
THE PROSHOP => Golf Tips & Advice => Topic started by: dzularmor on December 23, 2009, 10:16:05 PM

Title: Tournament Tip from PRO
Post by: dzularmor on December 23, 2009, 10:16:05 PM
Just to share tips for tournament golf game (or when it involves quite a stake) that I read somewhere in a Golf Magazine some time ago. Some of the tips are used by Tiger himsel:

1.  Never compliment your opponent when he drives wonderfully or hit other good shots/putts. Just make donno. Compliment boost his moral and his moods. In turn he will keep on playing better throughout. He needs your support to beat you.
2.  Do not help him look for his potential lost ball - one, it is tiring you and two, this will save him penalty strokes.
3.  When he talks, pretend that you are not listening. (Tiger does this all the time). Just make donno also.
4.  Put your golf bag on the right side and be the cart passenger all the time except when necessary only. Driving golf cart affects your tempo, emotions and it tires you as well.
5.  Walk where possible as getting in and out of golf cart is also tiring and affects your tempo.
6.  Play opposite to your opponent's tempo. Speed up if he plays slowly and slow down if he is the fast type. (Tiger is good at this and he does this every time).
7.  "De-loft" his mood by saying something like "did you change your swing recently?, you shank/pull a lot". You will win the next hole or more coz he will keep on thinking about his swing. he he.
Well, those are a few that I can recall.  If any of us in this forum happens to bump into me in the same flight  in any corporate tournament, sorry if I have to apply some of the above.

Regards and cheers
Title: Re: Tournament Tip from PRO
Post by: Dio on December 23, 2009, 10:49:55 PM
Wah laaannn eeehhh....
Hope not to play with u cam ni la.... so bila boleh memukul skali  ;D
Title: Re: Tournament Tip from PRO
Post by: mrfeelgood on December 23, 2009, 11:11:16 PM
Hehehe!!! Good tips!!!  .....

Tapi kalau boley jgn lah apply benda ni semua kat kitaorg nya G2Gs or any events organised by us... Kat KakiGolf kitaorg ni semua kaki hepi2!!! Winning isn't everything ... & Its not all about winning ... Unless of course, one is competing in an actual PRO event-lah, tu different story kot!!!  ;)

Being a good golfer, I personally think entails more than just getting good scores and winning prizes (or bets for that matter) ... Good etiquette is one ... & good sportsmanship is another. For me, golf is about building good relationships, network building and camaraderie!!! But then again, this is my personal opinion ...  ;D
Title: Re: Tournament Tip from PRO
Post by: Dio on December 23, 2009, 11:21:21 PM
Hehehe!!! Good tips!!!  .....

Tapi kalau boley jgn lah apply benda ni semua kat kitaorg nya G2Gs or any events organised by us... Kat KakiGolf kitaorg ni semua kaki hepi2!!! Winning isn't everything ... & Its not all about winning ... Unless of course, one is competing in an actual PRO event-lah, tu different story kot!!!  ;)

Being a good golfer, I personally think entails more than just getting good scores and winning prizes (or bets for that matter) ... Good etiquette is one ... & good sportsmanship is another. For me, golf is about building good relationships, network building and camaraderie!!! But then again, this is my personal opinion ...  ;D

YES... setuju bebenor  :D
Title: Re: Tournament Tip from PRO
Post by: Daddyjoe on December 24, 2009, 12:10:01 AM
"2.  Do not help him look for his potential lost ball - one, it is tiring you and two, this will save him penalty strokes."

tak sampai hati kalau bola pak ngah hilang mcm kat danau tu.... ;D ;D
Title: Re: Tournament Tip from PRO
Post by: AccidentalGolfer on December 24, 2009, 04:51:55 PM

...If any of us in this forum happens to bump into me in the same flight  in any corporate tournament, sorry if I have to apply some of the above.

Nasib baik ada 'escape clause'.  :D

 +1 MFG.

