Salam kakigolfers, disini saya nak jual set Team Daiwa garphite, set ni rare, and best, cuma ayah saya nak G20, saya dah beli, now nak jual sebab nak cover duit beli G20

Brand: Daiwa
Make: Team Daiwa
Shaft: Graphite
Grip: Original Team Daiwa
Condition: 7/10
Harga: RM650
Ajim 0132944835
Sapa beli untung, sebab Daiwa buat club yang bagus bagus, this one is muscle cavity, nak fade and draw senang, cuma tak gunalah ada 3 irons set kat rumah (ada R11, Team Daiwa dan saya punya Ap2).
Senior & Beginner golfers sangat sesuai, although senior golfers would understand and appreciate the brand better.
Cleveland 588 Wedge
Brand: Cleveland
Loft: 60
Shaft: True Temper
Grip: Original Cleveland
Harga: RM150
Condition: 7/10
Cleveland ni saya nak jual sebab berat sgt, saya beli MP-T4 and the rest is history, nothing beats the MP-T4.