
THE PROSHOP => Want to Buy => Topic started by: barryt on December 05, 2008, 07:39:46 PM

Title: Looking for Cleveland HiBore XLS driver
Post by: barryt on December 05, 2008, 07:39:46 PM
Hi There,

I'm looking for a used Cleveland Hibore XLS driver. Anyone out there would like to sell theirs?
Would prefer S-flex shaft but R-flex from it's original Fujikura shaft can be considered.

Title: Re: Looking for Cleveland HiBore XLS driver
Post by: mrfeelgood on December 06, 2008, 12:53:11 AM
Hi There,

I'm looking for a used Cleveland Hibore XLS driver. Anyone out there would like to sell theirs?
Would prefer S-flex shaft but R-flex from it's original Fujikura shaft can be considered.


Hi barryt!

1st of all ... welcome to kakigolf .. great to have u here! Anyway! Y don't u try & PM either Budakboy or IrwanMonterez, maybe they cud help u out. I think Budakboy has an online store & IrwanMonterez is a golf pro, maybe they wud be able help u source 4 the driver dat u're looking 4 ...

btw, wud b kool if u cud introduce urself at the "Introduce Yourself" thread 


... tell us a bit about urself - wud really help break the ice ..

Cheers!!! & swing by  the forum  often ya ...  ;)

Title: Re: Looking for Cleveland HiBore XLS driver
Post by: Budakboy on December 06, 2008, 09:23:59 AM
Mr Barryt...welcome to our group also. Remember me Budakboy hehe...this group was so good. Very good community, good members. They are all very helpful. Welcome again. To mrfeelgood thanks for the support. Really appreciate it.  ;D
Title: Re: Looking for Cleveland HiBore XLS driver
Post by: barryt on December 08, 2008, 01:46:25 AM
Mr Barryt...welcome to our group also. Remember me Budakboy hehe...this group was so good. Very good community, good members. They are all very helpful. Welcome again. To mrfeelgood thanks for the support. Really appreciate it.  ;D

Hello there budakboy,

Of course I remember u la bro, I already set in your website under my favorites center for easy access. You semed to be everywhere too, don't ya?

For those of you whom haven't heard of me, I will certainly take this opportunity to apologize for not introducing myself first. Please give me some time and I will surely write something. Curently, I am too busy with my work to surf through this website as yet.

Title: Re: Looking for Cleveland HiBore XLS driver
Post by: Aezam on December 14, 2008, 07:26:46 PM
hehehe!!! budayboy seems to be everywhere ya .. but I guess he's one very friendly guy & this place would really be very quiet without him ...
Title: Re: Looking for Cleveland HiBore XLS driver
Post by: idzil on December 28, 2008, 11:01:06 PM
yap! he's everywhere ...  ;D
Title: Re: Looking for Cleveland HiBore XLS driver
Post by: mrfeelgood on December 28, 2008, 11:04:30 PM
yap! he's everywhere ...  ;D

hehehe!!! talk about being everywhere - bumped into budayboy at monterez driving range yesterday ... he introduced himself - 1st impression? nice & friendly young fella ...  ;D 
Title: Re: Looking for Cleveland HiBore XLS driver
Post by: Budakboy on January 04, 2009, 01:45:28 PM
waa  so many post aa...em young fella? Look young but almost 30 maa hehe...awek muda. I`m everywhere? Of coz la, drink golf, eat golf, mandi golf, sleep golf, kena marah ngan wife also bout golf hahahahaha...but the most important of coz laa...KAKIGOLF hehe... ::). Yes i did meet with mr feelgood, he`s a real kakigolf also, siap buat kemah kat monterez driving range lagi hehe...nice man.

