
THE PROSHOP => Want To Sell => Topic started by: tengkumuda on March 28, 2010, 12:18:48 AM

Title: Taylor Made R7 2008 Gold Special Edition
Post by: tengkumuda on March 28, 2010, 12:18:48 AM
minta laluan jika diizinkan...

Dear All,

Although is tough but I had decided to give up golf. So I'm selling my Taylor Made R7 2008 - Gold Special Edition Set.

This Full set is suitable for beginner and intermediate level .

Package inclusive of:

1 unit of Driver
1 unit of Wood 3
Iron set Sw - 5
Putter Rossa
Taylor Made Stand Bag





All in RM 2500.00

COD at Sunway or Bandar Utama Range

If you are interested please SMS or call @ 0192651555 or  0123447886.

Thank you MFG, Thank you to all friends.. !!!!!!!!!!!

Best regards.

Title: Re: Taylor Made R7 2008 Gold Special Edition
Post by: pakngah on March 28, 2010, 01:24:30 AM
minta laluan jika diizinkan...

Dear All,

Although is tough but I had decided to give up golf. So I'm selling my Taylor Made R7 2008 - Gold Special Edition Set.
All in RM 2500.00 [/b][/u]

COD at Sunway or Bandar Utama Range

If you are interested please SMS or call @ 0192651555 or  0123447886.

Thank you MFG, Thank you to all friends.. !!!!!!!!!!!

Best regards.

sorang lagi pulak pencen golf..... :( :( :( 

p.s.  nombor talipon yg kedua tu looks kind of familiar laa
Title: Re: Taylor Made R7 2008 Gold Special Edition
Post by: ibm632 on March 28, 2010, 05:58:26 PM
Dari statement dia tu ... set tu sesuai utk beginner dan intermediate ... so kesimpulan nyer dia ni dah pro la skg ni
Title: Re: Taylor Made R7 2008 Gold Special Edition
Post by: FiVe on March 29, 2010, 01:47:06 PM
aposal 2 2 no 2 cm lain ja 2????
Title: Re: Taylor Made R7 2008 Gold Special Edition
Post by: PFD888 on March 29, 2010, 09:59:24 PM
Foto nya comel ya!
Title: Re: Taylor Made R7 2008 Gold Special Edition
Post by: AL-BUJ on March 29, 2010, 10:50:58 PM
ai TM nak jual set pon nak pakai org tengah gak ker tau la nama dia pak ngah
bro aku nak stand bag jer brapa nak tolak
pm aku ok bro.........
Title: Re: Taylor Made R7 2008 Gold Special Edition
Post by: pakngah on March 30, 2010, 04:36:43 PM
ai TM nak jual set pon nak pakai org tengah gak ker tau la nama dia pak ngah
bro aku nak stand bag jer brapa nak tolak
pm aku ok bro.........

harga semua sekali RM2,500.00. harga dah ditetapkan oleh tuan punya. kalau hang beli bag ja, org lain beli set nak bubuh kayu-kayu golf tu dlm apa pulak??

that's why tuanpunya jual the whole thing as one set. kalau serius mau, dia bulih bagi sebijik taylormadeadidas cap free.
Title: Re: Taylor Made R7 2008 Gold Special Edition
Post by: FiVe on March 30, 2010, 05:07:20 PM
ai TM nak jual set pon nak pakai org tengah gak ker tau la nama dia pak ngah
bro aku nak stand bag jer brapa nak tolak
pm aku ok bro.........

harga semua sekali RM2,500.00. harga dah ditetapkan oleh tuan punya. kalau hang beli bag ja, org lain beli set nak bubuh kayu-kayu golf tu dlm apa pulak??

that's why tuanpunya jual the whole thing as one set. kalau serius mau, dia bulih bagi sebijik taylormadeadidas cap free.

ni baik nyerr promoterrrr.....hensom lak 2.... >:D >:D
Title: Re: Taylor Made R7 2008 Gold Special Edition
Post by: Budak Baik on March 30, 2010, 05:55:43 PM
tengkumuda... if u really2 wants to quit golf, its a pity... ayam ini telah banyak membesar sejak tewas di PDGCC dan ayam ini ingin membalas dendam dengan flight itu hari...

so dont quit golf now, quit when i 'devour' u, junkyard n faiz...

BTW, the whole set u r selling is tempting... i'll give it a thought n will call u if really2 interested...
Title: Re: Taylor Made R7 2008 Gold Special Edition
Post by: mrfeelgood on April 07, 2010, 12:19:55 AM
minta laluan jika diizinkan...

Dear All,

Although is tough but I had decided to give up golf.....

.... Thank you MFG, Thank you to all friends.. !!!!!!!!!!!

Best regards.

Bro! You quitting golf doesn't mean that you're quitting KakiGolf as well ... You're part of the community too... Once you've checked in, you can never check out (Ehhh! Cam lyrics "Hotel California" lah pulak!) ... Getting together with the rest of the KakiGolf crowd doesn't always have to be on the fairways ... You're more than welcome to join us after our games, for teh tarik, etc .... And kalau nak jadi our tour guide pegi seberang pun OK gak! ..

In fact, bring your cameras along for this coming Blue.Sky event ... The door is always open for you bro!!!

Soooo .... Hope to see you around soon, even if you're dropping your golf clubs for the cameras ... Doesn't matter!!!