THE PROSHOP => Golf Equipment => Topic started by: IrwanMonterez on November 04, 2008, 01:19:49 AM
Would you like to hit more golf ball with cheaper rate??
Come Over to Monterez Driving Range, we offer you RM10 For 150 BALLS..
Besides, we have our MONTHLY UNLIMITED BALLS that you guys can hit as much as you want daily..
SPECIAL PRICE will be given to all KAKIGOLF members..Just come to our driving range and give your password to us..(Password: KAKIGOLF MEMBER) Hope to see u there!
We open daily Monday 2pm -12am
Tuesday - friday 9am - 12am
Weekends and Public holidays 8am - 10pm
Wahh!!! Cool!!!
SPECIAL PRICE will be given to all KAKIGOLF members..Just come to our driving range and give your password to us..(Password: KAKIGOLF MEMBER) Hope to see u there!
Password or our User Names??? ...
Password where can give bro??? Wait, you log-into kakigolf and use our user names... ;) ;) ;)
I think what you meant is "User Name" lah!!!
yeah!!! i think shud b username/nickname rather than password ... btw, wat wud be the rate 4 kakigolf members??? kinda interested ...
the "unlimited balls" package sounds good ... if the price is rite .. how much? ;D
Guys..wat i meant was juz tell the workers that u r kaki golf member and u'll get discount..
Voucher 1800balls - normal rate RM100 for kaki golf members - RM80
Monthly Unlimited balls NOrmal rate RM180 For kaki golf members RM150
Guys..wat i meant was juz tell the workers that u r kaki golf member and u'll get discount..
Voucher 1800balls - normal rate RM100 for kaki golf members - RM80
Monthly Unlimited balls NOrmal rate RM180 For kaki golf members RM150
wah!!! el cheapo!!! good rates lah .. thumbs up 4 u irwan!!! now everyone can golf (pinjam airasia punya slogan) ;D
Guys..wat i meant was juz tell the workers that u r kaki golf member and u'll get discount..
Voucher 1800balls - normal rate RM100 for kaki golf members - RM80
Monthly Unlimited balls NOrmal rate RM180 For kaki golf members RM150
Hmmm!!! very attractive, i might drop by your range one of these days.
Btw Irwan, i think you posted this topic on the wrong thread. IMHO, the "marketPlace" would be a much more approprite thread
Wahhhh soo cheappp aaaa, can i promote it to all of Golf Buddy...? If not then i can ask them to be the KakiGolf Member hehe...can aaa?
Nice Irwan
Wahhhh soo cheappp aaaa, can i promote it to all of Golf Buddy...? If not then i can ask them to be the KakiGolf Member hehe...can aaa?
Nice Irwan
ask them 2 join kakigolf ... meriahkan skit forum ni-lah!!! ;)
yes2 no problem...OTW (On The Way) hehehe :-*
yes2 no problem...OTW (On The Way) hehehe :-*
went 2 ur website .. saw ur magnetic bracelet dat u r selling for RM65.... gua ada minat lah!!! camno nak order?
Em, saya kena order dulu. Stock kat sya baru abis. Give me one week ok? Dulu saya order direct to customer, harga mahal sikit sebab rugi pada shipping, so sekarang dapat turun harga coz saya order in bundle. Dulu just test the market. Tapi bila ramai yang berminat, so now can turun harga to RM 65 only. Bila ada stock saya info k. Or you want direct from US also no problem. Just let me know. See ya. Sent me your address k. Thanks and happy golfing.
Sorry guys...Transview just inform me bout this...
Date has been changed to 13th November on THURSDAY not 16th november..
Sorry aa..
C u guys there!!
RM150 monthly fpr unlimited number of golf balls ... sounds good!!! unfortunately i'm not staying anywhere near monterez but it'll be great for those members staying around shah alam, bkt jelutong, kelana jaya sbg jaya, kota dsara etc ... well done, irwan
Where do u live?
Kuantan, my Home Club was KRTU Kuantan. Pernah main kat sini?
Kuantan, my Home Club was KRTU Kuantan. Pernah main kat sini?
kuantan? awat jauh beno?
Keje sini, TUDM Kuantan. Best la offer you punya driving range. Well done. Nanti senang2 saya bawak askar pg sana hehe. Boleh?
Silakan bawak la askar2 tu semua datang sini...mesti meriah..saya belom pernah lagi main golf kat kuantan..nnt 1 day akan try..
Askar2 serang!!! hehe...yela saya pun tak pernah main kat Monterez lagi. Selalu pg KRTU Subang jer. Em datang la sini, tapi sini Club kecik jer. Bukan macam monterez hehe...datang kontak2 la. mana tau free time boleh tee off skali. 8)
Guys..wat i meant was juz tell the workers that u r kaki golf member and u'll get discount..
Voucher 1800balls - normal rate RM100 for kaki golf members - RM80
Monthly Unlimited balls NOrmal rate RM180 For kaki golf members RM150
good offer!!!
memang good offer. Before i gone back to my kampung that day, from Kuantan to Kedah, i singgah jap at monterez, kasi longgar sikit otot2 kat driving range sana. Peh pekena RM10 = 150 biji. Terus kejang kaki tangan hehe...terus night stop kat subang hehe...continue jurney tomoro nyer hehe...memang berbaloi... O0
Bro Irwan,menariknya offer awak.Saya selalu juga turun main kat Monterez tu tp tak pernah pegi d/range pasai tak kenai org,sekarang dah join kaki golf ni blehlah turun.Adalah mbr.
Bro Irwan,menariknya offer awak.Saya selalu juga turun main kat Monterez tu tp tak pernah pegi d/range pasai tak kenai org,sekarang dah join kaki golf ni blehlah turun.Adalah mbr.
Bro Irwan kita skrg tgh bz ngn dia nyer Junior Golf Academy.... Skrg ni dia ada bawak masuk certified Austalian Instructors utk mengajar juniors plus teaching equipments and teaching aids skali .... Perghhh!!! Dah canggih dah skrg ni ...
Kalau hang ada juniors, pi anta sana ... ;)
.... i singgah jap at monterez, kasi longgar sikit otot2 kat driving range sana. Peh pekena RM10 = 150 biji. Terus kejang kaki tangan hehe...
murah tu!!!
Rm150 for unlimited balls???? Sounds really good!
Will drop by today! :)
Rm150 for unlimited balls???? Sounds really good!
Will drop by today! :)
Kool!!!! If you're there ask for Irwan, he's the driving range operator and he's also certified golf instructor ... Have a swinging time at the range May!!!!! ;D
alamak, just saw your message today about asking for Irwan.
Yday i asked one of the staffs at the range while we are buying balls, if there is any special discount for kakigolf member. He didnt seem to know anything.
ok.. next time will ask for Irwan.
However, I feel the range is a bit.. erm... kotor la.. ahahah... ciggie butts everywhere... smells like ciggie too... and the wooden box..muahahaha....
plus drinks are expensive.. rm3.20 for a can of 100plus.
but i like the sound of hitting on the carpets there though.. hahahahahahah...
Dont hit on carpet, real thing is grass and earth and sand. No same lorrr.
Pak Akhir