
THE CLUBHOUSE => Golf Courses => Topic started by: FiVe on January 21, 2010, 09:39:23 AM

Title: IMPIAN GOLF & COUNTRY CLUB.....how about this golf club....???
Post by: FiVe on January 21, 2010, 09:39:23 AM
dear all the geng...

can u all tell me about this golf club?how the condition?club house to fairway,green n etc dia...ok ker x ok course ni??...need info frm u all yg penah main kt sini...
Title: Re: IMPIAN GOLF & COUNTRY CLUB.....how about this golf club....???
Post by: pakudin on January 21, 2010, 03:59:26 PM
I like this course, the layout and especially green macam championship course.

tapi malam tak ada program.
Title: Re: IMPIAN GOLF & COUNTRY CLUB.....how about this golf club....???
Post by: HiRo HisYaMuRA on January 21, 2010, 04:04:30 PM
I like this course, the layout and especially green macam championship course.

tapi malam tak ada program.

Kalabu Malami punya Pak Kudin.....kenapa??? Dah tak boleh tidok malam ke sebab geng kaki golf banyak tak bayar fee lagi untuk tournement..... ;D
Title: Re: IMPIAN GOLF & COUNTRY CLUB.....how about this golf club....???
Post by: Ateh on January 21, 2010, 10:13:32 PM
Wooowww, Impiana Golf & Country Club saya suka course ni best jugak tapi mahal skit jer.


5zal@teenspirit u buka ler nanti ramai kaki yg nak join?.
Title: Re: IMPIAN GOLF & COUNTRY CLUB.....how about this golf club....???
Post by: FiVe on January 22, 2010, 08:50:50 AM
I like this course, the layout and especially green macam championship course.

tapi malam tak ada program.

ni ape kena lak pakudin nii...ate mlm jerr x dok programmm...

atehh..tu la rs cm mn g main kt sn dlm next week or next 2 week...
bule la nnt sy bukak kt thread nnt...
Title: Re: IMPIAN GOLF & COUNTRY CLUB.....how about this golf club....???
Post by: dzularmor on January 22, 2010, 12:26:11 PM
I play quite regular at this course coz my house is 5km away and AGS listed course. My 2 cents opinion:

Fairway - Bermuda
Green - Bermuda, green speed 8.5 to 11, undulated.
Competition course
Advantage to long hitters.
Requirement smart play with good course management.
After heavy rain, water dissappears from fairways within 30 minutes.
Beautiful and friendly receptionists (tak macam Kinrara)
Foods are cheap and sedap, service is 4.5 stars.

Cukup la tu kot, dapat la msg yg dzul nak sampaikan tu kan.

I'm sure you'll return after your first time playing here.

Happy golfing
Title: Re: IMPIAN GOLF & COUNTRY CLUB.....how about this golf club....???
Post by: FiVe on January 25, 2010, 01:45:49 PM
I play quite regular at this course coz my house is 5km away and AGS listed course. My 2 cents opinion:

Fairway - Bermuda
Green - Bermuda, green speed 8.5 to 11, undulated.
Competition course
Advantage to long hitters.
Requirement smart play with good course management.
After heavy rain, water dissappears from fairways within 30 minutes.
Beautiful and friendly receptionists (tak macam Kinrara)
Foods are cheap and sedap, service is 4.5 stars.

Cukup la tu kot, dapat la msg yg dzul nak sampaikan tu kan.

I'm sure you'll return after your first time playing here.

Happy golfing
bro dzul...thnk u very much....kl cm ni ape kate bro dzul tnjuk ajar kt sy pd ari ahad ni...mau ka??sy mmg blm pnh try lg kt situ 2...ramai kate menarik tertarik kedebom kt impian niii...
Title: Re: IMPIAN GOLF & COUNTRY CLUB.....how about this golf club....???
Post by: Ateh on January 25, 2010, 09:24:39 PM
Bro weekend mahal ler kat situ...., tapi puas hati lar. ::) ::) ::)
Title: Re: IMPIAN GOLF & COUNTRY CLUB.....how about this golf club....???
Post by: FiVe on January 26, 2010, 08:55:38 AM
hmm...kl cm 2 kite ejes weekdays....will info u soon wnat it is...
Title: Re: IMPIAN GOLF & COUNTRY CLUB.....how about this golf club....???
Post by: dzularmor on January 26, 2010, 08:56:28 AM
Yeap, mahal kecuali orang belanja main la kan. Ramai lagi pun

Anyway, weekend ini occupied bro, kalu gwe tak jadi gi Lumut Khamis, Jumaat selalu boleh t off mana2.

