
THE PROSHOP => Golf Tips & Advice => Topic started by: Budakboy on July 26, 2010, 11:52:06 PM

Title: Before You Buy Your First Set...
Post by: Budakboy on July 26, 2010, 11:52:06 PM
From my experience, when we just pick up golf, we shouldn`t buy expensive set. This was because after sometime we might want to improve our game by replacing it with any set that more suitable with us and of course we want to replace it with the improvement set. At that time we definitely want to sell our beginner set. And the most important thing is that we can sell it at almost the same price or a little bit lower than the price we bought before.

Somebody would suggest you buying a second hand set that maybe worth around RM400 – RM500. But can you imagine the condition of the set? And the worst part maybe some of the clubs was older than your age. Golf is about appearance. Good turn out. Etiquette. Smartness. Performance. Gentlemen.


Why not we just straightaway buy improvement set rather then buying the beginner set? Good question pal. The reason being I’m not recommend you to buy an improvement set was because as a beginner we still don`t know which set was really suitable with us. As a beginner, we still cannot differentiate the feel between all the set. At this stage we only need to learn how to hit straight.  We cannot simply test any set that we like. An intermediate ‘golf driver’ worth RM1000 and above. This only a driver. Not to mentions others like putter and so on.

If you got any question about starting golf, just give me a call…if you don`t want to buy from me also got no problem…we still can be a friend..golf is about friendship.

Sedut dari : http://malaysiangolfer.info
Title: Re: Before You Buy Your First Set...
Post by: rochie on July 27, 2010, 08:32:55 PM
I started golfing early February last year...i bought new maruman conductor iron set...very forgiving and easy to handle...which i aspected that i dont want to change the new one before using it more than 5 years ...perhaps forever... cost of all my new clubs...RM 7,920.00
Title: Re: Before You Buy Your First Set...
Post by: topaz11 on August 10, 2010, 02:49:20 PM
where did you learn when starting hit a ball?
i am looking kor someone..
Title: Re: Before You Buy Your First Set...
Post by: Budakboy on December 31, 2010, 03:51:46 PM
I started golfing early February last year...i bought new maruman conductor iron set...very forgiving and easy to handle...which i aspected that i dont want to change the new one before using it more than 5 years ...perhaps forever... cost of all my new clubs...RM 7,920.00

Waw! hope it will be forever hehe...don`t you want to try a Taylormade? hehe

Title: Re: Before You Buy Your First Set...
Post by: Budakboy on December 31, 2010, 03:53:17 PM
where did you learn when starting hit a ball?
i am looking kor someone..

Kat Monterez ada sorang, nama dia Irwan. Ada sorang lagi jugak, dia memang handal, nama dia Mr Feel Good. Boleh bergurau ngan dia hahaha...berguru? emmm....