Author Topic: Anti-Malaysia activists launch raid on Malaysians  (Read 3774 times)

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Anti-Malaysia activists launch raid on Malaysians
« on: September 10, 2009, 01:59:35 AM »
Anti-Malaysia activists launch raid on Malaysians

Dozens of NGO activists dubbing themselves Relawan Ganyang Malaysia (Anti-Malaysia Activists) Tuesday conducted a raid on a street in Central Jakarta in a hunt for Malaysian nationals until the police halted their activities.

Starting from 10 a.m., about 40 activists, sporting red-and-white attire and paraphernalia, stopped pedestrians, motorcyclists and cars in front of their office on Jl. Diponegoro in the plush area of Menteng.

They asked them to show their ID cards or passports to prove they were not Malaysian citizens.

No Malaysian citizens were caught in the raid.

However, two Malaysian sedans passing the road were almost seized by the activists.

"We released them because they promised to join our cause," one of the activists who is also a member of the People's Democracy Fortress *Bendera*, Nando Sidabutar, told The Jakarta Post.

Another volunteer, Aji Kusuma, said the raids were aimed to show they were infuriated at the government's slow response to confront Malaysia.

"Our dignity and pride have been weakened, but the government seems to ignore it," the secretary general of Volunteers of Democracy in Struggle *Repdem* told the Post.

"We need a decisive government and we haven't see that during President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono's tenure," he added.

The raid brought the traffic around Cikini and Menteng to a halt for several hours despite the police redirecting vehicles to alternative roads.

Aji said they might continue the rally for couple of days.

"We will evaluate our action today before we plan the next rally. It could be at the Malaysian Embassy.

"Indeed, we didn't get any Malaysians today. But I think our action has sent a clear signal to the government. If they keep ignoring our demands; just wait for our next action," he said.

At 1 p.m., the police stopped the rally.

"They did not report it. They were not given permission to conduct the rally," chief of operations at the Central Jakarta Police Adj. Sr. Comr. Aries Syahbudin told the Post.

Aries did not explain why police took so long to disperse the rally despite the fact the group had not received prior permission.

The harsh reaction against Malaysia was triggered by last month's Discovery Channel's TV advertorial program Enigmatic Malaysia that featured Balinese Pendet dance as a Malaysian art form.

Both the Discovery Channel and the Malaysian Tourism Ministry have apologized over the polemics.

Earlier this month, Jakarta's chapter of the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) showed that Malaysians topped the list of tourists visiting the capital in July, the month when the twin bombings rocked the JW Marriott and Ritz Carlton hotels in South Jakarta. (bbs)

The Jakarta Post,  Jakarta. Wed, 09/09/2009

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Re: Anti-Malaysia activists launch raid on Malaysians
« Reply #1 on: September 10, 2009, 04:12:31 PM »
kensel la bro ga jadik atuh mw mudik
cape deh...
 ::) ;D

Offline moya

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Re: Anti-Malaysia activists launch raid on Malaysians
« Reply #2 on: September 10, 2009, 04:34:39 PM »
Jakarta - Komunitas penyandang cacat Jakarta yang tergabung dalam Benteng Demokrasi Rakyat (Bendera) mendeklarasikan gerakan 'Ganyang Malaysia.' Mereka menyatakan sikap berkonfrontasi dengan negeri jiran yang dianggap melecehkan kehormatan Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia.

Belasan penyandang cacat itu menggelar aksi di Kantor PDIP lama di Jl Diponegoro, Jakarta Pusat, Minggu (30/8/2009) mulai pukul 11.45 WIB. Dalam aksinya, massa yang mengenakan ikat kepala merah dan membawa bambu runcing dengan bendera merah putih itu membakar bendera Malaysia dan menusuk-nusuk bendera kertas bergambar Presiden SBY. Mereka menganggap SBY tidak berani mengambil tindakan tegas terhadap Malaysia.

"Kita ingin mengingatkan pemerintah agar jangan takut dan harus tegas terhadap persoalan budaya dan penghinaan terhadap lagu Indonesia Raya," ujar koordinator aksi, Mustar Bonaventura yang bukan penyandang cacat.

Para penyandang tuna wicara itu memberi waktu 3x24 jam kepada SBY untuk segera mengambil tindakan sebagai berikut. Pertama, mengusir Dubes Malaysia dari Indonesia. Kedua, menarik Dubes Indonesia di Malaysia. Ketiga, menarik pulang seluruh warga negara Indonesia di Malaysia.

Keempat, memulangkan seluruh warga negara Malaysia di Indonesia. Dan kelima segera menyiapkan pertahanan rakyat semesta untuk menghadapi kondisi darurat. "Dalam 3x24 jam pemerintah harus menyatakan perang dengan pemerintah Malaysia. Siapkan semua senjata yang ada, arahkan ke Malaysia, " kata Mustar dengan berapi-api.