To everybody, sekarang saya kat kampung Kuala Ketil SP, cuti2 malaysia. Tapi yang tak best, my Celcom broadband slow gila sini, One Msg One day huhu...click pagi 'sent'. petang baru dia sent hohoho...pedap2. Tunggu la blik kuantan nanti hehe...nak msg puas puas. Dah la keje tak jalan. Sabar2. Anyway thanks to all fellows for the real support to our golf community. Kita majukan golf untuk KITA. Untuk negara? Kita satle masalah MGA and MPGA dulu laa hehe...apa daaaa...
Title: Re: Looking for Cleveland HiBore XLS driver
Post by: barryt on January 12, 2009, 04:43:27 PM
What about  my Cleveland HiBore??? ::) Looks like no one really want to part with theirs...., anyway, I'm happy that I have posted a subject for all to chat. 8) So Mrfeelgood and budakboy ni, both are nice people ya...., maybe someday I'll drive to Monterez driving range to meet you guys in person.... ;)
Title: Re: Looking for Cleveland HiBore XLS driver
Post by: Budakboy on January 12, 2009, 09:02:52 PM
Hehe thanks for that. Em still not getting the Hibore ker? Ok my friend want to sell his Claveland hibore (R). Look good. RM 430 termasuk shipping. Interested? or Claveland launcher stiff RM 470,  termasuk shipping.  O0. If interested just let me know than i will post the pic for you. Yes tak sabar nak tee off sekali hehe...
Title: Re: Looking for Cleveland HiBore XLS driver
Post by: barryt on January 15, 2009, 01:14:42 PM
Hi Budakboy,

When you mentioned Cleveland HiBore, I hope it is the XLS model type. The earlier model of HiBore tu, I tak minat. Cleveland Launcher (model lama) I dah ada.

Thank you for your kind anticipation! :D
Title: Re: Looking for Cleveland HiBore XLS driver
Post by: Budakboy on January 18, 2009, 10:48:12 PM
Sorry mr Barryt for late reply. em sorry again hehe...that was the old model of launcher..but the owner had changed the shaft to Aldilla NV (green). Ok no problem. Thanks and happy golfing hehe...i got problem with my new site. tengah bekerja keras memikir apa masalah hehe..anyway thanks...
Title: Re: Looking for Cleveland HiBore XLS driver
Post by: barryt on January 19, 2009, 11:00:54 PM
Sorry mr Barryt for late reply. em sorry again hehe...that was the old model of launcher..but the owner had changed the shaft to Aldilla NV (green). Ok no problem. Thanks and happy golfing hehe...i got problem with my new site. tengah bekerja keras memikir apa masalah hehe..anyway thanks...

Hi Budakboy,

Thanks for your reply, appreciate your concern! Lain kali aje lah, I will look into your website now and then to see if there is anything good for me then...., hope you can encounter your IT problem, I'm no expert in this line so better not ask what problem you're facing.  ???

Cheers mate! ;D
Title: Re: Looking for Cleveland HiBore XLS driver
Post by: mrfeelgood on January 22, 2009, 10:29:44 PM
Hi There,

I'm looking for a used Cleveland Hibore XLS driver. Anyone out there would like to sell theirs?
Would prefer S-flex shaft but R-flex from it's original Fujikura shaft can be considered.


Hi Barry,

You might wanna give this guy a try ... I went over to his website ... he may have the Hibore XLS you're looking for ...


New original branded golf drivers for sale at wholesale price. Visit now http://www.cheap-golf-drivers.com Prices starts from RM500++
Title: Re: Looking for Cleveland HiBore XLS driver
Post by: Budakboy on February 06, 2009, 12:29:02 AM
Saya dengar Hibore XLS tak memenuhi standard. Betul ker? Besar lebih.
Title: Re: Looking for Cleveland HiBore XLS driver
Post by: barryt on February 10, 2009, 11:05:23 PM
Hi there golfers,

Many thanks to you, mrfeelgood, for the infos on new drivers..., have checked the details and they are all new ones.., but price is ok..., need to consider a little longer... :-\

As for the reply on my fellow brader, budakboy, the old Cleveland Hibore model is non-conformance but the XLS models is ok.

Anyway, since the launch of the new Cleveland Launcher, I have tried it and pretty good in distance compared to my current TP Burner. Can't really said that for everyone but I guess it suits me well. That's the reason I'm having doubt on buying a new Hibore XLS instead.... ??? (pening la.....)

Anyway, thank you guys for the anticipation.

Taking this opportunity, I appreciate the forum chat on AGN card issues and clarification made. Eventhough I have no intention to join any card membership, but I'm so pleased to know the truth and happenings. BRAVO GUYS!!!! ;D
Title: Re: Looking for Cleveland HiBore XLS driver
Post by: mrfeelgood on February 11, 2009, 11:15:27 PM

...... Many thanks to you, mrfeelgood ....

Not a problem, glad I could be of help... spirit of golfing camaraderie!  ;)

Title: Re: Looking for Cleveland HiBore XLS driver
Post by: mrfeelgood on March 19, 2009, 12:26:44 AM

Hi there golfers,

Many thanks to you, mrfeelgood, for the infos on new drivers..., have checked the details and they are all new ones.., but price is ok..., need to consider a little longer... :-\

As for the reply on my fellow brader, budakboy, the old Cleveland Hibore model is non-conformance but the XLS models is ok.

