Or better still .... jangan pakai Driver ....

Nowadays I rarely use my Driver off the tee, and most of you guys would have noticed this I guess. And the reason being, like most high handicappers ( & me being one ) .. my ball kembang giler!!!
Anyway! Today @Monterez I tried something else .... @Hole #8, I used an 8-iron off the tee..
The ball landed nicely before the "longkang". I then used a 5-wood and guess what? My second shot landed on the greens (OK-lah, not exactly "on" ... tepi skit kat apron .. kira "on" kampung lah

) ..... This has never happened to me before... slalu nyer 3 atau 4 baru "on", kekadang 5 hehehe!!!!
But the thing is.. my other 3 flight mates yg pakai Driver... 1 masuk air,1 lagi tak lepas entah ke mana2 bola pegi, and yg satu lagi entah masuk kat rough mana entah ...
The fact is, for most high handicap golfers (In fact almost all-lah .. me included!), for every 100 yards, their ball would usually deviate 10 yards from the target...
Again @Hole #18 (OB on the right) .... I used a 4-iron and the ball was safe... I then use my 5-wood for my 2nd shot .... The 3 others yg pakai Driver, only seorg je selamat ....
Maybe I was just lucky today ... Dunno! But I find that I don't lose that many balls and I don't have to search for lost balls that often now that my "Driver is On Leave" ...

Just to qualify ... If you've no problems with your Driver then by all means ... go ahead and Drive off the tee ..

But me and my driver, we're having some "driving" issues!!!