THE CLUBHOUSE => Trips, Events & Gatherings => Topic started by: mrfeelgood on May 12, 2008, 01:08:55 AM
Posting this on behalf of someone ...
You're invited to join a mini golf tournament at monterz golf club this monday, 12th may. Tee-off at 2:00p.m
RM40/= for Monterez golf club members & RM50/= for guests (non-members) and includes green fees.
Interested? Please call Azman Adam 012-6776453
I'd love to join but unfortunately I didn't open up my email in time.
Hope u guys are having fun at Monterez.
Hope to join u in the future (maybe another one next week??).
Perhaps it may not be a bad idea if the invitation can be done thru sms????
(sender kena charge kut..... ::) ;D
Opened my email a wee bit too late as well... Would have love to join you guys, maybe next time ...
And yes! invitations through email and sms would be a good idea too. ;) ;) ;)
Perhaps it may not be a bad idea if the invitation can be done thru sms????
(sender kena charge kut..... ::) ;D
sounds like a good idea ... maybe next time ...
Posting this on behalf of someone ...
RM40/= for Monterez golf club members & RM50/= for guests (non-members) and includes green fees.
RM50/= including green fees for a tournament is cheap ... let me know when they would organising the next one ...
Yes very cheap, i also want to join if any...thanks ;)
yeah!!! should post it here if there's a next one...
Monterez ok ker? Kadang2 when ada keje kat Subang selalu pass by Monterez. Ada jugak minat nak test drive. But no golf buddy there. Brapa agak2nyer fees dia yer? ???
Monterez ok ker? Kadang2 when ada keje kat Subang selalu pass by Monterez. Ada jugak minat nak test drive. But no golf buddy there. Brapa agak2nyer fees dia yer? ???
kalau you ada any card membership. green fees dia murah gak!! like me, i've got AGS so weekday rates for me is about RM55 ... Irwan Monterez runs the driving range, you can contact him if you ever plan to drop by... KRTU subang pun kat sebelah jer ...
Wah yer ker? em RM 55 for green fees only ker or termasuk buggy hehe...weekend?
kalau walk in the price will be rm75..ok lah tu xde lah mahal sgt..when u thinking of coming here let me know..we play..mr.feelgood pun join..then semua join
Ok gak, insyallah kalu masa mengi`jin`kan nanti saya singgah Monterez. Peh tak sabar nak tee off kat Monterez dah nie hheheeh
hang ni x abih2 ngan jin..dah kena sampok ka?? jgang cakap je nak turun monterez
Hehe...bukan takmau turun, but buat masa terdekat nie little bit busy...primary and secondary job berlunguk lagi kena settle hehe...kalaulah saya keje kat Kelab Golf hehe...kan best...Boleh main tiap hari ;D
kalau cam tu..apa kata hang tukar keja..kat kelab golf kan best..bekerja sambil suka ria hehe..
Ada soalan skit la bro..u keja dlm bidang ketenteraan ke?ke bwk jet pejuang? sorry tanye kalau x nak jwp x pe.. ;)
Hehe no problem with that question. Jet pejuang!. Em dulu ada gak cita2, but sampai separuh jalan, masa tengah trainning cadet (setahun setengah) i patah tangan main hoki...cannot fly anymore. Em takder rezki. Kadang2 jeles gak tgk member2 semua fly. Kita duduk bawah control dier je la hehe...but anyway im proud of all my friends that did make it. No problem, maybe nie takdir saya, kalu saya fly maybe saya takde masa main golf macam diorang, outstation manjang heheehe....kan hikmah tue.... ;D
Hehe no problem with that question. Jet pejuang!. Em dulu ada gak cita2, but sampai separuh jalan, masa tengah trainning cadet (setahun setengah) i patah tangan main hoki...cannot fly anymore. Em takder rezki. Kadang2 jeles gak tgk member2 semua fly. Kita duduk bawah control dier je la hehe...but anyway im proud of all my friends that did make it. No problem, maybe nie takdir saya, kalu saya fly maybe saya takde masa main golf macam diorang, outstation manjang heheehe....kan hikmah tue.... ;D
Irwan ada planning nak buat mini monthly tournament ... kata dia nak buat 29hb nie kat Monterez ... tgh tunggu dia confirm ..
On ke tak, 29 Dis ni?
Menarik gak nih.
On ke tak, 29 Dis ni?
Menarik gak nih.
tgh dok tunggu irwan confirm2 gak nie .... sonyap je, ni dah 28hb ... so tak jadi kot!!! but rasa pun short notis gak ... maybe we plan for another date... setakat from monterez & from this forum setakat nak carik kaki, no hal kot!!!
On ke tak, 29 Dis ni?
Menarik gak nih.
meet up with irwan just now at the driving range ,,, esok tak jadi ... public holiday! harap maklum!
hmmmm!!! nasib baik korunk habaq ... tak kalooo aku dah planning dah nak gi saner dah esok! :)
hmmmm!!! nasib baik korunk habaq ... tak kalooo aku dah planning dah nak gi saner dah esok! :)
hehehe!!! tulah pasal ... apa2 pun kalau jadi nak buat, kitaorg akan postkan kat forum ni!!! so rajin2 lah jengok2 kat sini!
