THE CLUBHOUSE => Tour Talk & Golf News => Topic started by: syaiful COO on November 19, 2009, 09:58:06 AM
Jakarta predicted to sink in 2030
JAKARTA: Executive Director of the Indonesian Environmental Forum (Wahli) Ubaidillah has predicted that Jakarta will sink in 2030, if the city's government does not take anticipatory steps, Antara news aegncy reported yesterday.
Based on his observation, Ubaidillah said that the sinking of Jakarta is caused by Jakarta's open green spaces, which is reduced continously, and currently remained 9.6 percent of space from 661.52 square kilometres of space.
"The remainder has been transformed into building sites," Ubaidillah said adding that after all some of the land surface in Jakarta had subsided as a result of floods and water inundations, reported Antara.
He said that, in fact, some of Jakarta's land surface had always been lower than the sea surface. Therefore, he said, the government should take into account the construction of building structures which were not complemented with ecological balance studies.
"If all this is not handled properly, Jakarta will really sink," he said. - Bernama
Alamak....kena pi sana tiap2 bulan nih before lenyap....:P
Tuan Syaiful,
mamat tu takde cerita ke mana depa nak letak cewek2 indon bila dah tenggelam? Mungkin perlu pertolongan kita???? :P
Alamak....kena pi sana tiap2 bulan nih before lenyap....:P
Tuan Syaiful,
mamat tu takde cerita ke mana depa nak letak cewek2 indon bila dah tenggelam? Mungkin perlu pertolongan kita???? :P
Nanti hang pi jumpak Pak Ubaidillah tu masa hang pi Jakarta. Dkt je dgn Rancamaya :D
Jl. Tegal Parang Utara No. 14, Jakarta 12790 (tulis surat ::))
Telp. +62 21 7919 3363, Fax. +62 21 794 1673 (telefon & faks 8))
Email. info@walhi.or.id (email pun bole ;D)
www.walhi.or.id (website :-\)
ajak sekali As Sheikh Al Maliki Al Arawi tu ....
PekanBaru pun tengellam tak? klu tak hijrah ke PekanBaru je lah, bleh makan daging rusa ari-ari sambil layan golof @ Labersa GC. Make sure ada banglo sendiri, klu tak payah nak bawak naik gof set ke kamar >:D
2030 is after 2012 ... So doesn't matter!! ;D
..... hijrah ke PekanBaru je lah, bleh makan daging rusa ari-ari sambil layan golof @ Labersa GC. Make sure ada banglo sendiri, klu tak payah nak bawak naik gof set ke kamar >:D
betul betul betul
jgn pi yg sedehana
kita duduk kat MP la pas ni ... bole tengok org pegang tiang ... pas tu bawak ape set pun ok..... ;D >:D
Alamak....kena pi sana tiap2 bulan nih before lenyap....:P
Tiap2 bulan OK ke? Kia bikin trip 2 minggu skali lah cam Moya .... Agak2nya Moya dah tau kot pasal benda ni .. Pastu dia bikin projek sendiri ...
jakarta tenggelam 2030??? sulawesi pun tenggelam jugak ka?
kalau jakarta mendap 2030, that means last sekali dia masih timboi, 2029. 2029-2010=19 years. that means I'll be 63 then.
that means I won't be very fit to play golf anymore (fit, but not very fit). since I have never been golfing in jakarta or its surrounds, I should save some money from 2010 and keep golfing there as much as possible from 2010.
I should save some money from 2010 and keep golfing there as much as possible from 2010.
ai pak ngah, lain macam je bunyi tu .... nak melawat maahad tahfiz ye? atau SD (sekolah dasar @ sekolah rendah) atau SMP (sekolah menengah pertama) atau SMA (sekolah menengah atas) atau univesitas?
jakarta tenggelam 2030??? sulawesi pun tenggelam jugak ka?
kalau jakarta mendap 2030, that means last sekali dia masih timboi, 2029. 2029-2010=19 years. that means I'll be 63 then.
that means I won't be very fit to play golf anymore (fit, but not very fit). since I have never been golfing in jakarta or its surrounds, I should save some money from 2010 and keep golfing there as much as possible from 2010.
Masih muda lagi pak ngah rupanya...
Masih muda lagi pak ngah rupanya...
...banyak cara org nak mintak stroke rupanya ;D ;D nice try bro!
kalau jakarta mendap 2030, that means last sekali dia masih timboi, 2029. 2029-2010=19 years. that means I'll be 63 then.
Tersangatlah heran dihati. Dulu saya sekolah rendah Pak Ngah dah sekolah menengah tetapi tahun 2030 Pak Ngah jadi muda dari saya.
Pak Ngah masuk 'time tunnel' ka?
kalau jakarta mendap 2030, that means last sekali dia masih timboi, 2029. 2029-2010=19 years. that means I'll be 63 then.
Tersangatlah heran dihati. Dulu saya sekolah rendah Pak Ngah dah sekolah menengah tetapi tahun 2030 Pak Ngah jadi muda dari saya.
Pak Ngah masuk 'time tunnel' ka?
abgzek, bukan masuk time tunnel, tapi masuk tunnel yg berisi ubat awek muda :D :D :D
jakarta belum tenggelam, tapi pak ngah ni hati dah rasa tenggelam...ada kawan2 bergolop pagi tadi dah habih, yg start jam 2ptg tadi dah tengah enjoy a few pars, aku jugak kena duduk terperap kat ofis ni, jadi kuli jepun...aduiihhhh >:(
Bukan Jakarta je yg nak tenggelam. Beberapa tahun lepas aku pong ada baca dua tempat ni akan tenggelam:
1. Batu Caves
2. Singapore
Dalam berita/report tu ada mengatakan 2 tempat ni sinking @ rate beberapa milimeter setahun.
Dok cari maklumat ni kat internet, kot2 jumpa balik report tu.
Entahlah. Malaysia gak kot