Prevention of tennis elbow
Tennis elbow is usually caused by overuse of your arm, so it can be prevented. A few sensible precautions include:
* warm up before activity with five minutes of gentle movements - this allows time for your muscles to adjust to the extra stresses and strains
* try not to do the same activity for long periods of time - take regular breaks
* seek advice early from your GP or physiotherapist if you notice a problem
* stop the activity that's causing the problem or find a different way to do it.
To prevent an old tennis elbow injury from coming back, you should:
* give yourself proper rest between sessions
* don't play sport if your arm is painful
* get professional advice on your technique if you play racquet sports regularly
* perform exercises to strengthen the tendon in your arm, as advised by your physiotherapist...
nokia737 - skang tengah menanggung kesakitan yg teramat, harap info nie dpt mengelak kan
dr geng2 terkena kecederaan nie, sakit ooooo.... :'(
more info pls click here ;
Prevention of tennis elbow
Tennis elbow is usually caused by overuse of your arm, so it can be prevented. A few sensible precautions include:
* warm up before activity with five minutes of gentle movements - this allows time for your muscles to adjust to the extra stresses and strains
* try not to do the same activity for long periods of time - take regular breaks
* seek advice early from your GP or physiotherapist if you notice a problem
* stop the activity that's causing the problem or find a different way to do it.
To prevent an old tennis elbow injury from coming back, you should:
* give yourself proper rest between sessions
* don't play sport if your arm is painful
* get professional advice on your technique if you play racquet sports regularly
* perform exercises to strengthen the tendon in your arm, as advised by your physiotherapist...
nokia737 - skang tengah menanggung kesakitan yg teramat, harap info nie dpt mengelak kan
dr geng2 terkena kecederaan nie, sakit ooooo.... :'(
more info pls click here ;
Moga cepat sembuh.....
Prevention of tennis elbow
Tennis elbow is usually caused by overuse of your arm, so it can be prevented. A few sensible precautions include:
* warm up before activity with five minutes of gentle movements - this allows time for your muscles to adjust to the extra stresses and strains
* try not to do the same activity for long periods of time - take regular breaks
* seek advice early from your GP or physiotherapist if you notice a problem
* stop the activity that's causing the problem or find a different way to do it.
To prevent an old tennis elbow injury from coming back, you should:
* give yourself proper rest between sessions
* don't play sport if your arm is painful
* get professional advice on your technique if you play racquet sports regularly
* perform exercises to strengthen the tendon in your arm, as advised by your physiotherapist...
nokia737 - skang tengah menanggung kesakitan yg teramat, harap info nie dpt mengelak kan
dr geng2 terkena kecederaan nie, sakit ooooo.... :'(
more info pls click here ;
Prevention of tennis elbow
Tennis elbow is usually caused by overuse of your arm, so it can be prevented. A few sensible precautions include:
* warm up before activity with five minutes of gentle movements - this allows time for your muscles to adjust to the extra stresses and strains
* try not to do the same activity for long periods of time - take regular breaks
* seek advice early from your GP or physiotherapist if you notice a problem
* stop the activity that's causing the problem or find a different way to do it.
To prevent an old tennis elbow injury from coming back, you should:
* give yourself proper rest between sessions
* don't play sport if your arm is painful
* get professional advice on your technique if you play racquet sports regularly
* perform exercises to strengthen the tendon in your arm, as advised by your physiotherapist...
nokia737 - skang tengah menanggung kesakitan yg teramat, harap info nie dpt mengelak kan
dr geng2 terkena kecederaan nie, sakit ooooo.... :'(
more info pls click here ;
woohoo!! bro, banyak banyak rehat ok..semoga cepat sembuh...nanti dah sihat kita pegi warming up kat nilai ping ok. auuwww.
roger bro...insyallah bole recover dlm 2bln kalau lgsung x menyuwing...
Apasal dengan elbow??? main tennis pulak ke??? kalau main tennis, ajak la gua gak...dah lama tak melibas ni...p
Apasal dengan elbow??? main tennis pulak ke??? kalau main tennis, ajak la gua gak...dah lama tak melibas ni...p
pak, ini penyakit ( tennis elbow ) biasanye nadal, federer, murray n seanggkatan dgn nye selalu kena,
tp sy golfer kedua yg kena selepas bro mizunof, kuang3x.... ;D ;D ;D tp sakitttt ooooo !!!!
Apasal dengan elbow??? main tennis pulak ke??? kalau main tennis, ajak la gua gak...dah lama tak melibas ni...p
pak, ini penyakit ( tennis elbow ) biasanye nadal, federer, murray n seanggkatan dgn nye selalu kena,
tp sy golfer kedua yg kena selepas bro mizunof, kuang3x.... ;D ;D ;D tp sakitttt ooooo !!!!
Dia orang pun ahli KUS....patutlah! >:D
Apasal dengan elbow??? main tennis pulak ke??? kalau main tennis, ajak la gua gak...dah lama tak melibas ni...p
pak, ini penyakit ( tennis elbow ) biasanye nadal, federer, murray n seanggkatan dgn nye selalu kena,
tp sy golfer kedua yg kena selepas bro mizunof, kuang3x.... ;D ;D ;D tp sakitttt ooooo !!!!
Dia orang pun ahli KUS....patutlah! >:Dhahahahahaha....KUS=KELAB USUS SERABUT.... >:D >:D >:D