Kat ofis dah lah lawan tender, buang harga lah, telan lagi diskaun lah etc.
The last thing I need on the course is another four hours of 'stare down' or 'dare'.
Mayb I'm just an ayam who has not felt true sense 'competitiveness'.
Though, thank you for being frank about it. That, is a gentleman    ;D
Title: Re: Tournament Tip from PRO
Post by: pakngah on December 25, 2009, 03:39:10 PM
"2.  Do not help him look for his potential lost ball - one, it is tiring you and two, this will save him penalty strokes."

tak sampai hati kalau bola pak ngah hilang mcm kat danau tu.... ;D ;D

 :D :D kalau takdak org tolong carikan, aku cari sendiri-sendiri, dari zohor sampai isya' la game baru habih (every hole dok cari bola; atas fairway pun cari lagi!!). game kau org la yg akan koyak, aku okay punya ;D ;D
Title: Re: Tournament Tip from PRO
Post by: pakngah on December 25, 2009, 03:46:14 PM
dzulamor saja ja tu, bagi tip yg style Tiger Woods punya. Style dia sendiri tak macam tu. org askar, sedangkan negeri dia sanggup jaga, nyawa sanggup gadai, takkan bola flightmate dia tak cari, buggy dia tak mau bawak.

lagipun, kalau dia betoi2 follow TW's style, dzulamour ni dah tak mau masuk forum lagi dah, dan dia pun akan keluaqkan statement kat website dia "saya berenti sekejap dari main golf ni sementara kecederaan yg saya alami dek kena sebat dgn 7-iron oleh isteri saya tu kembali sembuh dan parutnya hilang" :D :D
Title: Tournament Tip from PRO
Post by: af4ever on December 25, 2009, 04:10:20 PM
Thanks 4 the tips bro...

For me...golf is game that need full focus from ourselves...When playing we just look to yr friend or opponent, don't say anything...just smile...

2morow will be playing in Club medal tournament...hope can follow a few of the tips given...
Title: Re: Tournament Tip from PRO
Post by: ahman on December 25, 2009, 07:28:40 PM
Dengan Tips sedemikian, gua dah buat list nama yang gua kena ban dari main sama gua....

Cheers! ::) ::)
Title: Re: Tournament Tip from PRO
Post by: aziziepro on December 25, 2009, 07:52:44 PM
thanks to bro dzularmor for the sharing... btw for the t'ment PGA, EPGA, Asian tour, dan yg sewaktu dgnnyer mmg digalakkan sgt2 utk meniru gaya dan aksi tips dr TW tu... and 1 more things if u r really serious golfer n looking forward to play for the Pro t'ment pn mmg digalakkan meniru aksi2 tersebut.. but kalau kita setakat main t'ment yg ada kt m'sia ni contohnyer monthly medal,astro, pharmathon, charity ke, main dgn kngkwn ke i dun think so kita kene apply cara mcm tu... sbbnye nnti tkt kngkwn xnk main dgn kita lg, and bak kata boss saya Mr MFG tu ada benarnye (oppurtunity n good prospect for bisness purposes) and lg satu kita nk main tuk hepi2 disamping tuk mengeratkan lg silaturrahim.. dgn itu nescaya kngkwn lg akan suka main dgn kita lg...

    Tapi pendapat masing2 lah kan, terpulang pd individu itu sendiri nk menentukan corak permainannyer.. bg saya pula, kalau setakat main dgn kgkwn atau t'ment biasa2 ni saya lebih suka kepada friendly game, but different think bila saya main tuk t'ment yg besar2 contohnya Master t'ment ke atau state open..

Title: Re: Tournament Tip from PRO
Post by: JK on December 26, 2009, 12:59:03 AM
thanks to bro dzularmor for the sharing... btw for the t'ment PGA, EPGA, Asian tour, dan yg sewaktu dgnnyer mmg digalakkan sgt2 utk meniru gaya dan aksi tips dr TW tu... and 1 more things if u r really serious golfer n looking forward to play for the Pro t'ment pn mmg digalakkan meniru aksi2 tersebut.. but kalau kita setakat main t'ment yg ada kt m'sia ni contohnyer monthly medal,astro, pharmathon, charity ke, main dgn kngkwn ke i dun think so kita kene apply cara mcm tu... sbbnye nnti tkt kngkwn xnk main dgn kita lg, and bak kata boss saya Mr MFG tu ada benarnye (oppurtunity n good prospect for bisness purposes) and lg satu kita nk main tuk hepi2 disamping tuk mengeratkan lg silaturrahim.. dgn itu nescaya kngkwn lg akan suka main dgn kita lg...

