
THE PROSHOP => Golf Tips & Advice => Topic started by: nokia737 on July 03, 2010, 12:42:02 AM

Title: Tennis Elbow (Lateral Epicondylitis)....
Post by: nokia737 on July 03, 2010, 12:42:02 AM
Prevention of tennis elbow

Tennis elbow is usually caused by overuse of your arm, so it can be prevented. A few sensible precautions include:

    * warm up before activity with five minutes of gentle movements - this allows time for your muscles to adjust to the extra stresses and strains
    * try not to do the same activity for long periods of time - take regular breaks
    * seek advice early from your GP or physiotherapist if you notice a problem
    * stop the activity that's causing the problem or find a different way to do it.

To prevent an old tennis elbow injury from coming back, you should:

    * give yourself proper rest between sessions
    * don't play sport if your arm is painful
    * get professional advice on your technique if you play racquet sports regularly
    * perform exercises to strengthen the tendon in your arm, as advised by your physiotherapist...

nokia737 - skang tengah menanggung kesakitan yg teramat, harap info nie dpt mengelak kan
                  dr geng2 terkena kecederaan nie, sakit ooooo....   :'(

more info pls click here ; http://www.sportsinjuryclinic.net/cybertherapist/front/elbow/tenniselbow.htm
Title: Re: Tennis Elbow (Lateral Epicondylitis)....
Post by: Ateh on July 03, 2010, 07:34:34 AM
Prevention of tennis elbow

Tennis elbow is usually caused by overuse of your arm, so it can be prevented. A few sensible precautions include:

    * warm up before activity with five minutes of gentle movements - this allows time for your muscles to adjust to the extra stresses and strains
    * try not to do the same activity for long periods of time - take regular breaks
    * seek advice early from your GP or physiotherapist if you notice a problem
    * stop the activity that's causing the problem or find a different way to do it.

To prevent an old tennis elbow injury from coming back, you should:

    * give yourself proper rest between sessions
    * don't play sport if your arm is painful
    * get professional advice on your technique if you play racquet sports regularly
    * perform exercises to strengthen the tendon in your arm, as advised by your physiotherapist...

nokia737 - skang tengah menanggung kesakitan yg teramat, harap info nie dpt mengelak kan
                  dr geng2 terkena kecederaan nie, sakit ooooo....   :'(

more info pls click here ; http://www.sportsinjuryclinic.net/cybertherapist/front/elbow/tenniselbow.htm

Moga cepat sembuh.....
Title: Re: Tennis Elbow (Lateral Epicondylitis)....
Post by: nokia737 on July 04, 2010, 04:10:38 AM
Prevention of tennis elbow

Tennis elbow is usually caused by overuse of your arm, so it can be prevented. A few sensible precautions include:

    * warm up before activity with five minutes of gentle movements - this allows time for your muscles to adjust to the extra stresses and strains
    * try not to do the same activity for long periods of time - take regular breaks
    * seek advice early from your GP or physiotherapist if you notice a problem
    * stop the activity that's causing the problem or find a different way to do it.

To prevent an old tennis elbow injury from coming back, you should:

    * give yourself proper rest between sessions
    * don't play sport if your arm is painful
    * get professional advice on your technique if you play racquet sports regularly
    * perform exercises to strengthen the tendon in your arm, as advised by your physiotherapist...

nokia737 - skang tengah menanggung kesakitan yg teramat, harap info nie dpt mengelak kan
                  dr geng2 terkena kecederaan nie, sakit ooooo....   :'(

more info pls click here ; http://www.sportsinjuryclinic.net/cybertherapist/front/elbow/tenniselbow.htm

Moga cepat sembuh.....

thx bro ateh..
Title: Re: Tennis Elbow (Lateral Epicondylitis)....
Post by: Nastro Azorro on July 04, 2010, 03:32:13 PM
Prevention of tennis elbow

Tennis elbow is usually caused by overuse of your arm, so it can be prevented. A few sensible precautions include:

    * warm up before activity with five minutes of gentle movements - this allows time for your muscles to adjust to the extra stresses and strains
    * try not to do the same activity for long periods of time - take regular breaks
    * seek advice early from your GP or physiotherapist if you notice a problem
    * stop the activity that's causing the problem or find a different way to do it.