Weekdays T off 10-11am tentu takde orang, cross over 12.30 - 1 pm masa panas ketik2 tu baru best.

Title: Re: IMPIAN GOLF & COUNTRY CLUB.....how about this golf club....???
Post by: JK on January 26, 2010, 09:59:18 AM
bro , kalau weekdays berapa yee..
mungkin boleh turun 1hb feb nii..
Title: Re: IMPIAN GOLF & COUNTRY CLUB.....how about this golf club....???
Post by: rochie on January 26, 2010, 12:18:07 PM
bro , kalau weekdays berapa yee..
mungkin boleh turun 1hb feb nii..

ha...cantik tu 01/02/10......aku pun bleh join.....
Title: Re: IMPIAN GOLF & COUNTRY CLUB.....how about this golf club....???
Post by: JK on January 26, 2010, 12:30:29 PM
bro , kalau weekdays berapa yee..
mungkin boleh turun 1hb feb nii..

ha...cantik tu 01/02/10......aku pun bleh join.....
boleh menyebat duit aku lah tuu..heeeeeeeeeee..
kena cari org ni broo
Title: Re: IMPIAN GOLF & COUNTRY CLUB.....how about this golf club....???
Post by: JK on January 26, 2010, 12:40:50 PM
bro ,
ni weekday punya feess
rm105 + rm37 (twin sharing)+ tip rm20 : rm143.50
guest :
rm144 + kedii RM37( twin sharing) + tip rm20 : rm182pcs..

kalau cam nii..dah boleh layan BANGI or Kota permai nii.

sapa ada rate yg below rm100 , mai habaq lahh..

Title: Re: IMPIAN GOLF & COUNTRY CLUB.....how about this golf club....???
Post by: FiVe on January 26, 2010, 04:25:06 PM
uitttt.....sudah naik ka harga diaa....perrr...baik main kt danauuu...dh la jauhh nun di kajang...tp kl nk try ape salah nyerr...yg di bogor bule terbanggg....ni kan pulak brkeretaa...
Title: Re: IMPIAN GOLF & COUNTRY CLUB.....how about this golf club....???
Post by: dzularmor on January 26, 2010, 06:13:39 PM
Staffield Monday RM65/pax all in, other days rm90, excl caddie
Danau - RM84/pax all in, AGS/GLI RM255 per flight, excl caddie
Bangi - RM89/pax all in. (GLI/AGS RM77), excl caddie
Bukit jalil - am (mon-fri) RM85 visitor, RM80/pax guest, excl caddie
Bukit Unggul - Mon & Tue RM58/pax all in excl caddie
Kajang Hill - roughly RM500 per flight
Royal Selangor - open day to Govt servants is Wed pm (RM??)
Title: Re: IMPIAN GOLF & COUNTRY CLUB.....how about this golf club....???
Post by: rochie on January 27, 2010, 01:55:07 AM
boleh menyebat duit aku lah tuu..heeeeeeeeeee..
kena cari org ni broo

kalu SSG links takde discount, teruklah aku.....kat club nak bayar...kat naga 5 wood pun kena telan....
Title: Re: IMPIAN GOLF & COUNTRY CLUB.....how about this golf club....???
Post by: FiVe on January 27, 2010, 08:05:31 AM
tu yg 5 wood...yg s/w 52 deg blm lg brooo.... >:D >:D
Title: Re: IMPIAN GOLF & COUNTRY CLUB.....how about this golf club....???
Post by: JK on January 27, 2010, 12:22:53 PM
weiiiiiiiiii , cam menarik jee..
kita layan Bangi kott..heeeeeee
Title: Re: IMPIAN GOLF & COUNTRY CLUB.....how about this golf club....???
Post by: FiVe on January 29, 2010, 02:44:02 PM
aku seram la skit nk main ngan ko broo.....aku ayam x dok bulu weyyyy.... ;D ;D
Title: Re: IMPIAN GOLF & COUNTRY CLUB.....how about this golf club....???
Post by: JK on January 29, 2010, 02:51:33 PM
aku seram la skit nk main ngan ko broo.....aku ayam x dok bulu weyyyy.... ;D ;D

bro..aku dah naik pangkat :
dah kategori "ayam" ayammas..ayam penyet ..so dah paham2 je lahh
Title: Re: IMPIAN GOLF & COUNTRY CLUB.....how about this golf club....???
Post by: FiVe on February 01, 2010, 11:18:31 AM
ko dh bkn ayamm....buayaaa....

note: what happen 2 me...do u submit it....???