THE PROSHOP => Want To Sell => Topic started by: aidil on January 09, 2010, 01:14:38 PM
hello all. i'm posting here on behalf of my friend. he wants to sell his nilai spring membership. anyone interested, pm me, i'll pass u his number then u can call him directly. thank you..
tok laku nampoknyo...
bagitauler dulu berapa harga yang nak dijualnya...nanti leh pikir2...
harganye tu tak mahal.. rm1500 transfer fee, rm 500 security fee, yg selebihnye tu kene tanye tuan dia la.. tak la mahal sangat kot.. paling mahal pon, 3k-4k termasuk sume fees tu.. nanti la saya tanye dia, pastu saya post la esok lusa ke gitu la, insyaAllah