Peh...nasib baik tak jadi, kalau tidak 'kempunan' i hehe....
kalau ada jgn lupa..ajaklah saya yee..
tadi baru balik main dari Monterez..puhhh makin cun fairway nya..
kalau nak main kat monterez..ramai pun ok jugak..
saya SSG link card holder(primier)..main weekend rm55 je..start 1st Jan 2009 dah naik harga utk buggy.
bro irwan ,
monterez ada jual term membership ke?
berapa setahun yee?
tadi baru balik main dari Monterez..puhhh makin cun fairway nya..
kalau nak main kat monterez..ramai pun ok jugak..
kalau nak main kat monterez tu x cukup kaki ... calling2 lah ... ;)
tak de hal bro..
dia main golf ni kena ramai kawan ..senang nak setup flight.
lagi ramai lagi syokk..
kalau ada jgn lupa..ajaklah saya yee..
tadi baru balik main dari Monterez..puhhh makin cun fairway nya..
kalau nak main kat monterez..ramai pun ok jugak..
saya SSG link card holder(primier)..main weekend rm55 je..start 1st Jan 2009 dah naik harga utk buggy.
bro irwan ,
monterez ada jual term membership ke?
berapa setahun yee?
Term membership x sure nnt i check..kalau full membership pay cash RM8000, intalment RM 12,000
Sorry geng lama x online agak bz lately
mnarik gak kalu monterez ade term membership...
bulan lepas ade org nk tolak monterez membership 5k including transfer fee...cantek, mnarek, tertarek ke offer tu?
bulan lepas ade org nk tolak monterez membership 5k including transfer fee...cantek, mnarek, tertarek ke offer tu?
brapa kali bayau? biasa lah melayu kalau belik brg ... hehehe!!!
dia nk cash bang..
member cakap, serendah golf resort ada rental basis membership....byr rm850 utk 2 thn....bulan2 rm88....kalu monterez ade cam ni, mmg mnarek.....
member cakap, serendah golf resort ada rental basis membership....byr rm850 utk 2 thn....bulan2 rm88....kalu monterez ade cam ni, mmg mnarek.....
aku rasa monterez pun ada ..dlm RM2,000 lebih skit setahun .. cuba ko tanya Irwan
I could be wrong, but my personal opinion is, term membership is not economical, especially for kakigolf. I'd prefer golf previlege cards. Just my humble 2 cents.
kalu 2k stahun cam tak berapa best la....err, monthly kene byr gak ke?
I could be wrong, but my personal opinion is, term membership is not economical, especially for kakigolf. I'd prefer golf previlege cards. Just my humble 2 cents.
Yerp!!! I have to agree, but I tend to go slightly further .. to me even long-term club memberships isn't very attractive unless you play everyday. If you're a once-a-week kinda golfer, then Golf Privilege Card memberships are better options. No monthly maintenance/membership fees to worry about.
I think the golf, as far as Malaysia is concern, began to reach out to the masses after the introduction of these Golf Card memberships, making it affordable for the public in general to start playing golf. Kudos to these companies ... I cannot begin to imagine what golfing would be without them... ;)
kalu 2k stahun cam tak berapa best la....err, monthly kene byr gak ke?
rasa2 nya tak yah ... tapi x sure kena confirm tang ni...
mnarik gak kalu monterez ade term membership...
bulan lepas ade org nk tolak monterez membership 5k including transfer fee...cantek, mnarek, tertarek ke offer tu?
ada lagi ke offer ni..
kalau betul 5k..eloklah.
bolehlah sambar..heeeeee
I could be wrong, but my personal opinion is, term membership is not economical, especially for kakigolf. I'd prefer golf previlege cards. Just my humble 2 cents.
Yerp!!! I have to agree, but I tend to go slightly further .. to me even long-term club memberships isn't very attractive unless you play everyday. If you're a once-a-week kinda golfer, then Golf Privilege Card memberships are better options. No monthly maintenance/membership fees to worry about.
I think the golf, as far as Malaysia is concern, began to reach out to the masses after the introduction of these Golf Card memberships, making it affordable for the public in general to start playing golf. Kudos to these companies ... I cannot begin to imagine what golfing would be without them... ;)
yup , i pun sokong..jugak bile ada diskaun card..sebab boleh main kat tempat lain dan x lah mahal sangat.
but for me lahh..
if you membership kelab yg jauh dari area rumah u..rugi jugak.
andai kata i dpt member monterez..eloklah gunakan sepenuhnya.
sebab i duduk kat shah alam..so ngan monterez x jauh sgt.
tiap2 ptg boleh layan 9 lubang..start 5.30ptg. fees pun rasanya x mahal sangat.
boleh jugak improve game.
boleh join monthly medal utk tau tahap anda di mana..