    Tapi pendapat masing2 lah kan, terpulang pd individu itu sendiri nk menentukan corak permainannyer.. bg saya pula, kalau setakat main dgn kgkwn atau t'ment biasa2 ni saya lebih suka kepada friendly game, but different think bila saya main tuk t'ment yg besar2 contohnya Master t'ment ke atau state open..

so lu cam mana bro..bila main state open..muka masam je kee..
Title: Re: Tournament Tip from PRO
Post by: mrfeelgood on December 26, 2009, 03:11:21 AM
thanks to bro dzularmor for the sharing... btw for the t'ment PGA, EPGA, Asian tour, dan yg sewaktu dgnnyer mmg digalakkan sgt2 utk meniru gaya dan aksi tips dr TW tu... and 1 more things if u r really serious golfer n looking forward to play for the Pro t'ment pn mmg digalakkan meniru aksi2 tersebut.. but kalau kita setakat main t'ment yg ada kt m'sia ni contohnyer monthly medal,astro, pharmathon, charity ke, main dgn kngkwn ke i dun think so kita kene apply cara mcm tu... sbbnye nnti tkt kngkwn xnk main dgn kita lg, and bak kata boss saya Mr MFG tu ada benarnye (oppurtunity n good prospect for bisness purposes) and lg satu kita nk main tuk hepi2 disamping tuk mengeratkan lg silaturrahim.. dgn itu nescaya kngkwn lg akan suka main dgn kita lg...

    Tapi pendapat masing2 lah kan, terpulang pd individu itu sendiri nk menentukan corak permainannyer.. bg saya pula, kalau setakat main dgn kgkwn atau t'ment biasa2 ni saya lebih suka kepada friendly game, but different think bila saya main tuk t'ment yg besar2 contohnya Master t'ment ke atau state open..

so lu cam mana bro..bila main state open..muka masam je kee..

Kalau dia main dlm Masters atau State Open ... Bukan kita dpt main dok satu buggy ngn dia pun ...  ;D
Title: Re: Tournament Tip from PRO
Post by: aziziepro on December 26, 2009, 09:48:35 AM
insyallah.. Kalau ada rezeki 2010 ni nk try for big2 t'ment, doa dr kngkwn gak yg hamba harapkan... Betul x boss mfg?
Title: Re: Tournament Tip from PRO
Post by: mrfeelgood on December 26, 2009, 01:03:39 PM
insyallah.. Kalau ada rezeki 2010 ni nk try for big2 t'ment, doa dr kngkwn gak yg hamba harapkan... Betul x boss mfg?

Kejayaan tuan akan menjadi kebanggaan kami semua di sini!!!  ;)
Title: Re: Tournament Tip from PRO
Post by: JK on December 26, 2009, 02:34:34 PM
pro..kau perlukan caddie kee..
1.Pak Ngah2. Kerawit
3. Kamal@mfg

mana yg kau pilihh..........
Title: Re: Tournament Tip from PRO
Post by: pakngah on December 26, 2009, 03:29:22 PM
pro..kau perlukan caddie kee..
1.Pak Ngah2. Kerawit
3. Kamal@mfg

mana yg kau pilihh..........

kalau pakngah jadi caddy, setakat 9 lubang ja. tak tahan penat dan lelah. lagi satu, tak pandai baca putting line. setakat nak tolong beli minuman bulih laa.

MFG pulak, local courses dia tak bulih jadi caddy, sebab dia kurang familiar. kalau dekat area majapahit dia memang terer baca segala-galanya.

