THE PROSHOP => Want to Buy => Topic started by: Golfer 6251 on February 17, 2010, 10:36:34 PM
sesiapa yang nak jual F/Wood #3 Cleveland XLS/ Shaft tak kisah Reg/stiff, kalau boleh stif lah/ call or sms 0162912566 /// tq
closed this thread/// dah dapat/// malah nak jual balik kalau ada esiapa yang nak..// tq semua
Bro.. how much u selling the cleveland fairway wood? 3 or 5 wood? shaft?? condition? price?
Thanks bro.. wait for your reply.
DJ 8) 8) 8)
hai DJ/// Cleveland XLS if u still interested \ i offer RM320 still can nego /// cond 9/10 // shaft Regular// everithing Ori with cover///