Rencananya para demonstran ini besok akan membuka pendaftaran untuk relawan siap perang melawan Malaysia. Mereka juga akan melakukan sweeping KTP untuk mengusir setiap warga negara Malaysia di jalan-jalan umum.

"Besok kita akan sweeping KTP untuk mengusir warga negara Malaysia di mana saja. Kita mulai dari tempat-tempat umum seperti angkutan umum. Kita yang cacat saja berani kok, apalagi yang nggak cacat," ucapnya. (sho/nrl)

,,,sometimes people forget,,,
,,,need to be reminded by the skala R...
there is always a force greater than the ''ganyang''

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Re: Anti-Malaysia activists launch raid on Malaysians
« Reply #3 on: September 11, 2009, 12:39:00 AM »
cakap banyak pun tak guna, no use talking too much about it, but it's sad, so very sad. imagine, several thousand people, may be even 100,000 people, out of 200 millions, can sour a relationship of the ages.

may reason and good sense prevail.
bola tak masuk fairway? hilang? try cari kat sini:

Offline mrfeelgood

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Re: Anti-Malaysia activists launch raid on Malaysians
« Reply #4 on: September 11, 2009, 11:48:32 AM »

... but it's sad, so very sad. imagine, several thousand people, may be even 100,000 people, out of 200 millions, can sour a relationship of the ages.

may reason and good sense prevail.

I personally think this was politically motivated aimed at disrupting SBY's administration and creating unrest in Indonesia ...

Just look at the demands insisted ...


Pertama, mengusir Dubes Malaysia dari Indonesia.
Kedua, menarik Dubes Indonesia di Malaysia.
Ketiga, menarik pulang seluruh warga negara Indonesia di Malaysia.
Keempat, memulangkan seluruh warga negara Malaysia di Indonesia.
Dan kelima segera menyiapkan pertahanan rakyat semesta untuk menghadapi kondisi darurat.

... "Dalam 3x24 jam pemerintah harus menyatakan perang dengan pemerintah Malaysia. Siapkan semua senjata yang ada, arahkan ke Malaysia " ...


Which I can bet they already know that no-way the Indonesian govt will meet to these ridiculous demands. A sane person can do an educated assumption that these demands will be more damaging to Indonesia.

And whoever planned for this would already know how the Indonesia govt would response (or in this case .. no response at all!!!) ... So they will do this again with the excuse that the govt didn't response .... And they will seize whatever opportunity to do it again & again .. with the hope that the demonstration will get the necessary attention to help fuel it to get bigger & bigger ... After all, rallying people behind a common sentiment always seems to work, regardless how ridiculous it may be  ...  ;)

Helped by the media & left unchecked ... It may worsened & get bigger!!!

So if its politically motivated then good sense may not even prevail!!!

What is important I would think would be ... How SBY's administration is going to handle and response to this ....
« Last Edit: September 11, 2009, 12:24:27 PM by mrfeelgood »

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Re: Anti-Malaysia activists launch raid on Malaysians
« Reply #5 on: September 11, 2009, 07:00:04 PM »
Just goes to show the shallow mindedness of these attention starved "activists".
What rational minded individual would even think that those demands are viable?  Last I checked we were in the 21st century where there is some form of tolerance and cross border harmony.......

Can anyone say education?

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Re: Anti-Malaysia activists launch raid on Malaysians
« Reply #6 on: September 15, 2009, 08:46:40 PM »
may be ramai sangat takdak kerja kot, so dari duduk-duduk nothing to do, why not go to the streets and bikin riuh-rendah, at least boleh release a bit those pent-up energies and frustrations. the organizers perhaps are being funded or prodded by some parties with nasty intentions and sinister objectives to create a wedge between the two peoples/countries.

takpa lah, after a while, everything will be back to normal.
bola tak masuk fairway? hilang? try cari kat sini:

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Re: Anti-Malaysia activists launch raid on Malaysians
« Reply #7 on: September 16, 2009, 02:51:44 AM »

....... some parties with nasty intentions and sinister objectives to create a wedge between the two peoples/countries.

Ada udang di sebalik mee ni ....  ;)

Offline moya

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Re: Anti-Malaysia activists launch raid on Malaysians
« Reply #8 on: September 16, 2009, 12:25:24 PM »

....... some parties with nasty intentions and sinister objectives to create a wedge between the two peoples/countries.

ada daging woof woof sebalik bakso kot
who lets the dogs out woof woof
mana pegi woof woof kat monterez zoey tanyer...

Ada udang di sebalik mee ni ....  ;)

....... some parties with nasty intentions and sinister objectives to create a wedge between the two peoples/countries.

Ada udang di sebalik mee ni ....  ;)