HOW TO REGISTER FOR THE PRO-AM TOURNAMENT?Registration for this tournament is strictly through's forum.
This means that if you are reading this but have not registered yourself with and you intent to participate in the PRO-AM Tournament, then you would need to register first with first.
To register with, all you need to do is to simply click on the following link and follow the instructions given.
( Skip this step if you have already registered yourself as a KakiGolf member )
Click Here for Member RegistrationOnce you have completed your KakiGolf registration, please post your entry registration for the Blue.Sky Pro-AM Tournament in this thread:
The following details are required:
1. Your full name.
2. Your KakiGolf forum�s nickname (If you are using a nickname)
3. Your Handicap
4. Your email address
5. Your contact number, preferably your mobile phone number.
6. Your T-Shirt size
Please post the details required in the following manner:
Full Name/Nick Name/Handicap/e-mail address/HP number/Tee Shirt Size
For example:
If your full name is Ahmad Jamal, your forum's nickname is MFG, your handicap is 24, your email is, your contact number is 016-1234567 and you're wearing a XL sized T-shirt, please type your details as follows:
Ahmad Jamal/MFG/24/ XLHOW MUCH IS THE ENTRY FEES?Entry fee per person is RM185.00 (
Ringgit Malaysia: ONE HUNDRED EIGHTY FIVE ONLY) and includes:
� Green Fees
� Buggy
� Insurance
� Goodies
� Dinner
Challenge Trophy, medals and prizes for tournament winners and Lucky Draw prizes for participants.
HOW DO I MAKE PAYMENT?Two (2) methods for you to make payment:
HERE! for instructions.
PAYING BY BANKING-IN OF CHEQUE/CASHShould you choose to pay by way of banking-in of payment, please make payment to:
ALTERNATE EVENT ( CURRENT ACCOUNT NO: 078-202-2000-704 )Once done, kindly fax a copy of the Bank-In Slip to:
603-7846 3795Please remember to write the following:
1. Attn: Puan Nora
2. Subject: Blue.Sky Pro-AM Golf Challenge
3. From: Your full name, your forum nick name and your hp no.
WHEN IS THE CLOSING DATE?31st. October, 2009