Kerawit pulak, golfer sure naik angin dengan dia. every time nak tee off, dia hulur 3-wood ja!
Title: Re: Tournament Tip from PRO
Post by: Budakboy on December 27, 2009, 01:19:47 AM
pro..kau perlukan caddie kee..
1.Pak Ngah2. Kerawit
3. Kamal@mfg

mana yg kau pilihh..........

kalau pakngah jadi caddy, setakat 9 lubang ja. tak tahan penat dan lelah. lagi satu, tak pandai baca putting line. setakat nak tolong beli minuman bulih laa.

MFG pulak, local courses dia tak bulih jadi caddy, sebab dia kurang familiar. kalau dekat area majapahit dia memang terer baca segala-galanya.

Kerawit pulak, golfer sure naik angin dengan dia. every time nak tee off, dia hulur 3-wood ja!

Hehe pangah2, tapi kalau saya, saya prefer pakngah to be my best-men, tengah torcher2 boleh terhibur dibuatnyer hehe...

Em thanks for the tips bos, but it can`t be apply to me hehe...golf is about GOLFF for me, GO Look For Friends  ;D
Title: Re: Tournament Tip from PRO
Post by: aziziepro on December 27, 2009, 03:41:12 PM
sape2 pn saya x kisah... yg ptg hepi je heheh
Title: Re: Tournament Tip from PRO
Post by: ahmadfs on March 03, 2010, 10:46:09 PM
Tip paling jahat menewaskan lawan terbongkar!!!! (Saya tak buat kerja ni...tapi ada orang yang ajar saya buat benda ni)
 Andaikata anda dah on green terlebih dahulu tapi putt utk par then lawan anda pulak on green then menanti utk putt for birdie, anda hendaklah cepat-cepat pergi ker green sebelum lawan anda tiba. Berjalan pergi ke pin dan angkat pin. Pastikan kaki anda memijak line kawan anda sambil menyeret tapak kasut sedikit shj. Then bila lawan anda nak putt jer mesti dia punya bola akan lari dari line yang sepatutnya. Harap tip ni manjadi panduan kepada mereka yang tak profesional nak main golf.
Title: Re: Tournament Tip from PRO
Post by: pakngah on March 03, 2010, 11:52:14 PM
Tip paling jahat menewaskan lawan terbongkar!!!! (Saya tak buat kerja ni...tapi ada orang yang ajar saya buat benda ni)
 Andaikata anda dah on green terlebih dahulu tapi putt utk par then lawan anda pulak on green then menanti utk putt for birdie, anda hendaklah cepat-cepat pergi ker green sebelum lawan anda tiba. Berjalan pergi ke pin dan angkat pin. Pastikan kaki anda memijak line kawan anda sambil menyeret tapak kasut sedikit shj. Then bila lawan anda nak putt jer mesti dia punya bola akan lari dari line yang sepatutnya. Harap tip ni manjadi panduan kepada mereka yang tak profesional nak main golf.
Mad oi, betoi2 jahat lagi zalim punya tip nih!! tak pernah dibuat org lah mcm tu...pakngah nak pesan, JANGAN sekali-kali buat benda tak beretika mcm tu. kalau lawan tu jenis panas baran, hang masuk hospital wo!
Title: Re: Tournament Tip from PRO
Post by: ATTABOY on March 21, 2010, 04:40:00 PM
Uhh! Teringat one pga tourney kes Phil Mickelson pakai kasut with spikes yg tinggalkan bekas atas green and flight belakang dia put up official complain. Ni mungkin tip seiras nak kalahkan opponents kot. Apa tips pun biarlah "beretiqa".
Title: Re: Tournament Tip from PRO
Post by: Budak Baik on March 21, 2010, 06:06:35 PM
yang ni member selalu buat kat saya...

"Rakoz, jaga2 sand trap kat depan tu! Kang masuk kang naya!"

"Lagi 150 meter ada water hazard, kena kasi lepas kalau tak parah!"

in both scenario, my ball will enter the bunker n water... n my friend still cant have his mouth shut even after i complained bout it...