To prevent an old tennis elbow injury from coming back, you should:

    * give yourself proper rest between sessions
    * don't play sport if your arm is painful
    * get professional advice on your technique if you play racquet sports regularly
    * perform exercises to strengthen the tendon in your arm, as advised by your physiotherapist...

nokia737 - skang tengah menanggung kesakitan yg teramat, harap info nie dpt mengelak kan
                  dr geng2 terkena kecederaan nie, sakit ooooo....   :'(

more info pls click here ; http://www.sportsinjuryclinic.net/cybertherapist/front/elbow/tenniselbow.htm

woohoo!! bro, banyak banyak rehat ok..semoga cepat sembuh...nanti dah sihat kita pegi warming up kat nilai ping ok. auuwww.
Title: Re: Tennis Elbow (Lateral Epicondylitis)....
Post by: nokia737 on July 05, 2010, 03:03:39 AM
Prevention of tennis elbow

Tennis elbow is usually caused by overuse of your arm, so it can be prevented. A few sensible precautions include:

    * warm up before activity with five minutes of gentle movements - this allows time for your muscles to adjust to the extra stresses and strains
    * try not to do the same activity for long periods of time - take regular breaks
    * seek advice early from your GP or physiotherapist if you notice a problem
    * stop the activity that's causing the problem or find a different way to do it.

To prevent an old tennis elbow injury from coming back, you should:

    * give yourself proper rest between sessions
    * don't play sport if your arm is painful
    * get professional advice on your technique if you play racquet sports regularly
    * perform exercises to strengthen the tendon in your arm, as advised by your physiotherapist...

nokia737 - skang tengah menanggung kesakitan yg teramat, harap info nie dpt mengelak kan
                  dr geng2 terkena kecederaan nie, sakit ooooo....   :'(

more info pls click here ; http://www.sportsinjuryclinic.net/cybertherapist/front/elbow/tenniselbow.htm

woohoo!! bro, banyak banyak rehat ok..semoga cepat sembuh...nanti dah sihat kita pegi warming up kat nilai ping ok. auuwww.

roger bro...insyallah bole recover dlm 2bln kalau lgsung x menyuwing...

Title: Re: Tennis Elbow (Lateral Epicondylitis)....
Post by: ahman on July 05, 2010, 11:07:38 AM
Apasal dengan elbow??? main tennis pulak ke??? kalau main tennis, ajak la gua gak...dah lama tak melibas ni...

Title: Re: Tennis Elbow (Lateral Epicondylitis)....
Post by: mizunof on July 05, 2010, 04:05:59 PM
man, klau table tenis kau ajak aku eekkk.
Title: Re: Tennis Elbow (Lateral Epicondylitis)....
Post by: nokia737 on July 06, 2010, 03:33:43 AM
Apasal dengan elbow??? main tennis pulak ke??? kalau main tennis, ajak la gua gak...dah lama tak melibas ni...

pak, ini penyakit ( tennis elbow ) biasanye nadal, federer, murray n seanggkatan dgn nye selalu kena,
tp sy golfer kedua yg kena selepas bro mizunof, kuang3x....   ;D ;D ;D tp sakitttt ooooo !!!!
Title: Re: Tennis Elbow (Lateral Epicondylitis)....
Post by: Daddyjoe on July 06, 2010, 10:54:24 AM
Apasal dengan elbow??? main tennis pulak ke??? kalau main tennis, ajak la gua gak...dah lama tak melibas ni...

pak, ini penyakit ( tennis elbow ) biasanye nadal, federer, murray n seanggkatan dgn nye selalu kena,
tp sy golfer kedua yg kena selepas bro mizunof, kuang3x....   ;D ;D ;D tp sakitttt ooooo !!!!

Dia orang pun ahli KUS....patutlah! >:D
Title: Re: Tennis Elbow (Lateral Epicondylitis)....
Post by: FiVe on July 06, 2010, 11:17:13 AM
Apasal dengan elbow??? main tennis pulak ke??? kalau main tennis, ajak la gua gak...dah lama tak melibas ni...

pak, ini penyakit ( tennis elbow ) biasanye nadal, federer, murray n seanggkatan dgn nye selalu kena,
tp sy golfer kedua yg kena selepas bro mizunof, kuang3x....   ;D ;D ;D tp sakitttt ooooo !!!!

Dia orang pun ahli KUS....patutlah! >:D

hahahahahaha....KUS=KELAB USUS SERABUT.... >:D >:D >:D
Title: Re: Tennis Elbow (Lateral Epicondylitis)....
Post by: nokia737 on July 07, 2010, 03:02:36 AM
Apasal dengan elbow??? main tennis pulak ke??? kalau main tennis, ajak la gua gak...dah lama tak melibas ni...

pak, ini penyakit ( tennis elbow ) biasanye nadal, federer, murray n seanggkatan dgn nye selalu kena,
tp sy golfer kedua yg kena selepas bro mizunof, kuang3x....   ;D ;D ;D tp sakitttt ooooo !!!!

Dia orang pun ahli KUS....patutlah! >:D

hahahahahaha....KUS=KELAB USUS SERABUT.... >:D >:D >:D

kah3x    ;D ;D ;D