THE PROSHOP => Want to Buy => Topic started by: mizunof on November 02, 2009, 12:27:35 PM
as-salam mizunof here, I'm looking for Titleist wedge vokey design 56 o 58 degree. danke
I have brand new 60 degree Callaway X Grind if you are interested. Still wrap with plastic.
waalaikumusalam syedfariz, thanks for the offer, saya dah ada 60deg.tq
salam bro..
rm300 untuk vokey spin milled 56/58 degree.new in plastics.
klau nak bagitau cepat2.
salam bro..
rm300 untuk vokey spin milled 56/58 degree.new in plastics.
klau nak bagitau cepat2.
Bro,rase nak beli aaa 58 tu.kalo mizunof tak jadi beli saye rasa mcm nak aaaa
i'll take the 56degrees... tapi bulan depan la....