Kalau ada duit cari blackberry. E71 memang boleh on web 24/7 tapi 1 window je. kalau u nak gi web lain, yg tadi kena log off. tapi blackberry you boleh on 2/3 serentak siap ada sound notification lagi kalau new msg masuk. Antara Storm & Bold sama je cuma storm 100% touch screen, bold ada stylus... apa pun ia nya hanya sebuah PDA / smartphone... satu kurang... tak boleh sending fax dan receive fax, Nokia Comunicator ...boleh... lain suma sama... Finally... beli blackberry lah GEREK SIOT!!!!
Haaaa!!! Akhir nya .... thanks bro!!! .. but I still need to ask a few more question ...

Actually I'm not a hand phone junkie .... And my hand phones are usually "hand-me-downs" from my own kids .... hehehe!!! Yap!!! You heard right .... I would inherit my kids' hand phones each time they get new ones ... And I usually don't mind the type of hand phones that I'm using so long as I'm able to make calls, send SMSes and snap photos occasionally ....
But since my new-found love interest, i.e golfing, keeps me away from my lap top and the kind of "work" that I'm doing needs me to be connected online.... an internet ready hand phone with computer-like capabilities would come in handy...

Been hearing a lot about this Blackberry .... Anyway!!! Howbout the Blackberry Curve series ... How is it different from the Storm and Bold series? Also ... the Curve 8320 series, what its functionality? ... Can actually send & receive emails or are they "push-type" emails?
Sorry-lah bro .. kalau byk soal ... hehehe!!! Mmg betul2 taktau apabenda pasal Blackberry ni

I tgk harga online for a used Blackberry Curve 8320 menarik gak .... tu yg dok tanya niee!!!