Want to sell:
Club: iron set 3,4,5,6,7,8,9 n PW
Model: mizuno mp30
Shaft: 3 iron - nspro 950
4-pw- true temper gold series GS95 high launch
Grip: golf pride tour velvet
Condition head: 7/10
Condition shaft: 9/10
Bag: stand bag mizuno aerolite
Price: rm900
Club: rescue 4
Model: taylormade dual TP version
Shaft : diamana rayon stiff
Loft: 22 degree
Grip: taylormade golf pride tour velvet
Condition: 8/10
Price: 190
Self collect at sg buloh@puncak alam
Sms @ email if want to view the item
0192669559 @ rashid_mohddin@yahoo.com