Anyway, since the launch of the new Cleveland Launcher, I have tried it and pretty good in distance compared to my current TP Burner. Can't really said that for everyone but I guess it suits me well. That's the reason I'm having doubt on buying a new Hibore XLS instead.... ??? (pening la.....)

Anyway, thank you guys for the anticipation.

Taking this opportunity, I appreciate the forum chat on AGN card issues and clarification made. Eventhough I have no intention to join any card membership, but I'm so pleased to know the truth and happenings. BRAVO GUYS!!!! ;D

Hi Barry!

Have you found your Cleveland HiBore XLS Driver yet? I was browsing thro' www.mudah.my and across this:


Its brand new though ... take a look!

Cheers!  :)
Title: Re: Looking for Cleveland HiBore XLS driver
Post by: mrfeelgood on March 19, 2009, 12:28:55 AM
Opps!!! Sorry .. its a used driver ... my apology!!!
Title: Re: Looking for Cleveland HiBore XLS driver
Post by: Budakboy on March 25, 2009, 05:25:55 PM
Hai...i got one, but used...visit my new website hehehe... O0
Title: Re: Looking for Cleveland HiBore XLS driver
Post by: gunn on October 13, 2009, 09:49:34 AM
Hi All..

I have the driver..drop me a line kalau rasa nak tgk or test..

Title: Re: Looking for Cleveland HiBore XLS driver
Post by: moya on October 14, 2009, 11:47:22 AM
Hi All..

I have the driver..drop me a line kalau rasa nak tgk or test..

yoo bro gunn
what the details of yur clev hbore,,,
Title: Re: Looking for Cleveland HiBore XLS driver
Post by: gunn on October 14, 2009, 12:47:16 PM
XLS HiBore 9.5 degree
Title: Re: Looking for Cleveland HiBore XLS driver
Post by: moya on October 14, 2009, 05:11:28 PM
XLS HiBore 9.5 degree

ok bro thnks..
which area r u at bro...
Title: Re: Looking for Cleveland HiBore XLS driver
Post by: gunn on October 14, 2009, 05:22:41 PM
wangsa maju bro..
Title: Re: Looking for Cleveland HiBore XLS driver
Post by: kimearco on October 18, 2009, 08:08:13 AM

i have cleveland hibore xls monster 10.5 degree with original fujikura flightspeed 50 gram regular shaft.very good conditions.9/10.rm550
Title: Re: Looking for Cleveland HiBore XLS driver
Post by: mrfeelgood on October 18, 2009, 11:07:39 PM

i have cleveland hibore xls monster 10.5 degree with original fujikura flightspeed 50 gram regular shaft.very good conditions.9/10.rm550

ok bro thnks..
which area r u at bro...

Min ... Here's another Hi-Bore!!!
Title: Re: Looking for Cleveland HiBore XLS driver
Post by: mrfeelgood on October 18, 2009, 11:08:27 PM

i have cleveland hibore xls monster 10.5 degree with original fujikura flightspeed 50 gram regular shaft.very good conditions.9/10.rm550

Bro ... Where are you at? Bole testing-testing tak?
Title: Re: Looking for Cleveland HiBore XLS driver
Post by: kimearco on October 19, 2009, 06:27:32 AM
hi bro

i just receive cleveland hibore xls 9.5 degree wt fujikura gold regular 55 gram.8/10.

RM450 only


Title: Re: Looking for Cleveland HiBore XLS driver
Post by: kimearco on October 19, 2009, 06:30:56 AM

i have cleveland hibore xls monster 10.5 degree with original fujikura flightspeed 50 gram regular shaft.very good conditions.9/10.rm550

ok bro thnks..
which area r u at bro...

Min ... Here's another Hi-Bore!!!

jb bro
Title: Re: Looking for Cleveland HiBore XLS driver
Post by: mrfeelgood on November 14, 2009, 12:28:30 AM

i have cleveland hibore xls monster 10.5 degree with original fujikura flightspeed 50 gram regular shaft.very good conditions.9/10.rm550

Ada lagi tak bro?
Title: Re: Looking for Cleveland HiBore XLS driver
Post by: JK on November 14, 2009, 12:40:46 AM
bro kat lelong ada nii..
tapi cleaveland hibore lahh..

kat sek 3 or 2 ( belakang McD ) ada satu kedai yg juai baru nya dlm rm480 ..
Title: Re: Looking for Cleveland HiBore XLS driver
Post by: pakngah on November 14, 2009, 12:42:10 AM
bro kat lelong ada nii..
tapi cleaveland hibore lahh..

kat sek 3 or 2 ( belakang McD ) ada satu kedai yg juai baru nya dlm rm480 ..

