THE PROSHOP => Golf Tips & Advice => Topic started by: pakngah on May 29, 2010, 09:45:53 AM
It's not good to use the cotton buds too often to clean up the inside of your ears. It might lead to side effects. when the cotton bud is pushed further into the ear tunnel, it will slide the ear wax further inside where it will turn more solid and eventually, turn solid-hard. and there it will remain. your hearing could be affected. you might have ear infections. you might even have problems with balancing your body. and that will not be good for golfers.
ps: nak ikut, ikut. tak nak ikut, sudahhh
Abih tu, kita nak guna apo Pakngah??? Mueheheheheh
Abih tu, kita nak guna apo Pakngah??? Mueheheheheh
xyah guna apa2. bia jer dia meleleh keluar.
Abih tu, kita nak guna apo Pakngah??? Mueheheheheh
xyah guna apa2. bia jer dia meleleh keluar.
Aiiyaaaaaa!!!!!! Muehehehehehe
Abih tu, kita nak guna apo Pakngah??? Mueheheheheh
xyah guna apa2. bia jer dia meleleh keluar.
Aiiyaaaaaa!!!!!! Muehehehehehe
yang tu, dia tak cakap la pulokkk. erizzz, biaq dia meleleh? buruk bebenor rupenye. gunalah apa saja yg patut, may be sandwedge boleh kot. White Hot Putter pun boleh gamaknya. ;D
Abih tu, kita nak guna apo Pakngah??? Mueheheheheh
xyah guna apa2. bia jer dia meleleh keluar.
Aiiyaaaaaa!!!!!! Muehehehehehe
yang tu, dia tak cakap la pulokkk. erizzz, biaq dia meleleh? buruk bebenor rupenye. gunalah apa saja yg patut, may be sandwedge boleh kot. White Hot Putter pun boleh gamaknya. ;D
Pak Ngah,
Baik pakai Driver.....baru bestttt
Pak Ngah.. dr's advice, avoid getting water inside the ears.. maknanya masa mandi tu, takyah cuci telinga! BETUL.. sometimes di sebabkan air dlm telinga jugaklah boleh kena vertigo.. also do not blow ur nose kuat sangat...