THE PROSHOP => Golf Equipment => Topic started by: KAWE@golfertegar on June 01, 2010, 03:10:06 PM
Salam & Good Afternoon
All, I'm looking for new iron set. Skrg pakai R7 draw. Terpikir nak beli tour burner iron.
Sapa2 boleh bagi pendapat. Saya peminat taylormade...
If you are talking bout Tour Burner yg keluaran 2008 lebih kurang tu, memang dah takde keluar dah. Tu pun considered my fave iron.. Banyak kedai i dah cari but mmg takde stok. But if somehow you boleh jumpa, let me know too ya?
i rasa i blh tolong carikan utk u......
anything pls ring me at 012-6567610 and we can talk about that........
i rasa i blh tolong carikan utk u......
anything pls ring me at 012-6567610 and we can talk about that........
kalau i nak jugak ..u tolong cari kan boleehhhhh..MARUMAN M-sole wood 3
i rasa i blh tolong carikan utk u......
anything pls ring me at 012-6567610 and we can talk about that........
kalau i nak jugak ..u tolong cari kan boleehhhhh..MARUMAN M-sole wood 3
insya allah sy akan usaha kan utk mentor saya........