokerHaven.com. Contact dealers listed there or email info@SmokerHaven.com
Q: How to be a SmokerHaven Electronic Cigarette dealer?
You can fill in the form and submit to info@SmokerHaven.com This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it after buying 1st set at retail price. Our dealership department will contact you only if you meet the criteria & qualification to be a SmokerHaven dealer.
Q: Are there any discounts?
All prices are fixed at optimum price.
Q: If I stay far away, how do I buy the SmokerHaven Products?
Go to SmokerHaven.com FIND US page to find the outlets/dealers nearest to you or Email info@SmokerHaven.com
Q: Can I use the same cartridge for other models?
No. Only for SmokerHaven exclusive Electronic cigarette
Q: I have seen a model that uses liquid drops.
They are models from china. Very dangerous because it contains diethylene Glycol and the Nicotine is not controlled, regulated. You may get nicotine poisoning too. Our cartridges are approved by USFDA and are safe.
Q: What are the nicotine levels?
16miligram (High) 11 milligram (Low) 0 mg (None)
Q: What are the nicotine levels in real cigarette?
18mg for regular cigarettes 12mg for light
Q: How to care for my SMOKERHAVEN electronic cigarette?
Try to handle them with care. Do not drop them. These are sensitive electronic components. Be firm & gentle when changing the cartridges.
Q: Any other tips on using my SMOKERHAVEN e-cig?
Use a small piece of non-slip rubber mat if it is to tight to pull. Clean the residue of foil when changing cartridges. When there are no smoke, change the battery first not cartridge. If it starts to produce less smoke, remove the foil in the cartridge with a small pin. Tap the cartridge down (without the atomizer of course) the liquid container in the cartridge will move closer to the atomizer heating element. You may use this technique to remove the foil too.