Kedai tu kat Kompleks MAIS, Seksyen 3, Shah Alam (yes, behind McD).
Title: Re: Looking for Cleveland HiBore XLS driver
Post by: JK on November 14, 2009, 12:44:54 AM
bro kat lelong ada nii..
tapi cleaveland hibore lahh..

kat sek 3 or 2 ( belakang McD ) ada satu kedai yg juai baru nya dlm rm480 ..

Kedai tu kat Kompleks MAIS, Seksyen 3, Shah Alam (yes, behind McD).
mesti pak ngah ada kena mengena dgn tokey kedai nii..
dia ada iklankan dlm golf buaya apa barang yg di juai..
Title: Re: Looking for Cleveland HiBore XLS driver
Post by: mrfeelgood on November 14, 2009, 12:56:27 AM

tapi cleaveland hibore lahh..

bukan Hi-Bore XLS?
Title: Re: Looking for Cleveland HiBore XLS driver
Post by: pakngah on November 14, 2009, 12:59:04 AM

Kedai tu kat Kompleks MAIS, Seksyen 3, Shah Alam (yes, behind McD).
mesti pak ngah ada kena mengena dgn tokey kedai nii..
dia ada iklankan dlm golf buaya apa barang yg di juai..

heh heh heh...tak bulih cerita. dah ada bai'ah ("bahawa kalau aku cerita kat orang, handicap aku akan turun dan turun")
Title: Re: Looking for Cleveland HiBore XLS driver
Post by: JK on November 14, 2009, 01:05:56 AM

tapi cleaveland hibore lahh..

bukan Hi-Bore XLS?
yup xls
Title: Re: Looking for Cleveland HiBore XLS driver
Post by: mrfeelgood on November 14, 2009, 01:09:53 AM

tapi cleaveland hibore lahh..

bukan Hi-Bore XLS?
yup xls

K bro ... thanks!!!
Title: Re: Looking for Cleveland HiBore XLS driver
Post by: KTN Golfer on January 04, 2010, 11:07:34 AM
Hello ..... Cleveland Hibore XLS dah dapat belum ???  I ada stock for Cleveland Hibore XLS 9.5 Stiff / Cleveland Hobore XLS tour 9.5 stiff ...lain . Harga below RM 450 ... Let me know if you intrested .
Please Email to me at :-  muniaking@yahoo.com
Title: Re: Looking for Cleveland HiBore XLS driver
Post by: Budak Baik on January 09, 2010, 04:27:55 PM
beginner, dont for get my monster XLS ar... I want it in front of my doors on Tuesday...
Title: Re: Looking for Cleveland HiBore XLS driver
Post by: eram_marine on January 09, 2010, 07:08:47 PM
beginner, dont for get my monster XLS ar... I want it in front of my doors on Tuesday...

Macam tak sabar nak masuk blue sky ngn bukit tinggi jek......hhhhuuu hhhuuu  hhhuuu
Title: Re: Looking for Cleveland HiBore XLS driver
Post by: Budakboy on January 09, 2010, 07:09:33 PM
 ;D ;D ;)
Title: Re: Looking for Cleveland HiBore XLS driver
Post by: Budak Baik on January 10, 2010, 12:20:28 AM
mana boleh masuk itu blue.sky. bukit tinggi pun terpaksa kansel tak dapat off plak  :'( :'( :'(

sajer jer pilih better gear, sebab driver sekarang ni mengarut, baik tee off pakai 3wood...
Title: Re: Looking for Cleveland HiBore XLS driver
Post by: mrfeelgood on January 10, 2010, 01:42:20 AM
... mana boleh masuk itu blue.sky....

Apsal xley pulak? Jom lah bro jointers, it'll be fun ... that I can assure you ...  ;)
Title: Re: Looking for Cleveland HiBore XLS driver
Post by: Budak Baik on January 11, 2010, 06:34:54 PM
i know it'll be fun... the thing is, my game is funny and i cant stand it...

nantilah difikirkan dulu... segan sebenarnya dgn kaki2 lain yang power ittew...

i'll let you know if im in...  ;D ;D ;D